Image of Sean Creaney

Sean Creaney

Humanities and Social Science

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies


Creaney S. 2020. “Are we all playing an elaborate game?” A Bourdieusian analysis of children’s participation in decision making in youth justice Jamieson J, Tickle S, Yates J. Public Url

Journal article

Creaney S. 2020. Children’s Voices—are we Listening? Progressing Peer Mentoring in the Youth Justice System Child Care in Practice, 26 :22-37 DOI Publisher Url

Jones G, Creaney S. 2015. Incentive for insincerity - pre-sentence restorative justice: In whose interests? Safer Communities, 14 :126-137 DOI Publisher Url

Case S, Creaney S, Deakin J, Haines K. 2015. Youth justice: Past, present and future British Journal of Community Justice, 13 :99-110

Creaney S, Hopkins Burke R. 2015. Youth justice, participation and radical moral communitarianism British Journal of Community Justice, 13 :125-139

Creaney S. 2015. Still working with “Involuntary clients” in youth justice British Journal of Community Justice, 13 :41-53

Hopkins-Burke R, Creaney S. 2014. A "new" response to anti-social behaviour: Early reflections on the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 Safer Communities, 13 :161-170 DOI Publisher Url

Creaney S. 2014. Disorderly analysis: How might we best understand the riots in August 2011? Safer Communities, 13 :171-179 DOI Publisher Url

Creaney S. 2014. The position of relationship based practice in youth justice Safer Communities, 13 :120-125 DOI Publisher Url

Creaney S. 2014. The benefits of participation for young offenders Safer Communities, 13 :126-132 DOI Publisher Url

Creaney S, Smith R. 2014. Youth justice back at the crossroads Safer Communities, 13 :83-87 DOI Publisher Url

Creaney S. 2013. Beyond preemptive criminalisation: towards a childfriendly youth justice Safer Communities, 12 :101-110 DOI Publisher Url

Creaney S. 2012. Targeting, labelling and stigma: Challenging the criminalisation of children and young people: Sean Creaney reports on how children involved in youth justice processes are unable to overcome the negative 'outsider' label attached them Criminal Justice Matters, 90 :16-17 DOI Publisher Url

Creaney S. 2012. Targeting, labelling and stigma: Challenging the criminalisation of children and young people: Sean Creaney reports on how children involved in youth justice processes are unable to overcome the negative 'outsider' label attached them Criminal Justice Matters, 89 :16-17 DOI Publisher Url

Creaney S. 2012. Risk, prevention and early intervention: Youth justice responses to girls Safer Communities, 11 :111-120 DOI Publisher Url


Creaney S. 2015. Using research to develop inclusive practice in the early years Inclusion and Early Years Practice :174-189
