Dr Andre Keil
Humanities and Social Science
Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies
Email: A.Keil@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 904 6092
I am a historian of modern Europe with a particular interest in German, French and British history between 1850 and 1950. I received my PhD from Northumbria University in 2015, where I worked on a comparative study of emergency laws in Britain and Germany during the First World War. Between 2014 and 2016, I was a Lecturer in Modern History at Durham University before joining the University of Sunderland in September 2016. Since February 2019, I am a Senior Lecturer in Modern History at LJMU.
I have published on a wide range of topics relating to British and German history, including the history of trade unionism in Britain, the origins of civil liberties activism, media and history, and memory cultures of the First World War. I am currently preparing the publication of my first monograph, entitled The Politics of Endurance: Emergency Government and the Home Fronts in Britain and Germany during the First World War. My new research project engages with the emergence of transnational civil liberties and human rights movements in the interwar period. I addition to these projects, I contributed to a number of local projects that engaged with the impact of the First World War.
I have a strong interest in the question how the relationship between state and citizens was shaped by conflict and war in the 19th and 20th centuries. This covers the emergence of the modern state in Europe but also the rise of activist movements in response to these developments. I would be happy to supervise research students who want to work on the political, social and cultural impact of the world wars on European societies. I would also be happy to supervise research projects engaging with the history of social and political movements, particularly within the field of civil liberties and human rights.
I also welcome proposals by students wanting to work on any aspect of modern German history after 1800.
Spanish; Castilian
2015, University of Northumbria at Newcastle, United Kingdom, PhD
2011, Free University of Berlin, Germany, Magister Artium (MA)
2016, Higher Education Academy, United Kingdom, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
Academic appointments
Senior Lecturer in Modern European History, School of Humanities and Social Science, Liverpool John Moores University, 2019 - present
Lecturer in Modern European History, School of Culture, University of Sunderland, 2016 - 2019
Lecturer in Modern European History, Department of History, Durham University, 2014 - 2016
Highlighted publications
Stibbe M, Keil A. 2024. Introduction: State of Emergency Regimes in the First World War Era First World War Studies, 14 :1-27 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Keil A. 2024. A Very British Dictatorship: The Defence of the Realm Act in Britain, 1914-1920 First World War Studies, 14 :51-70 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Keil A. 2022. Captives of the Kaiser: Schutzhaft and Political Prisoners in Germany Rachamimov I, Kowner R. Out of Line, Out of Place: A Global and Local History of World War I Internments :52-72 Cornell University Press. Ithaca and London 9781501765421 Author Url Publisher Url
Keil A, Stibbe M. 2020. Ein Laboratorium des Ausnahmezustandes: Schutzhaft während des Ersten Weltkrieges und in der frühen Weimarer Republik in Preußen und Bayern, 1914–1923 Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 68 :535-573 Publisher Url Public Url
Keil A. 2020. "We need to rediscover our manliness…”: The Language of Gender and Authenticity in German Right-Wing Populism" Journal of Language and Politics, 19 :107-124 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Keil A. 2019. The National Council for Civil Liberties and the British State during the First World War, 1916–1919 English Historical Review, 134 :620-645 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Keil A. 2016. The Preussenrenaissance Revisited: German-German Entanglements, the Media and the Politics of History in the late German Democratic Republic GERMAN HISTORY, 34 :258-278 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Keil A. Emergency Powers and the Home Fronts in Britain and Germany during the First World War Oxford University Press DOI Publisher Url
Keil A. Authoritarianism and Dictatorships in Modern German History
Kay-Flowers S. 2025. Conclusion Frankel S, Kay-Flowers S. The Ethics of Unlocking Research with Children: Creativity, Agency and Change Emerald DOI Publisher Url
Keil A. 2025. Introduction Emergency Powers and the Home Fronts in Britain and Germany during the First World War :1-19 Oxford University PressOxford 9780198918547 DOI Publisher Url
