Dr Hilary Bishop
Liverpool Business School
Faculty of Business and Law
Email: H.J.Bishop@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 4881
Prior to academic study I was employed by a global financial institution for 24 years working alongside senior management to deliver corporate services to a number of blue chip multi-national companies and local government offices before progressing to a management role in Financial Services. I successfully gained qualifications with the Chartered Institute of Bankers and have been employed by Liverpool John Moores University as a Senior Lecturer within the Liverpool Business School since 2009.
Between 2010 and 2017 I worked in a voluntary capacity, as Community Engagement Specialist, for the North West Regional Flood and Coastal Committee (RFCC) for the Environment Agency, leading their 2020 Vision and acting as a member of their annual floods conference steering committee. I was also a member of the Wirral Flood Partnership.
Between 2005 and 2013 I studied with the Institute of Irish Studies, University of Liverpool, where I was awarded the Arthur Frederick Price Memorial Prize, two Bibby Undergraduate Scholarships and a John Lennon Memorial Scholarship. In September 2008 I was awarded an Arts and Humanities Research Council Grant for MPhil research to investigate the impact of European Union funding upon the management of archaeological monuments within England and the Republic of Ireland with specific reference to agri-environmental schemes. Supervised by Professor Marianne Elliott O.B.E, my PhD focused on Mass Rock sites within the diocese of Cork and Ross, county Cork. I have delivered papers at conferences in the UK, Ireland and America and, in September 2013, I was awarded a Willard Potts and Don Jordan Emerging Scholar Award from the American Conference for Irish Studies (West) in San Francisco.
I was appointed as a Chartered Geographer by the Royal Geographic Society in 2017 and am listed on the Directory of Experts for the British Association of Irish Studies. I am currently Research Series Editor for the Historical Geography Research Group of the Royal Geographical Society and have a research dedicated website www.findamassrock.com.
In 2024 I was awarded a prestigious US-UK Fulbright All Disciplines Scholars Award. I will be based at Glucksman Ireland House, New York University where I will be working with Irish and Irish Americans to record their narratives in relation to the living heritage associated with Ireland’s Mass paths. I aim to find new innovative ways of measuring and managing living heritage that can support future policy making and better protect these historic pathways.
2013, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, PhD, Irish Studies (Human Geography)
2009, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, MPhil, Irish Studies (Archaeological Heritage Management)
2008, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, B A (Hons) First Class, Irish Studies
2021, in>pd, United Kingdom, Advanced Leadership for Directors
2020, in>pd, United Kingdom, Advanced Strategic Planning for Directors
2020, in>pd, United Kingdom, Finance for Non-Finance Directors
2020, in>pd, United Kingdom, Strategic Marketing and Communications for Directors
2019, in>pd, United Kingdom, The Role of the Non-Executive Director and the Board
Academic appointments
Research Series Editor, Historical Geography Research Group, Royal Geographical Society, 2021 - present
Link Tutor, Business School, South Eastern Regional College, 2019 - present
Journal article
Bishop H. 2023. The History and Heritage of Mass Rocks with particular reference to West Cork Skibbereen Historical Journal, 19 :36-62 Publisher Url Public Url
Bishop H, Hurley M. 2023. Mapping Through Memory: The location and nature of Mass paths in Ireland. Irish Geography, 55 :21-43 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bishop HJ. 2019. Keeping the Faith. The role of the Irish house during the Penal era and beyond. Review of Irish Studies in Europe, 3 :1-16 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Bishop HJ. 2018. Memory and Legend: Recollections of Penal Times in Irish Folklore Folklore, 129 :18-38 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Bishop HJ. 2016. Mass Sites of Uíbh Laoghaire Journal of Cork Historical and Archaeological Society, 121 Public Url
Bishop HJ. 2015. Classifications of Sacred Space: A new understanding of Mass Rock sites in Ireland. International Journal of Historical Archaeology, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Bishop HJ. 2014. Spatial Distribution and Location of Catholic Mass Rock Sites in the Diocese of Cork and Ross, County Cork, Ireland Geographies of Religions and Belief Systems, 4 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bishop HJ. 2013. Sacred Space. A Study of the Mass Rocks of the Diocese of Cork and Ross, County Cork. Elliott M, Morrisey K, Nugent P. University of Liverpool
