Image of Dr Anthony Keating

Dr Anthony Keating

School of Justice Studies

Faculty of Arts Professional and Social Studies

See My Tutor


I am a lecturer in Criminal Justice. I have worked as an academic since 2002, initially as a Government of Ireland Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, researching sexual crime in the Irish Free State and Republic, at Dublin City University and Latterly as a senior lecturer/programme lead at Edge Hill University. Prior to working in academia, I was employed as a Youth Justice Social Worker in London and South Wales, additionally, I have worked as a specialist social worker with the Traveller Community in Dublin. I began my social work career in 1991, working as an ‘Intermediate Treatment Officer’ (Youth Justice), at Westminster City Council, followed by a post with Mid Glamorgan County Council, based in The Rhondda, with the Adolescent Team (case worker, appropriate adult, PSR writing, court officer and generic duty). Prior to my social work career, I worked variously, as a youth worker (ILEA/London Borough of Camden), playleader and residential social worker.

In addition to my social work experience I have worked as a Deputy Director/lead for the then National Remand and Assessment Service and Designated Officer for Child Protection, latterly becoming the Director of a centre providing up to two years custodial sentences for your people and the National Remand and Assessment Centre. During this period, I was a member of the Ministerial Working Group to Modernise the Youth Courts. I also advised the then Minister for Children on the establishment of non-offender focused secure units for at risk children.
I began my social work career in 1991, working as an ‘Intermediate Treatment Officer’ (Youth Justice), at Westminster City Council, followed by a post with Mid Glamorgan County Council, based in The Rhondda, with the Adolescent Team (case worker, appropriate adult, PSR writing, court officer and generic duty). Prior to my social work career, I worked variously, as a youth worker (ILEA/London Borough of Camden), playleader and residential social worker.

Please see the Orcid link for full details of publications.


2015, Edge Hill University, England, MA in Creative Writing
2002, Dublin City University, Ireland, PhD: Secrets and lies: an exploration of the role of identity, culture and communication in the policy process relating to the provision of protection and care for vulnerable children in the Irish Free State and Republic 1923-1974.
2000, University of Leeds, England, PG Dip Child Forensic Studies, Psychology and Law
1991, University of Oxford, England, MSc Applied Social Studies
1988, City of London Polytechnic, England, BA (Hons) Politics and Government


1991, University of Oxford, England, Certificate of Qualification in Social Work
1989, Garnett College, England, Cert Ed (Post Compulsory)

Academic appointments

Senior Lecturer (Programme Lead) in Psychosocial Analysis of Offending Behaviour, Health, Social Care and Medicine., Edge Hill UNiversity, 2007 - 2022
Government of Ireland Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, School of Communications, Dublin City University, 2001 - 2003
