Image of Dr Andrea Mallaburn

Dr Andrea Mallaburn

School of Education

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies

Highlighted publications

Mallaburn A, Seton L, Simon S. 2020. Enhancing school students' engagement in chemistry through a university-led enrichment programme. Simon S, Ilka P. Engaging Learners with Chemistry: projects to stimulate interest and participation :192-224 RSC Publishing. Royal Society of Chemistry DOI Publisher Url

Tynan R, Mallaburn A. Consistency counts – or does it? Teacher Education Advancement Network (TEAN) Journal, 9 :90-99 Publisher Url Public Url

Journal article

Putwain D, Mallaburn A, Held T. 2024. Science Motivation, Academic Achievement, Career Aspirations in Early Adolescent Learning and Individual Differences: Journal of Psychology and Education, 116 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Wilkinson H, Putwain DW, Mallaburn A. 2020. How do teachers communicate to students about forthcoming GCSE exams?: An observational study The Psychology of Education Review, 44 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Peiser G, Duncalf D, Mallaburn A. 2019. The role of the mentor in an increasingly school-led English initial teacher education policy context Professional Development in Education, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Cutler C-R, Mallaburn A, Putwain DW, Daly A. 2019. Teachers’ Theories of Intelligence and Instruction in English Secondary Education Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal, 11 :59-70 Publisher Url Public Url

Mallaburn A, Seton L, Goodwin M. 2018. Chemistry: The essential spark for engagement Education in Science, 272 :26-27 Publisher Url Public Url

Seton L, Mallaburn A, Goodwin M. 2018. Research Focus: Nurturing socio-economically challenged learners' curiosity in chemistry Education in Science, 272 :28-29 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Brennan VK, Mallaburn A, Seton L. 2018. Teachers’ perception of chemistry outreach work, especially in the context of children’s social demography Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal, 10 :3-14 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Saad KA, Walsh BA, Mallaburn A, Brundrett M. 2017. Exploring the Implementation of A Professional Learning Communities in Malaysian’s Schools International Journal of Education, Psychology and Counselling, 2 :1-18 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Walanda K, Napitupulu M, Mallaburn A. 2017. Misconceptions sequencing the chemical processes in daniell and electrolysis cells amongst first-year science and mathematics education university students Journal of Science Education, 18 :113-116 Publisher Url Public Url

Tynan RJ, Jones R, Mallaburn A, Clays K. 2016. Subject knowledge enhancement courses for creating new chemistry and physics teachers: the students’ perceptions School Science Review, 98 Publisher Url Public Url

Tynan RJ, Jones RB, Mallaburn A, Clays K. 2016. Working towards evidence based practice in science teaching and learning School Science Review, 97 :109-115 Public Url

Clays K, Tynan RJ, Mallaburn A, Jones RB. 2014. Subject knowledge enhancement (SKE) courses for creating new chemistry and physics teachers: do they work? School Science Review, 95 :85-94 Publisher Url Public Url

Inglis M, Mallaburn A, Tynan R, Clays K, Jones R. 2013. Insights from a Subject Knowledge Enhancement Course for Creating New Chemistry and Physics Teachers School Science Review, 94 :101-107 Publisher Url Public Url

Tynan R, Mallaburn A. Consistency counts – or does it? Teacher Education Advancement Network (TEAN) Journal, 9 :90-99 Publisher Url Public Url

Conference publication

Tynan R, Mallaburn A. 2024. What did the Covid-19 pandemic tell us about initial teacher programmes? EDULEARN24 Proceedings, Edulearn24, 16th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Tynan R. 2024. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS IN ADVANCED SPECIAL AND ADVANCED LEVEL BIOLOGY IN ENGLAND EDULEARN Proceedings, 16th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies 1 :109-119 DOI Publisher Url

Tynan R, Mallaburn A. 2024. ONE EFFECT ON PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS’ SELF-EFFICACY SCORES LINKED TO CHANGES IN ANTI-COVID-19 MEASURES AS THE PANDEMIC PROGRESSED IN SCHOOLS IN THE NORTHWEST OF ENGLAND INTED2024 Proceedings, 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference :695-704 DOI Publisher Url Public Url


Tynan R, Mallaburn A. 2023. THE SELF-EFFICACY OF PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS: LESSONS LEARNED DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC IN THE NORTHWEST OF ENGLAND EDULEARN Proceedings, 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies 1 :2276-2281 DOI Publisher Url