Bishop HJ. 2010. The impact of EU funding upon the management of archaeological monuments within England and the Republic of Ireland with specific reference to agri-environmental schemes Nugent P. University of Liverpool
Bishop HJ. 2013. Find a Mass Rock Website Author Url Publisher Url
Bishop H. A Secret Affair. Researching Ireland's Catholic Mass Rocks. Wise N, Kusek W. Human Geography and Professional Mobility
Books (authored)
Bishop H. Hidden Sacred Places of the Catholic Mass Springer Nature
Dunnett C, Bishop H. A Well-Trodden Path Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Media Coverage:
Alumna Hilary Bishop, receives a Fulbright Award to the USA. (opens in a new tab) 2024
US-UK Fulbright Commission announce this year's Fulbrighters 2024
fulbright.org.uk (opens in a new tab)
www.instagram.com (opens in a new tab)
Witness with Siobhán Garrigan, RTÉ Radio 1 (opens in a new tab) 2024
February 2024 (Feature) Lackagh Museum (opens in a new tab) 2024
‘Dr Hilary Bishop gives free talk on Mass Paths at Galway City Museum, Galway Advertiser 2024
‘Talk on Lackagh’s Historic Mass Paths’, Connaught Tribune 2024
Upcoming Talk on ‘Mass Paths’ by Dr Hilary Bishop (opens in a new tab) 2024
The Mass Paths of Lackagh Parish (opens in a new tab) 2023
NEW OUTDOOR EXHIBITION: A Well Trodden Path (opens in a new tab) 2023
Connaught Tribune Mass Paths of Lackagh Parish (opens in a new tab) 2023
‘Irish Mass Rocks and Solitary Communion’ Wild Storyteller (opens in a new tab) 2020
Parish Mass Paths (opens in a new tab) 2019
‘Landowners delighted with tracing of Mass Paths in Lackagh’, Tuam Herald 2019
‘Mass Path Project’, Tuam Herald 2019
‘Mass Path project will record ancient tracks in Turloughmore’, Tuam Herald 2019
Discovering Mass Paths (opens in a new tab) 2019
‘Mass Path Project’, Galway Talks with Keith Finnegan, Galway Bay FM 2018
Upon These Rocks (opens in a new tab) 2018
Hilary Bishop, Visiting Fellow (Liverpool John Moores University) talk on ‘Irish Mass Rocks’ at The Bridge Room 1001 First Floor Hardiman Research Building, NUI Galway 2018
Arts and Humanities Research Council (opens in a new tab)
Editorial boards:
Andragogika, Editorial Board Member, https://andragogika4.wordpress.com/. 2024
Historical Geography Research Series, Research Editor, https://hgrg.org.uk/research-series/. 2021
Research Grants Awarded:
US-UK Fulbright Commission Fulbright All-Disciplines Scholar Award, A Path Well-Trodden: Narratives from Ireland’s Mass Paths, Grant value (£): 20,000, Duration of research project: 5 months. 2024
British Academy, A Well Trodden Path. The history and heritage of Mass paths in Ireland., Grant value (£): 8769.00, Duration of research project: 2 years. 2018
Cork Historical and Archaeological Society, Mass Rocks in the Diocese of Cloyne, County Cork, Republic of Ireland, Grant value (£): 1000.00, Duration of research project: 2 weeks. 2014
Royal Geographical Society, Mass Rocks in the Diocese of Cork and Ross, County Cork, Republic of Ireland, Grant value (£): 500.00, Duration of research project: 1 week. 2014
British Association of Irish Studies, Mass Rocks in the Diocese of Cork and Ross, County Cork, Republic of Ireland, Grant value (£): 500.00, Duration of research project: 1 week. 2010
Arts and Humanities Research Council, The impact of EU funding upon the management of archaeological monuments within England and the Republic of Ireland with specific reference to agri-environmental schemes., Grant value (£): 12,000.00, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2008
Other invited event:
Teaching, University of Galway, Teaching session on Sacred Space for Irish landscape, Literature and Culture module invited by Dr Nessa Cronin. Nessa Cronin is a Lecturer in Irish Studies, Centre for Irish Studies, and Associate Director of the Moore Institute at NUI Galway, Ireland.. 2024
Merseyside and Vinje Joint Venture, Norwegian Parliament, Oslo, Norway, Merseyside and Vinje Joint Venture. 2020
Keynote Speaker, International Week. University of Finance and Administration, Prague, Czech Republic, Mind the Gap. Fast fashion and sustainable fashion.. 2019
A Well Trodden Path - Project Workshop, Lackagh Parish Centre, Lackagh, Galway, ROI, A community workshop related to a the mapping and recording of Mass paths in the Parish of Lackagh. 2019
Phi Beta Delta 33rd Annual International Conference, Shepherd University, Shepherdstown, West Virginia, USA, Session Chair. 2019
Ireland's Mass Rocks, Moore Institute, NUIG, Ireland, Visiting Research Fellowship Public Lecture. 2018
Cork Heritage Week, Cork, Republic of Ireland, A Public Lecture at Cork County Library 'Mass Rocks of County Cork'. 2017
Landscapes, Environment & Heritage in Irish Studies, University College Cork, For those studying and researching Irish landscapes, there is a plethora of data and information available ranging from historic maps to GPS data, literary geographies, architectural and archaeological sources, oral histories and visual representations. This workshop considered the common codes and methodologies in this inherently inter-disciplinary research field.. 2016