Keil A. 2025. Preparing for the War at Home Emergency Powers and the Home Fronts in Britain and Germany during the First World War :20-44 Oxford University PressOxford 9780198918547 DOI Publisher Url
Keil A. 2025. ‘Enemies Within’ Emergency Powers and the Home Fronts in Britain and Germany during the First World War :147-174 Oxford University PressOxford 9780198918547 DOI Publisher Url
Keil A. 2025. Establishing the State of Exception on the Home Fronts, 1914–1916 Emergency Powers and the Home Fronts in Britain and Germany during the First World War :45-78 Oxford University PressOxford 9780198918547 DOI Publisher Url
Keil A. 2025. Enforced Endurance Emergency Powers and the Home Fronts in Britain and Germany during the First World War :111-146 Oxford University PressOxford 9780198918547 DOI Publisher Url
Keil A. 2025. Guardians of the Home Front Emergency Powers and the Home Fronts in Britain and Germany during the First World War :79-110 Oxford University PressOxford 9780198918547 DOI Publisher Url
Keil A. 2025. The Aftermath Emergency Powers and the Home Fronts in Britain and Germany during the First World War :175-214 Oxford University PressOxford 9780198918547 DOI Publisher Url
Keil A. 2022. Captives of the Kaiser: Schutzhaft and Political Prisoners in Germany Rachamimov I, Kowner R. Out of Line, Out of Place: A Global and Local History of World War I Internments :52-72 Cornell University Press. Ithaca and London 9781501765421 Author Url Publisher Url
Keil A. 2017. Zwischen Klassenkampf und Systemimmanenz: Die britische Gewerkschaftsbewegung und der Staat Ruck M. Gewerkschaftliche Staatsverständnisse vom Industrialismus bis zum Informationszeitalter. Staatsverständnisse 106 :215-244 Nomos Verlag. Baden-Baden 978-3-8487-3055-1 DOI Publisher Url
Keil A. 2016. Der Erste Weltkrieg in der britischen Erinnerungskultur. Mediendiskurse, Museen und Literatur zum Centenary Fenn M, Kuller C. Auf dem Weg zur transnationalen Erinnerungskultur? Konvergenzen, Interferenzen und Differenzen an den Ersten Weltkrieg in Jubiläumsjahr 2014 :97-118 Wochenschau Verlag. Schwalbach im Taunus 978-3-7344-0401-6 Publisher Url
Keil A. 2025. List of Abbreviations :ix-x DOI Publisher Url
Journal article
Stibbe M, Keil A. 2024. Introduction: State of Emergency Regimes in the First World War Era First World War Studies, 14 :1-27 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Keil A. 2024. A Very British Dictatorship: The Defence of the Realm Act in Britain, 1914-1920 First World War Studies, 14 :51-70 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Keil A, Stibbe M. 2020. Ein Laboratorium des Ausnahmezustandes: Schutzhaft während des Ersten Weltkrieges und in der frühen Weimarer Republik in Preußen und Bayern, 1914–1923 Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 68 :535-573 Publisher Url Public Url
Keil A, Stibbe M. 2020. A laboratory of the state of emergency: Protective custody during the First World War and in the early years of the Weimar Republic - Prussia and Bavaria from 1914 to 1923 Vierteljahrshefte fur Zeitgeschichte, 68 :535-573 DOI Publisher Url
Keil A. 2020. "We need to rediscover our manliness…”: The Language of Gender and Authenticity in German Right-Wing Populism" Journal of Language and Politics, 19 :107-124 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Keil A. 2019. Founding Weimar: Violence and the German Revolution of 1918-1919. By Mark Jones. History: the journal of the Historical Association, 104 :774-776 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Keil A. 2019. The National Council for Civil Liberties and the British State during the First World War, 1916–1919 English Historical Review, 134 :620-645 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Keil A. 2016. The Preussenrenaissance Revisited: German-German Entanglements, the Media and the Politics of History in the late German Democratic Republic GERMAN HISTORY, 34 :258-278 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Keil A. 2014. Zwischen Kooperation und Opposition: Die britische Arbeiterbewegung und das" War Emergency Workers' National Committee" während des Ersten Weltkriegs Jahrbuch für Forschungen zur Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung, 13 :7-26 Publisher Url
Book review
Keil A. 2023. European Police Forces and Law Enforcement in the First World War First World War Studies, DOI Publisher Url
Keil A. 2022. Auf Abstand. Eine Gesellschaftsgeschichte der Coronapandemie. By Malte Thießen. Frankurt am Main: Campus. 2021. 222 pp. €24.95 (hardback); €22.99 (e-book) German History, DOI Publisher Url
Keil A. 2022. Im Schatten August Bebels. Sozialdemokratische Antisemitismusabwehr als Republikschutz 1918–1932 German History, DOI Publisher Url