Tynan RJ, Mallaburn A. 2022. THE SELF-EFFICACY OF TRAINEE TEACHERS RECOMMENDED FOR QUALIFIED TEACHER STATUS (QTS) IN ENGLAND DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC: LOOKING FOR EXPLANATIONS ICERI Proceedings, 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI) DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Tynan RJ, Mallaburn A. 2022. The Self-Efficacy of Trainee Teachers Who Were Recommended for Qualified Teacher Status (Qts) in England During the Covid-19 Pandemic EDULEARN22 Proceedings, EDULEARN22, the 14th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies :484-489 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Tynan RJ. 2022. A Critical Evaluation of Criteria-Based Assessment of Subject Knowledge and Other Competencies of Teachers in Training: A Practitioner Research Journey EDULEARN22 Proceedings, EDULEARN22, the 14th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies :490-497 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Mallaburn A, Seton L, Brennan V. 2022. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR PRIMARY TEACHERS - FOSTERING CURIOSITY FOR LEARNING SCIENCE THROUGH INSPIRATIONAL SESSIONS! EDULEARN Proceedings, 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies 1 :3726-3726 DOI Publisher Url

Mallaburn A, Seton L, Brennan V. 2021. WIDENING PARTICIPATION BY EFFECTIVE OUTREACH IN CHEMISTRY EDULEARN Proceedings, 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies 1 :10729-10729 DOI Publisher Url

Tynan R, Mallaburn A, Frankham J. 2020. THE COVID-19 GENERATION: NEWLY QUALIFIED TEACHERS’ (NQTS’) SELF-EFFICACY ICERI2020 Proceedings, ICERI 2020 :7853-7853 DOI Publisher Url

Mallaburn A, Putwain DW. 2020. THE VALUE OF SCIENCE IN SECONDARY SCHOOL: THE KEY TO UNLOCKING ASPIRATIONS AND ACHIEVEMENT? EDULEARN Proceedings, 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies 1 :4286-4286 DOI Publisher Url

Mallaburn A, Seton L, Brennan V. 2020. INSPIRATION LEADS TO ASPIRATION: IMPROVING CHEMISTRY LITERACY FOR LEARNERS WITH A LOW SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS EDULEARN Proceedings, 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies 1 :997-997 DOI Publisher Url


Tynan RJ, Mallaburn A. 2016. Assessing teachers in training: Towards understanding and achieving consistency across ITT/E partnerships. Eighth Annual Conference for Research in Education: Values in Education

Clays K, Tynan R, Mallaburn A, Jones RB. Science education in the UK – a journey First Pedagogical Conference between LJMU and City Unity College, Athens

Tynan RJ. Working towards evidence based practice in science teaching and learning. Using STEM research conference: using research to improve Public Url

Mallaburn A, Seton L, Brennan V. Improving Delivery of Primary Science Through Teacher Development Horizons in STEM Higher Education Conference 2022 - Making Connections, Innovating and Sharing Pedagogy Author Url

Peiser G, Duncalf D, Mallaburn A. The role of the mentor in an increasingly school-led English ITE policy context TEAN Annual Conference 2017

Tynan R, Mallaburn A. The Self-Efficacy of Pre-Service Teachers: Lessons Learned During the Covid-19 Pandemic in the Northwest of England EDULEARN23 Proceedings, EDULEARN 2023 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Mallaburn A, Seton L. The value of chemistry interventions in secondary school - does this benefit learners? Psychology of Education Section Annual Conference

Tynan R. Statistical analysis in advanced special and advanced level Biology in England EDULEARN24 Conference Proceedings, Edulearn24, 16th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies DOI Publisher Url Public Url


Mallaburn A, Seton L, Simon S. 2020. Enhancing school students' engagement in chemistry through a university-led enrichment programme. Simon S, Ilka P. Engaging Learners with Chemistry: projects to stimulate interest and participation :192-224 RSC Publishing. Royal Society of Chemistry DOI Publisher Url

Simon S, Mallaburn A, Seton L. 2020. Chapter 10. Enhancing School Students’ Engagement in Chemistry Through a University-led Enrichment Programme Advances in Chemistry Education Series :192-224 Royal Society of Chemistry 9781788015080 DOI Publisher Url

Internet publication

Mallaburn A. 2019. Approval of Subject Knowledge Enhancement Courses (Royal Society of Chemistry) Author Url Publisher Url

Highlighted activities

Conference presentation:

Strategies to increase inclusion of socio-economically challenged learners: a case study, Teaching & Learning Conference, June 2017, LJMU, Liverpool UK, Oral presentation. 2017

Professional activities

Public engagement:

