Image of Dr Gary Graham

Dr Gary Graham

Liverpool Business School

Faculty of Business and Law

Prof. Gary Graham has recently joined LJMU from Leeds University Business School. His main area of research and impact relates to the manufacturing industry. The work focuses along three themes: first, the potential for the development of local manufacturing capacity through new technological paradigms such as distributed manufacturing, makerspace ecosystems and smart cities; second, the impact of digitalization on manufacturing processes and third; the resilience of manufacturing firms to compounding shocks and disruptions. He has previously worked with colleagues at LJMU on projects related to humanitarian logistics, digitalization tools and human centred analytics.
A full list of my grants are available here:


1995, University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom, PhD


1990, University of Leeds, United Kingdom, Post Graduate Certificate in Education

Academic appointments

External Examiner, School of Science and Technology, City, University of London, 2024 - present

Journal article

Bag S, Rahman MS, Singh A, Bryde D, Graham G. 2024. Leveraging digital technology capability for circular economy innovation in the food products supply chain: a mixed-method study IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, :1-34 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Garg P, Gupta B, Sar A, Graham G, Shore AP. 2024. Development and validation of an instrument to measure the perceived benefits of digitalization in manufacturing IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, :1-20 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Le TT, Behl A, Graham G. 2023. The Role of Entrepreneurship in Successfully Achieving Circular Supply Chain Management Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, 24 :537-561 DOI Publisher Url

Jegan Joseph Jerome J, Sonwaney V, Bryde D, Graham G. 2023. Achieving competitive advantage through technology-driven proactive supply chain risk management: an empirical study Annals of Operations Research, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Caniato F, Graham G, Roehrich JK, Vereecke A. 2023. Impact pathways: a home for insights from relevant and impactful operations and supply chain management research International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 43 :270-288 DOI Publisher Url

Srai JS, Graham G, Van Hoek R, Joglekar N, Lorentz H. 2023. Impact pathways: unhooking supply chains from conflict zones—reconfiguration and fragmentation lessons from the Ukraine–Russia war International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 43 :289-301 DOI Publisher Url

Meriton R, Bhandal R, Graham G, Brown A. 2021. An examination of the generative mechanisms of value in big data-enabled supply chain management research International Journal of Production Research, 59 :7283-7310 DOI Publisher Url

Seyedghorban Z, Tahernejad H, Meriton R, Graham G. 2020. Supply chain digitalization: past, present and future Production Planning and Control, 31 :96-114 DOI Publisher Url

Hennelly PA, Srai JS, Graham G, Fosso Wamba S. 2020. Rethinking supply chains in the age of digitalization Production Planning and Control, 31 :93-95 DOI Publisher Url

Hennelly PA, Srai JS, Graham G, Meriton R, Kumar M. 2019. Do makerspaces represent scalable production models of community-based redistributed manufacturing? Production Planning and Control, 30 :540-554 DOI Publisher Url

Roden S, Nucciarelli A, Li F, Graham G. 2017. Big data and the transformation of operations models: A framework and a new research agenda Production Planning and Control, 28 :929-944 DOI Publisher Url

Srai JS, Kumar M, Graham G, Phillips W, Tooze J, Ford S, Beecher P, Raj B, Gregory M, Tiwari MK, Ravi B, Neely A, Shankar R, Charnley F, Tiwari A. 2016. Distributed manufacturing: scope, challenges and opportunities International Journal of Production Research, 54 :6917-6935 DOI Publisher Url

Kumar M, Graham G, Hennelly P, Srai J. 2016. How will smart city production systems transform supply chain design: a product-level investigation International Journal of Production Research, 54 :7181-7192 DOI Publisher Url

Editorial/letter to the editor

Graham G. Downstream product innovation and upstream supply chain implications Wagner B. Supply Chain Management: an International Journal, 27 :141-143

Conference presentation:

Securing the future supply chain of critical minerals, semiconductors and microelectronics: policy challenges for the automotive and construction equipment sectors, 28th Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium, Cambridge University, Presentation, round table plenary chair, 2024

Other Professional Activity:

A member of the Harvard Business Review Advisory Council, an opt-in research community of business professionals., 2024

ESRC New Investigator Grant Reviewer, 2024

External Examiner: City University MSc Project Management, Finance and Risk., 2024

British Academy/Leverhulme Small Grants Scheme Review Board Panel Member, 2021

Editorial boards:

International Journal of Operations and Production Management, AE: Impact Pathways Editor. 2020

Teaching qualification:

Post Graduate Certificate in Education. 1990
