Dr Layth Kraidi
School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Email: L.A.Kraidi@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 2676
Dr Kraidi is a Senior Lecturer(Assistant Professor) at the School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment.
Dr Kraidi has a PhD in Civil Engineering-Construction Projects Management, with research interests in risk management.
Layth is working on developing risk management frameworks and computer-based models to mitigate the risk factors associated with projects in the construction industry.
His research interests cover project management; risk management; projects' success factors (finish the projects within time and planned budget); critical risk factors (e.g. safety and security risks); computer modelling and simulation ( e.g. fuzzy logic theory and Monte Carlo Simulation) and other topics in the fields of project management and construction management.
Currently, he is working on these research topics
• Digital Twines, VR and AR applications in the construction industry
• 3D scanning and point clouds
• Simulation, AI and Real-life Scenarios
• Automated maintenance (prioritised and advanced maintenance planning)
• Technology Innovations, Robotics and Automation in Construction
• 3D, 4D, 5D and 6D BIM
• Fuzzy Logic Theory and Monti Carlo Simulation
• Risk Management, risk identification, rote causes, risk ranking (design, construction, operation and maintenance)
• Health and Safety
• Risk management and mitigation methods
• Project Management (delay and cost overrun)
• Construction Management and Site Production
• Oil and Gas pipelines
• Data Collection, Surveys, Interviews, Focus Groups, Delphi, AHP
• Surveying and Geomatics
Before joining LJMU, my UK-based academic experience involved working at three colleges (as a lecturer) and two universities (as a research assistant and a lecturer).
I have taught various courses in civil engineering, construction engineering, construction management and project management appliances for Level 3, T Levels, Level 4, Level 5, Level 6 and Level 7 students.
I have five years of experience in the construction industry, as I worked as a site supervisor and team leader in a $160M oil and gas depository project. I was the safety engineer in an oil refinery.
Industry Certificates
• Quality Assurance / Quality Control (QA/QC) Engineer-Civil (ISO 9001:2008).
• Safety management. Certified Safety Engineer (ISO 9001:2008).
• Non-Destructive Testing NTD (Non-Destructive Testing) level 2 in (RT, UT, MT, PT) (ISO 9001:2008).
• Internal Auditor QMS - Quality Management System (ISO 9001:2008).
• Internal Auditor OSHAS 18001: 2007.
• PPM Concept Primavera Using
Membership of professional bodies:
FHEA, Fellowship of Higher Education Academy (2020)
2020, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PhD
2019, Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, PG Cert
2013, Osmania University, India, Masters of Engineering
2010, Al_Qadisiya University, Iraq, BSc. (Honor) Civil Engineering
Academic appointments
Senior Lecturer, School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment, Liverpool John Moores University, 2022 - present
Lecturer, Building Serveries, University of Bolton, 2021 - 2022
Conference publication
Shah RK, Kraidi L, Matipa WM, Borthwick F. 2022. A Model for Delay Analysis Impact at Planning Phase of Oil & Gas Pipeline Projects: A case of Iraq EPiC Series in Built Environment: ASC 2022, 58th Annual Associated Schools of Construction International Conference:, ASC2022: 58th Annual Associated Schools of Construction International Conference 3 :299-307 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Shah R, Kraidi L, Matipa W, Borthwick F. 2022. Investigation of the Risk Factors Causing Safety and Delay Issues in Oil and Gas Pipeline Construction Projects Conference Proceedings GCMM 2021 Advances in Manufacturing Processes, Intelligent Methods and Systems in Production Engineering, Advances in Manufacturing Processes, Intelligent Methods and Systems in Production Engineering 335 :313-326 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Kraidi L, Shah R, Matipa W, Borthwick F. 2020. Quantitative Analysis of the Delay Factors in Oil and Gas Pipeline Projects EPiC Series in Built Environment, Associated Schools of Construction Proceedings of the 56th Annual International Conference 1 :356-363 DOI Publisher Url
