Promoting healthy weight in early years
The Healthy Weight in Early Years (HealthyWEY) e-learning toolkit provides a universal and collaborative approach to promote a healthy weight in the early years.
It aims to do this through:
- upskilling practitioners to support healthy weight-related behaviours in infancy and early childhood (pre-conception to 5 years);
- improving practitioner confidence in talking about nutrition, physical activity and weight with parents/carers.
The toolkit is designed for frontline practitioners working in antenatal and postnatal care, health services, and early years settings. It was initially co-developed through a PhD research project funded by Liverpool John Moores University and Blackburn with Darwen Council (2015-2020), and further updated through a grant from the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (2021).
If you are a Service Lead or Child Weight Champion, please see our guidance on implementing HealthyWEY in your locality.