Image of Jackie Davenport

Jackie Davenport

Nursing and Advanced Practice

Faculty of Health

I am an adult nurse with over 30 years of clinical experience. I began as a staff nurse in Walton Neuro, becoming a senior sister in a busy city centre emergency department and the moving into primary care as a nurse practitioner in a suite of Walk in Centres. I set up and managed a minor injury centre for children which became the first walk in centre for children in the country.
I moved into academia in 2001 and loved my job as a Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing.
I love supporting students through their academic studies and seeing them develop their knowledge and skills and professional identity. Graduation is my favourite day of the year.
My key teaching areas have been leadership, clinical skills, mentorship, and teaching and learning in practice It is great to meet past students and to hear about how they have utilised their studies to progress their careers in clinical practice, and see them return to LJMU for further study.
I have recently moved away from direct teaching into my role as Head of Curriculum Development and Enhancement. I find this role is a natural progression to utilise my academic experience in supporting others to ensure the programmes we develop and deliver, continue to be current and relevant ,and meet the high standards needed to keep patients safe.


University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, BSc (Hons) Professional Health Studies
Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, MA Teaching and Learning in Higher Education


NMC, Registered Nurse
NMC, Recorded Teacher

Academic appointments

Head of Curriculum Development and Enhancement, School of Nursing and Advanced Practice, Liverpool John Moores University, 2024 - present
External Examiner, College of Nursing, Midwifery and Health, University of West London, 2018 - 2022
External Examiner, Birmingham City University, 2011 - 2015
Prgression & Awards External Examiner, University of the West of Scotland, 2011 - 2016
External Examiner, Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Science, Swansea University, 2006 - 2011
Senior Lecturer Adult Nursing, School of Nursing and Advanced Practice, Liverpool John Moores University, 2001 - 2023

Postgraduate training

ENB 199 Accident and Emergency Nursing, United Kingdom, Liverpool John Moores University, ? - present
