Image of Dr Hilary Bishop

Dr Hilary Bishop

Liverpool Business School

Faculty of Business and Law

See My Tutor


Prior to academic study I was employed by a global financial institution for 24 years working alongside senior management to deliver corporate services to a number of blue chip multi-national companies and local government offices before progressing to a management role in Financial Services. I successfully gained qualifications with the Chartered Institute of Bankers and have been employed by Liverpool John Moores University as a Senior Lecturer within the Liverpool Business School since 2009.

Between 2010 and 2017 I worked in a voluntary capacity, as Community Engagement Specialist, for the North West Regional Flood and Coastal Committee (RFCC) for the Environment Agency, leading their 2020 Vision and acting as a member of their annual floods conference steering committee. I was also a member of the Wirral Flood Partnership.

Between 2005 and 2013 I studied with the Institute of Irish Studies, University of Liverpool, where I was awarded the Arthur Frederick Price Memorial Prize, two Bibby Undergraduate Scholarships and a John Lennon Memorial Scholarship. In September 2008 I was awarded an Arts and Humanities Research Council Grant for MPhil research to investigate the impact of European Union funding upon the management of archaeological monuments within England and the Republic of Ireland with specific reference to agri-environmental schemes. Supervised by Professor Marianne Elliott O.B.E, my PhD focused on Mass Rock sites within the diocese of Cork and Ross, county Cork. I have delivered papers at conferences in the UK, Ireland and America and, in September 2013, I was awarded a Willard Potts and Don Jordan Emerging Scholar Award from the American Conference for Irish Studies (West) in San Francisco.

I was appointed as a Chartered Geographer by the Royal Geographic Society in 2017 and am listed on the Directory of Experts for the British Association of Irish Studies. I am currently Research Series Editor for the Historical Geography Research Group of the Royal Geographical Society and have a research dedicated website

In 2024 I was awarded a prestigious US-UK Fulbright All Disciplines Scholars Award. I will be based at Glucksman Ireland House, New York University where I will be working with Irish and Irish Americans to record their narratives in relation to the living heritage associated with Ireland’s Mass paths. I aim to find new innovative ways of measuring and managing living heritage that can support future policy making and better protect these historic pathways.




2013, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, PhD, Irish Studies (Human Geography)
2009, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, MPhil, Irish Studies (Archaeological Heritage Management)
2008, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, B A (Hons) First Class, Irish Studies


2021, in>pd, United Kingdom, Advanced Leadership for Directors
2020, in>pd, United Kingdom, Advanced Strategic Planning for Directors
2020, in>pd, United Kingdom, Finance for Non-Finance Directors
2020, in>pd, United Kingdom, Strategic Marketing and Communications for Directors
2019, in>pd, United Kingdom, The Role of the Non-Executive Director and the Board

Academic appointments

Research Series Editor, Historical Geography Research Group, Royal Geographical Society, 2021 - present
Link Tutor, Business School, South Eastern Regional College, 2019 - present
