Image of Dharmesh Mistry

Dharmesh Mistry

Astrophysics Research Institute

Faculty of Engineering and Technology

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Journal article

Mistry D, Copperwheat CM, Darnley MJ, Olier I. 2023. Machine-learning applications for cataclysmic variable discovery in the ZTF alert stream Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527 :8633-8658 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Mistry D, Copperwheat CM, Darnley MJ, Olier I. 2022. Machine Learning based search for Cataclysmic Variables within Gaia Science Alerts Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 517 :3362-3376 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url

Mistry D, Steele IA. 2021. Spectroscopy of the 2015 Outburst of AG Pegasi Research Notes of the AAS, 5 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Mistry D, Steele IA. 2020. Photometry of the 2015 Outburst of AG Pegasi Research Notes of the AAS, 4 :226-226 DOI Publisher Url


Mistry D. Extreme Binaries in a Target Rich Environment Copperwheat C, Darnley M, Olier I.