Other, Primary and secondary pupils, Sustained outreach intervention through an UNSDG challenge., Organiser, Sustained outreach interventions, Schools and university., 'Sustainable School Chemists - Fostering Chemical Curiosity through a United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Challenge!', This outreach intervention programme will work with three primary schools (Y5/6) and three secondary schools (Y7/8). The project will see the development of an impactful chemistry outreach challenge situated in the Liverpool City Region (LCR). This novel project will engage with school students to raise aspirations, as well as provide under-represented audiences with inspiring chemistry engagement opportunities. Participating schools will be supplied with a sample of impure water produced by the Absolute Chemistry Research Group (ACRG) to safely represent water from the local River Mersey. Activities will allow learners to develop their knowledge, skills, and problem-solving approach to purify the sample through practical chemistry techniques. These samples will be ‘judged’ for purity by the ACRG, to celebrate the winner of the challenge: all learners will receive personalised rewards/certificates to commemorate their success. They will attend a university ‘Gala Day’ to share their approach to purifying the sample, learn from their peers, supporting career aspirations in science/chemistry.. 2024

Other, Secondary Pupils (Year 9-11), Sustained Outreach Interventions, Organiser, Sustained outreach interventions, Schools and university, Raising Aspirations through a Chemistry Outreach Programme, Funded for three years to provide interventions to six local secondary schools across the Liverpool City Region. The six schools had four inbound school interventions and three university 'Gala' Days. This was funded through Shaping Futures (OfS, Uni Connect). 2024

Other, Year 7 Pupils, Sustained outreach interventions to raise attainment with Year 7 pupils., Organiser, Sustained outreach intervention programme, Schools and university, Raising Attainment - Sustained Outreach Interventions, This sustained outreach programme will focus upon six schools. Each school will provide 50, Year 7 pupils to work with. The programme will foster chemical curiosity by increasing pupils’ subject competence; self-belief in chemistry, perseverance, resilience and consequently, attainment will be improved. Building creativity through scientific enquiry and investigative problem solving will support attainment in a wider context.. 2024

Other, Primary science teachers and their pupils, Teacher development for primary science teachers and raising aspirations interventions for primary pupils, Organiser, Sustained teacher development for two years to raise aspirations in science for primary pupils, Schools and university, RSC Primary Teacher Development Programme - ‘Inspiration leads to Aspiration’, A two year teacher development course to improve science subject and pedagogical knowledge in primary science teachers. Each year teachers were involved in six bespoke professional development sessions at university contextualised by the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals. Pupils were involved in enhanced working scientifically sessions delivered by their teacher with support. 180 pupils attended a university 'Gala Day' as part of the raising aspirations aspect of the interventions.. 2024

Other, Secondary Pupils - Year 9 - 11, Raising career and academic aspirations in chemistry through sustained outreach interventions, Organiser, Sustained outreach interventions, University and in schools, Raising Aspirations through Chemistry Outreach Interventions, Chemistry for All - putting research into practice. Funded for two years to provide interventions to six local secondary schools across the Liverpool City Region. The six schools had four inbound school interventions and three university 'Gala' Days. Three parental engagement sessions were offered and one school teacher development session.. 2023

Other, Neurodiverse learners, STEAM - an activity that involved DNA extraction was supported through a creative writing activity, model building and a drama performance., Organiser, Interventions at school at at university, School and university, Unsung Heroes of Chemistry - STEAM project, As part of chemistry week, two interventions were provided to support neurodiverse pupils from a specialist provision school.. 2023

Conference organisation:

Pioneering Outreach and Public Engagement in STEAM Conference, Conference Lead. 2024

Conference presentation:

Reed, G., Mallaburn, A. and Roughley, M. (2024) Embedding Engagement into APSS Research Culture: Thoughts from the 2024 LJMU Engage, LJMU APSS Faculty Research Conference - 'Transitions', The Bluecoat Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2024

The COVID-19 Generation : NEWLY QUALIFIED TEACHER (NQT) AND INITIAL TEACHER EDUCATION (ITE) TRAINEE SELF-EFFICACY, Teacher Education Advancement Network (TEAN) 2021, Virtual, Oral presentation. 2021

The Covid-19 Generation: Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT) and Initial Teacher Education (ITE) Trainee Self-efficacy, TEAN 2021, on-line, Oral presentation. 2021

THE COVID-19 GENERATION: NEWLY QUALIFIED TEACHERS’ (NQTS’) SELF-EFFICACY, ICERI 2020, Seville (on-line), Oral presentation. 2020

Inspiration leads to Aspiration: Improving Chemistry Literacy for Learners with a low Socioeconomic status, 12th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Virtual (International - Spain), Oral presentation. 2020