Mass Rocks of County Cork, Cork, Ireland, Guest Lecture for Cork Historical and Archaeological Society. 2015
Public engagement:
Public talk or lecture, Local adults, students, historians, and special interest groups, Invited Speaker, Galway City Museum, ILLUSTRATED TALK: Mass Paths, Mass paths were the countryside walkways used by Catholics to attend illegal masses during penal times (1695–1829). A Well Trodden Path is a collaborative exhibition between photographer Caitriona Dunnett, Dr Hilary Bishop of Liverpool John Moores University, and Lackagh Museum and Heritage Centre, which explores the heritage of mass paths in Lackagh in Co Galway. With the help of the local community, a web of 15 mass paths was mapped out and photographed. The exhibition is on display at Galway City Museum until the end of January 2024. In conjunction with the exhibition, Dr Hilary Bishop, assisted by Michael Hurley of the Lackagh Museum and Heritage Centre, will give an illustrated talk on the origin of Mass Paths and their social significance connecting townlands throughout the large parish of Lackagh. Suitable for Ages 12+ This event is free of charge, but advance booking is advised as seating is limited. To book a place contact the Museum on 091 532 460 or email museum@galwaycity.ie., https://galwaycitymuseum.ie/event/illustrated-talk-mass-paths/. 2024
Public talk or lecture, Local adults, local children, local Priest, Invited Speaker, Lackagh Parish Centre, Illustrated Talk, Illustrated talk: Mapping Through Memory. In summer 2019, a survey was undertaken on the Mass Paths of Lackagh Parish by Dr Hilary Bishop of Liverpool John Moore’s University. The plan at the time was for the production of a booklet and photographic exhibition featuring the findings of the study. However Covid intervened and the report and exhibition never happened-until now! The project output is the paper, Mapping through Memory: The location and nature of Mass paths in Ireland which was recently published in a Geographical Society of Ireland publication, Irish Geography. Dr. Bishop returned to Lackagh on Saturday 9th of September to give a brief outline of her study which was aided by Gerry McDonagh, Frank Kearney and Michael Hurley., https://www.lackaghmuseum.ie/. 2023
Quality Research Participatory Research Fund, Research England via Liverpool John Moores University, https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/about-us/news/articles/2022/8/10/ref-success-leads-to-significant-boost-in-funding. 2023
Visiting Research Fellow, Humanities Institute, University College Dublin, Visiting Research Fellow, https://www.ucd.ie/irishfolklore/en/. 2019
Moore Institute Visiting Research Fellowship, Moore Institute, NUIG, Ireland, http://mooreinstitute.ie/visiting-fellows-scheme/. 2018
Staff Citizenship Award, Liverpool John Moores University. 2015
Willard Potts and Don Jordan Emerging Scholar Award, American Conference for Irish Studies - West. 2013
John Lennon Memorial Fund Scholarship, University of Liverpool. 2008
Bibby Undergraduate Scholarship, University of Liverpool. 2007
Arthur Frederick Price Memorial Prize, University of Liverpool. 2006
Bibby Undergraduate Scholarship, University of Liverpool. 2006
External committees:
Historical Geography Research Group, Royal Geographical Society, Treasurer. 2022
Historical Geography Research Group, Royal Geographical Society, Research Series Editor. 2021
Conference presentation:
The Covid-19 Catalyst: Survival, resistance and recovery within the Catholic Church in Ireland, Royal Geographical Society Annual Conference, Newcastle, Oral presentation. 2022
The Covid-19 Catalyst: Survival, resistance and recovery within the Catholic Church in Ireland, RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2022, Newcastle, Conference Paper. 2022
Open Research Week 2022, Open Research and Me: What can possibly go wrong?, Liverpool John Moores University, Conference Paper. 2022
Other Professional Activity:
Chartered Geographer, Royal Geographical Society. 2019
Directory of Experts, British Association of Irish Studies. 2017
Member of the Irish Memory Studies Network based at University College Dublin.
Industrial connections:
Caitriona Dunnett Photographer, Photographer for British Academy/Leverhulme Small Research Grant - A Well Trodden Path. The history and heritage of Mass paths in Ireland., http://www.caitrionadunnett.com/. 2018
Lackagh Museum and Heritage Centre, Hosts for British Academy/Leverhulme Small Research Grant - A Well Trodden Path. The history and heritage of Mass paths in Ireland., https://www.lackaghmuseum.ie/. 2018
Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, Royal Geographical Society. 2017
Fellowship Higher Education Academy, Higher Education Academy. 2013
Teaching qualification:
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. 2012