Dr Merdzana Obralic Cibiz
Liverpool Business School
Faculty of Business and Law
Email: M.ObralicCibiz@ljmu.ac.uk
Dr. Merdzana Obralic Cibiz is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in International Business Management and the Programme Leader for the MSc International Business Management within Liverpool Business School at Liverpool John Moores University. Dr. Obralić Cibiz gained her Doctorate in Management Science in 2014. She has a proven background in designing and implementing a management sciences research agenda and creating successful curriculum programs for students.
Dr. Merdzana teaches undergraduate and postgraduate students with a student-centered approach. She has advised master and doctoral students and chaired various international conferences. Dr. Obralić Cibiz has run and developed many workshops, programmes, and projects that focus on international business and management.
Academic appointments
Programme Leader, MSc International Business Management, Post Graduate Programmes, LBS, Liverpool John Moores University, 2021 - present
Senior Lecturer, School of Business and Management, Liverpool John Moores University, 2021 - present
Conference publication
Tepavcevic J, Obralic Cibiz M, Milojica V. 2020. The Relationship Between Work-Family Conflict and Turnover Intentions among Employees in Hotel Housekeeping University of Rijeka, 25th Biennial International Congress Tourism & Hospitality Industry Publisher Url
Drpic D, Obralic Cibiz M, Milojica V. 2019. Tourist´s satisfaction with the Nautical Tourism Offer in function of achieving Destination´s Competitiveness PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REFORM European Union Issues and Challenges, International Conference on Administration Management and Social Studies PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REFORM European Union Issues and Challenges :59-76 Publisher Url
Drpić D, Zadel Z, Obralić M. 2019. Managing Development of Event Tourism Offer Based on Non-Material Heritage: Case Study Rijeka Carnival Tourism in Southern and Eastern Europe: Creating Innovative Tourism Experiences: The Way to Extend the Tourist Season DOI Publisher Url
Ljeskovica A, Obralic Cibiz M. Impact of Leasing Performance Factors on Customer Satisfaction; Emphasis on VB Leasing Regional Economic Development: Entrepreneurship and innovation Publisher Url
Habul A, Obralic Cibiz M, Frimel D. The Impact of Virtualization and Cloud Computing on Modern Business Regional Economic Development, Entrepreneurship and innovation Publisher Url
Habul A, Obralic Cibiz M, Sasic D. Implementation Methods and Tools for Continuous Improvement of Quality Management System in SME Regional Economic Development: Business Perspectives 2 Publisher Url
Habul A, Obralic Cibiz M, Velic K. Company’s Web Presentation Supported by Web Content Management System International Conference on Economic and Social Studies
Ozlen , Obralic Cibiz M, Cickusic , Ejupi , Dzaferovic . E-commerce in Bosnia & Herzegovina 3rd International Symposium on Sustainable Development
Obralic Cibiz M, Cickusic E. Managements’ Willingness to Support IT Usage While Learning Second Language and Its Influence on Students’ Learning Methodology at Universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina Second International Conference on Foreign Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics
Journal article
Ahmetasevic J, Obralic Cibiz M. 2018. Influence of Transformational Leadership on Novelty of Product Ideas: Validation of Theoretical Model European Scientific Journal (ESJ), 14 DOI
Ahmetasevic J, Obralic Cibiz M. 2018. Predictors of Novelty of Product Ideas: Proposition of Theoretical Model European Researcher, DOI
Obralic Cibiz M, Goksu A. 2014. The Application of Information Technology (IT) Tools in Learning and Teaching Process in Private Higher Education Institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 4 DOI
Handzic M, Obralic Cibiz M, Cickusic E. 2011. Students’ Perceptions of IT Supported Learning The Journal of Knowledge Economy & Knowledge Management, VI
Obralic M, Obralic N, Konakli Z. The Development of IT Supported Language Learning International Journal of Learning and Development, 4 :1-1 DOI Publisher Url
Books (authored)
Obralic Cibiz M, Obralic T, Obralic H. 2017. Method of Ideal Types :1-151 UT. Bosnia and Herzegovina 978-9958-640-76-6
Duman T, Obralic M, Ilgun E. 2016. Regional Economic Development in the Balkan Region Cambridge Scholars Publishing 9781443887618 Publisher Url
Obralic Cibiz M, Goksu A. 2013. Economic Crisis and European Union Obralic Cibiz M, Goksu A. IBU. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 978-9958-834- 23-3
Conference presentation:
Correlation Between Cooperativeness and Socioeconomic Integration among the Bosnian Ethnic Community in St. Louis, USA, 26th International Turkish Cooperative Congress, Madrid/SPAIN, Oral presentation. 2024
Social Integration of Female Migrant Leaders in St. Louis, USA, Oxford Women's Leadership Symposium, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, Oral presentation. 2024