DEVISING A UNIQUE MODEL FOR SCIENCE OUTREACH PROGRAMMES WITH CRITICAL ENGAGEMENT FROM TEACHERS ACROSS THE 5-19 AGE RANGE, 11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Palma, Spain, Oral presentation. 2019

A model of civic engagement – breaking down the barriers to learning!, LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference 2018, LJMU, Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2018

Teachers theories of intelligence and pedagogical practice in UK secondary education, 9th TEAN Conference, Aston University, Birmingham, Oral presentation. 2018

That’s So Cool! Strategies to beat barriers to engagement for WP learners., ASE Annual Conference 2018, University of Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2018

Efficacy Appeals in the Classroom: What are they and how can they be measured?, Psychology of Education Annual Conference, Edinburgh, Oral presentation. 2017

The Effect of Mindset on the Appraisal of Gain-Framed Value Promoting Messages, Psychology of Education Annual Conference, Edinburgh, Poster presentation. 2017

Strategies to increase inclusion of socioeconomically challenged learners: a case study, Variety in Chemistry Education and Physics Higher education Conference 2017, University of York, Poster presentation. 2017

Teachers’ perception of physical science outreach work as a tool to increase enthusiasm and engagement particularly students from socially deprived areas, Variety in Chemistry Education and Physics Higher Education Conference, University of York, Oral presentation. 2017

Strategies to increase inclusion of socio-economically challenged learners: a case study, Teaching & Learning Conference, June 2017, LJMU, Liverpool UK, Oral presentation. 2017

The Role of the mentor in an increasingly school-led English initial teacher education system, Thinking Deeply about Teacher Education, Birmingham, Oral presentation. 2017

Teachers’ perception of chemistry outreach work as an intervention tool which can have a lasting impact; particularly with pupils from a lower socio-economic background, 8th TEAN Conference: Thinking deeply about Teacher Education, Aston University, Birmingham, Oral presentation. 2017

Cultivating Learning - Civic Engagement with local Secondary Schools, LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference 2016, LJMU, Poster presentation. 2016

Civic Engagement: Learning everywhere but the classroom, 7th Teacher Education Advancement Network Annual Conference - ‘Cultivating Learning’, University of Aston, Oral presentation. 2016

Civic Engagement: Learning everywhere but the classroom, 7th Teacher Education Advancement Network Annual Conference, Aston University, Oral presentation. 2016

Civic Engagement: Learning everywhere but the classroom, LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference 2015, LJMU, Oral presentation. 2015

Research Grants Awarded:

The Royal Society of Chemistry, 'Sustainable School Chemists - Fostering Chemical Curiosity through a United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Challenge!', Linda Seton, Rory McDonald, Grant value (£): £10,000, Duration of research project: 10 months. 2024

The Royal Society of Chemistry, Unsung Heroes of Chemistry (working with neurodiverse learners), Linda Seton, Rory McDonald, Victoria Brennan, Grant value (£): £490, Duration of research project: 3 months. 2023

OfS, UniConnect (Shaping Futures), Absolute Chemistry Chemical challenge Y11, Linda Seton, Grant value (£): £10,000, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2023

OfS, UniConnect (Shaping Futures), Raising Attainment with Year 7 learners, Linda seton, Grant value (£): £20,000, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2023

Shaping Futures (OfS UniConnect), Absolute Chemistry Chemical challenge Y11, Andrea Mallaburn; Victoria Brennan; Rory McDonald; Menna Goodwin, Grant value (£): 10,000, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2023

Shaping Futures (OfS UniConnect), Special project, Raising Attainment, Andrea Mallaburn; Victoria Brennan; Rory McDonald; Menna Goodwin, Grant value (£): £20,000, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2023

Royal Society of Chemistry, Primary Teachers CPD Continuation Project, PI = Andrea mallaburn; Victoria Brennan, Grant value (£): £23,600, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2023

The Royal Society of Chemistry, RSC Primary Teacher CPD Continuation Project Grant Proposal - ‘Inspiration leads to Aspiration’, Linda Seton, Victoria Brennan, Grant value (£): £23,600, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2023

BA/Leverhulme Small Research Grants 2022, Inspiring the next generation of scientists: The role of expectancy, value, cost, and teacher value messages, David Putwain, Grant value (£): £9771.76, Duration of research project: 2 years. 2022

OfS, UniConnect (Shaping Futures), Absolute Chemistry: Outreach programmes for Y10 and 11, Linda Seton, Grant value (£): £19,910, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2022

Shaping Futures ( OfS UniConnect), Absolute Chemistry Chemical Challenge, Andrea Mallaburn School of Education, Victoria Brennan School of Education, Grant value (£): £19,910, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2022