Hashim KS, Hussein AH, Zubaidi SL, Kot P, Kraidi L, Alkhaddar R, Shaw A, Alwash R. 2019. Effect of initial pH value on the removal of reactive black dye from water by electrocoagulation (EC) method Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1294 DOI Publisher Url
Kraidi L, Shah RK, Matipa W, Borthwick F, Hashim KS. 2019. Development of Risk Optimisation Model for Oil and Gas Transportation Pipeline Routes IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, The International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering Technologies (ICCEET) DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Hashim KS, Al-Saati NH, Alquzweeni SS, Zubaidi SL, Kot P, Kraidi L, Hussein AH, Al Khaddar RM, Shaw A, Alwash R. 2019. Decolourization of dye solutions by electrocoagulation: an investigation of the effect of operational parameters IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, The International Conference on Civil and Environmental Engineering Technologies (ICCEET) :012024 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Kraidi L, Shah RK, Matipa WM, Borthwick F. 2018. Application of Fuzzy Based Model to Manage the Critical Risk Factors in Oil and Gas Pipeline Projects CIDM 2018 – 5th International Conference on Interactive Digital Media, ICIDM 2018 – 5th International Conference on Interactive Digital Media Public Url
Kraidi L, Shah RK, Matipa WM, Borthwick F. 2018. An Analysis of the Critical Risk Factors in Oil and Gas Pipeline Projects using a Comprehensive Risk Management Framework ARCOM Conference Proceedings, Association of Researchers in Construction Management 34th (ARCOM 4th) :360-369 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kraidi L, Shah RK, Matipa WM, Borthwick F. 2018. The Development of a Questionnaire Survey to Investigate the Critical Risk Factors in Oil and Gas Pipelines Projects Skibniewski MJ, Hajdu M. CCC 2018 - Proceedings, Creative Construction Conference 2018 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Kraidi L, Shah RK, Matipa WM, Borthwick F. 2018. Analyzing the Critical Risk Factors in Oil and Gas Pipelines Projects Regarding the Perceptions of the Stakeholders Skibniewski MJ, Hajdu M. CCC 2018 - Proceedings, Creative Construction Conference 2018 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Kraidi L, Shah RK, Matipa WM, Borthwick F. 2018. Analysing the Critical Risk Factors of Oil and Gas Pipeline Projects in Iraq Pinnington A, Taleb H. The 3rd BUiD Doctoral Research Conference 2017 Proceedings, The3rd BUiD Doctoral Research Conference :133-148 Publisher Url Public Url
Kraidi L, Shah RK, Matipa WM, Borthwick F. Application of Fuzzy Logic Theory on Risk Assessment in Oil and Gas Pipeline Projects. ASC 2019 International Conference, ASC 2019 International Conference Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Shah R, Tayyab M, Kraidi L. Analysing the Safety Risk Factors and Adaptation Measures in Downstream Oil and Gas Industry 59th Annual Associated Schools of Construction International Conference DOI Publisher Url
Journal article
Shah R, Kraidi L, Matipa W, Borthwick F. 2022. Investigation of the Risk Factors Causing Safety and Delay Issues in Oil and Gas Pipeline Construction Projects Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 335 LNNS :313-326 DOI Publisher Url
Kraidi L, Shah RK, Matipa WM, Borthwick F. 2021. An Investigation of mitigating the Safety and Security Risks allied with Oil and Gas Pipeline Project: a case study in Iraq Journal of Pipeline Science and Engineering, 1 :349-359 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Kraidi L, Shah RK, Matipa WM, Borthwick F. 2020. Using stakeholders’ judgement and fuzzy logic theory to analyze the risk influencing factors in oil and gas pipeline projects: Case study in Iraq, Stage II International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 28 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kraidi L, Shah RK, Matipa WM, Borthwick F. 2019. Analyzing Stakeholders' Perceptions of the Critical Risk Factors in Oil and Gas Pipeline Projects Periodica Polytechnica Architecture, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Kraidi L, Shah RK, Matipa WM, Borthwick F. 2018. Analysing the Critical Risk Factors associated with Oil and Gas Pipeline Projects in Iraq International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 24 :14-22 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kraidi L, Shah RK, Matipa WM, Borthwick F. Investigation of the Risk Factors Causing Safety and Delay Issues in Oil and Gas Pipeline Construction Projects Procedia Manufacturing, Author Url Publisher Url Public Url