Keil A. 2022. War and Citizenship: Enemy Aliens and National Belonging from the French Revolution to the First World War By Daniela L. Caglioti. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2021. Pp. xvi + 460. Cloth $39.99. ISBN 978-1108489423 Central European History, 55 :289-290 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Keil A. 2020. Review of W. Schmale et al. (eds): Human Rights Leagues in Europe (1898-2016) Connections: A Journal for Historians and Area Specialists, Publisher Url Public Url
Keil A. 2019. Founding Weimar: Violence and the German Revolution of 1918–1919. By Jones, Mark. Cambridge University Press. 2016. xxiv + 380pp. £65.00. History: the journal of the Historical Association, DOI
Keil A. 2018. Searching for Lord Haw-Haw: The Political Lives of William Joyce' by Colin Holmes Immigrants and Minorities, 36 :287-289 DOI Publisher Url
Keil A. 2014. Prisoners of Britain. German Civilian and Combatant Internees During the First World War Immigrants and Minorities, 32 :345-349 DOI Publisher Url
Editorial/letter to the editor
Stibbe M, Keil A. 2023. Note from the Guest Editors First World War Studies, 14 :227 DOI Publisher Url
Internet publication
Keil A. 2017. Media Discourse after the War DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Books (authored)
Keil A. Emergency Powers and the Home Fronts in Britain and Germany during the First World War Oxford University Press DOI Publisher Url
Keil A. Authoritarianism and Dictatorships in Modern German History
Other invited event:
The 'Long' Twentieth Century as an 'Age of Emergencies', University of Central Lancashire, Invited speaker at History seminar series.. 2025
Research Paper: Human Rights Leagues and Transnational Activism in Interwar Europe, University of East Anglia, Invited Research Paper at the School of History, University of East Anglia. 2019
Membership of professional bodies:
Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, Royal Historical Society, https://royalhistsoc.org/. 2024
Conference presentation:
The Wilhelm Gustloff and the Cap Arcona: Two Contested Maritime Sites of Memory of the Second World War in Germany, CPMH Conference 2022: Memorialisation and the Sea, Liverpool, Keynote. 2022
Soldiers on the Labour Front: Military Strike-Breaking and Work Discipline in Wartime Berlin, 1917-18, German History Society Annual Conference, Sheffield Hallam University, Oral presentation. 2022
Football in the Weimar Republic: Sport, Modernity, and Mass Spectacle, German History in the North, University of Chester, Oral presentation. 2021
'Enemy Aliens' in International Law before and during the First World War, Security and Humanity in the First World War. The Treatment of Civilian ‘Enemy Aliens’, German Historical Institute London, Oral presentation. 2019
The Ordeal of Victory: 1918 and the Crisis of Demobilisation in Britain, 1918: Propaganda, Victory and Revolution, University of Sunderland, Oral presentation. 2018
The Captives of the Kaiser: Political Prisoners and Protective Custody in Germany during the First World War, Captivity and Internment in the First World War, University of Tel Aviv, Israel, Oral presentation. 2017
Transnational Civil Liberties Activism in Interwar Europe, Departmental Research Seminar, Northumbria University, Oral presentation. 2016
The Struggle for Civil Liberties in First World War Britain, Departmental Research Seminar, Durham University, Oral presentation. 2016
Germany for the Germans? German Communists and Nationalist Responses to the Ruhr Occupation 1923, Nationalism and Internationalism in Labour History, Newcastle University, Oral presentation. 2015
In Defence of British Freedom? The National Council for Civil Liberties and the British State during the First World War, New Perspectives on the First World War, Durham University, Oral presentation. 2015
States of Exception: Emergency Government and the “Enemies Within” in Britain and Germany during the First World War, Perspectives on the Great War, Queen Mary, University of London, Oral presentation. 2014
Guardians of the Home Front: British and German Police as Agents of Emergency Government during the First World War, Annual Conference of the Social History Society, Northumbria University, Newcastle, Oral presentation. 2014
States of Exception: Emergency Government in Britain and Germany during the First World War, 100 Jahre Erster Weltkrieg. Neue Perspektiven und Forschungsansätze, Zentrum für Militärgeschichte und Sozialwissenschaften der Bundeswehr, Potsdam (Germany), Oral presentation. 2013
Between New Germany and Red Prussia: The Politics of History and the Manufacturing of a Socialist National Identity in East Germany, 1945–1989, Citizenship, Identity and Patriotism in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, Teesside University, Oral presentation. 2013
Media Coverage:
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Higher Education Academy.