The Royal Society of Chemistry, Does fostering chemical curiosity increase student aspirations? (Chemistry for All Outreach Grant), Linda Seton, Grant value (£): £24,993, Duration of research project: 2 years. 2022

OfS Uniconnect (Shaping Futures), Absolute Chemistry, Chemistry In Our World Y9, Andrea Mallaburn; Victoria Brennan; Hannah Williams; Menna Goodwin, Grant value (£): £9, 948, Duration of research project: 8 months. 2021

OfS UniConnect (Shaping Futures), Absolute Chemistry, Skills Development Y11, Andrea Mallaburn; Victoria Brennan; Hannah Williams; Menna Goodwin, Grant value (£): £8, 734, Duration of research project: 8 months. 2021

OfS, UniConnect (Shaping Futures), Absolute Chemistry: Outreach programmes for Y9, 10 and 11, Linda Seton, Grant value (£): £26,630, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2021

Royal Society of Chemistry, Chemistry for All outreach grants: putting research into practice, Andrea Mallaburn, Victoria Brennan, Grant value (£): £24,993, Duration of research project: 24 Months. 2021

Royal Society of Chemistry, RSC Primary Project - ‘Inspiration leads to Aspiration’, Linda Seton, Grant value (£): £20,220, Duration of research project: 12 months from 1st September, 2021. 2021

OfS, UniConnect (Shaping Futures), Absolute Chemistry Remote Outreach programme for Y9-Y11, Linda Seton, Grant value (£): £29,991, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2020

Shaping Futures (OfS UniConnect), Post-16 Remote Chemistry& Biology Outreach programme, Linda Seton, Grant value (£): £17,574, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2020

Shaping Futures ( UniConnect), Shaping Futures with Chemistry 14-16 Programme ( Absolute Chemistry), Andrea Mallaburn, Grant value (£): 29,934, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2020

Shaping Futures, Shaping Futures – Supporting Post-16 Chemistry and Biology (Absolute Chemistry), Linda Seton, Grant value (£): £17,574.20, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2020

Shaping Futures (MCOP), Shaping Futures with Absolute Chemistry, Andrea Mallaburn, School of Education, LJMU; Ian Bradshaw School of Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, LJMU; Catherine Shillito, Outreach and Recruitment, LJMU, Grant value (£): £29,934, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2019

Shaping Futures, Shaping Futures – Supporting Post-16 Chemistry and Biology (Absolute Chemistry), Dr Linda Seton, Dr Ian Bradshaw, Catherine Shillito, Grant value (£): £15,204, Duration of research project: 11 months. 2019

Shaping Futures Merseyside Collaborative Outreach Programme (MCOP), Shaping Futures with Chemistry: Phase One Extension, Ian Bradshaw, Andrea Mallaburn, Menna Goodwin, Catherine Shillito, Grant value (£): £25,366.00, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2018

Shaping Futures (National Collaborative Outreach Programme (NCOP)., Shaping Futures with Chemistry, Ian Bradshaw, Andrea Mallaburn, Paul Ireland, Grant value (£): 44,221, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2017

Royal Society of Chemistry, Chemistry For All, Ian Bradshaw, Paul Ireland, Andrea Mallaburn, Grant value (£): 150, 000, Duration of research project: 5 years. 2014


Teaching Excellence Award - Academic Leadership, Liverpool John Moores University. 2023

External committees:

Subject Knowledge Enhancement Committee for Chemistry, Royal Society of Chemistry, Vice Chair, 2015

Local Committee, Royal Society of Chemistry, Vice Chair. 2012

Teaching qualification:

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). 2012

Postgraduate Certificate of Education with QTS. 1995

Membership of professional bodies:

Professional Member of the Association for Science Education (ASE), Association for Science Education. 1997

CCHEM MRSC, Roayl Society of Chemistry. 1995

Media Coverage:

Blog post detailing the Chemistry for All project and its contribution to the Summer Internship programme TLC2015

Post on the LJMU Teaching and Learning Academy Blog about the developing staff -student relationships to get the best out of curriculum enhancement internships TLC2015

Changes on the way to science classes in many Merseyside schools through new LJMU scheme. New funding means 'engaging and enriching' activities for pupils, university says Liverpool Echo 18th April 2018 article to announce Shaping futures funding of £44 to deliver an intensive programme of chemistry interventions in local school to promote HE study

Other Professional Activity:

I am a mentor for colleagues on the Aurora Mentorship programme..

The Chemistry for All team worked with All About STEM to provide a 6 week resource for school STEM clubs with a focus on chemistry activities. Resource publicly available on the All About STEM webpages