The Relationship Between Work-Family Conflict and Turnover Intentions among Employees in Hotel Housekeeping, 25th Biennial International Congress Tourism & Hospitality Industry, Opatija, Croatia, Oral presentation. 2020
Managing Development of Event Tourism Offer Based on Non-Material Heritage: Case Study Rijeka Carnival, Tourism in Southern and Eastern Europe, Opatija, Croatia, Oral presentation. 2019
The Impact of Virtualization and Cloud Computing to Modern Business, Regional Economic Development, Entrepreneurship and innovation, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Oral presentation. 2016
Implementation Methods and Tools for Continuous Improvement of Quality Management System in SME, Regional Economic Development: Business Perspectives, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Oral presentation. 2015
Company’s Web Presentation Supported by Web Content Management System, International Conference on Economic and Social Studies, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Oral presentation. 2013
Managements’ Willingness to Support IT Usage While Learning Second Language and Its Influence on Students’ Learning Methodology at Universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Second International Conference on Foreign Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Oral presentation. 2012
The Use of IT Tools in Everyday Classes Where Foreign Language is Taught, 1st International Conference on Foreign Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Oral presentation. 2011
Islamic Thoughts Inter religious Dialogue in Multi Religious and Multicultural Society, Like in the Western Balkans Countries which are not Member of the EU, International Symposium Contemporary Perceptions of Islam in the Context of Science, Ethics and Art,, Samsun, Turkey, Oral presentation. 2010
Data Warehousing (DW) - Models and Business Application, 2nd International Symposium on Sustainable Development, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Oral presentation. 2010
Approach to trends and the importance of business intelligence to business firms, and assertion of BI in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 9th International Knowledge, Education, Economy and Management Congress, Yalova, Turkey, Oral presentation. 2009
Development of IT in Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Example: Faculty of Economics, University of Sarajevo, 9th International Knowledge, Economy and Management Congress, Yalova, Turkey, Oral presentation. 2009
The Impacts of Religiosity on the Ethical Attitudes of the Prospective Managers, 1st International Symposium on Sustainable Development, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Oral presentation. 2009
Multiculturalism in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Education, Science, Sport and Tourism in the Great Revival Era,, Askabat, Turkmenistan, Oral presentation. 2008
Editorial boards:
Journal of Economics, Management and Informatics, Board Member. 2021
Journal of Economics, Management and Informatics, Review Team. 2021
Public Administration Reform; European Union Issues and Challenges, Editor. 2019
Regional Economic Development - Contemporary Trends in Tourism and Hospitality Industry in the Balkan Region, Editor. 2018
Regional Economic Development – Rural Business Development in the Balkan Region, Editor. 2017
Regional Economic Development; Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Editor. 2016
Regional Economic Development: Business Perspectives, Editor. 2015
Regional Economic Development, Editor. 2014
Media Coverage:
Research Grants Awarded:
GIZ - The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit, PAR: European Union Issues and Challenges, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Grant value (£): 23 500, Duration of research project: 1 years. 2019
Mercan Foundation, Talented Children and Children without Parental Care, Grant value (£): 42 300. 2016
The Sarajevo Stock Exchange, SASE Simulation, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Grant value (£): 15 800, Duration of research project: 16 months. 2013
Conference organisation:
International Conference on Administration Management and Social Studies, University of Sarajevo, Chair. 2018
International Conference on Economic and Social Studies, Chair and Co-chair of the Conference, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014. 2013
External collaboration:
University of Leon Campus de Vegazana, s/n, 24071 León, Spain, Visiting Professor Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility Program. 2018
Polytechnic Institute of Viseu Campus Politécnico Santa Maria, 3504-510 Viseu, Portugal, Visiting Professor Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility Program. 2017
Plaque for the ICESOS 2016, Conference Award for the successful conference organization, International Conference on Economic and Social Studies Sarajevo 71000, Bosnia and Herzegovina. 2016
Membership of professional bodies:
Mercan Foundation, Director of the Board. 2014
Other Professional Activity:
Editorial Assistant at the Journal of Economic and Social Studies. 2012