Dr Philip Carey
Nursing and Advanced Practice
Faculty of Health
Email: P.Carey@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 4469
Phil is the Dean of the Teaching & Learning Academy. The Academy provides general oversight of academic practice in LJMU, whether this is associated with face-to-face or technology enhanced learning. Its key roles include strategy, policy and process development; professional development for staff in teaching roles, evaluation and impact assessment, technology enhanced learning and curriculum enhancement. Phil is programme leader for the PGCert/MA Academic Practice.
The Academy also coordinates the institutional response to the Teaching Excellence Framework and Access & Participation Plan.
Phil's research interests focus on student engagement, with specific reference to how students can participate in the university's decision-making processes. He has a lead role in the development of student engagement in LJMU and chairs the institutional Student Engagement Panel. He was made a Reader in Student Engagement in 2016.
Phil is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and in 2015 was recognised as a National Teaching Fellow.
2013, University of Lancaster, UK, PhD
1996, University of East London, United Kingdom, PCTHLE
1994, University of Manchester, UK, MSc
1987, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, BSc (hons)
Academic appointments
Dean of the Teaching & Learning Academy, Academic Registry, LJMU, 2020 - present
Journal article
Bodfield KS, Carey P, Putwain DW, Rowley A. 2023. A Thematic Analysis of Self-Reported Teacher Perceptions and Management of Atypical Student Behaviours and their Relation to the Student Self-Concept Pastoral Care in Education: An International Journal of Personal, Social and Emotional Development, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Bodfield K, Putwain DW, Carey P, Rowley A. 2020. A Construct Validation and Extension of the Adolescent Attachment Questionnaire (AAQ) Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 37 :3070-3082 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cutler S, Morecroft CW, Carey P, Kennedy T. 2020. Are pharmacy students adequately prepared to work in healthcare teams? Pharmacy Education, 20 :43-51 Publisher Url Public Url
Cutler SC, Morecroft CW, Carey P, Kennedy T. 2018. Are interprofessional healthcare teams meeting patient expectations? An exploration of the perceptions of patients and informal caregivers Journal of Interprofessional Care, 33 :66-75 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Carey P. 2017. Enhancing student representation: the Liverpool John Moores University way Innovations in Practice, 11 :4-8 Publisher Url Public Url
Carey P. 2016. The impact of institutional culture, policy and process on student engagement in university decision-making Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education, :1-8 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Carey P. 2015. Student engagement and the threat of consumerism: testing assumptions International Journal of Advancement in Education and Social Sciences, 3 :1-7 Publisher Url Public Url
Carey P. 2013. Student as co-producer in a marketised higher education system: a case study of students' experience of participation in curriculum design Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 50 :250-260 DOI Publisher Url
Carey P. 2013. Representation and student engagement in higher education: a reflection on the views and experiences of course representatives Journal of Further and Higher Education,, 37 :71-88 DOI Publisher Url
Carey P. 2013. Student as co-producer in a marketised higher education system: a case study of students’ experience of participation in curriculum design Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 50 :250-260 DOI Author Url
Carey P. 2012. Exploring variation in nurse educators' perceptions of the inclusive curriculum INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION, 16 :741-755 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Carey P. 2012. Student engagement: stakeholder perspectives on course representation in university governance Studies in Higher Education, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Carey P. 2011. Exploring variation in nurse educators’perceptions of the inclusive curriculum International Journal of Inclusive Education,
Brooman SD, Carey P, Jubb E, Milsom C. 2010. Student Views of Assessment and Feedback Innovations in Practice, 2 :123-132
Carey P, Milsom C, Brooman S, Jubb E. 2010. Student views of assessment and feedback Innovations in Practice, 2 :123-130
Shawa L, Carey P, Mair M. 2008. Studying interaction in undergraduate tutorials: results from a small-scale evaluation TEACHING IN HIGHER EDUCATION, 13 :703-714 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Carey P, Sutton S. 2004. Community development through participatory arts: Lessons learned from a community arts and regeneration project in South Liverpool Community Development Journal, 39 :123-134 DOI Publisher Url
Carey PSS. 2003. ‘Closer’: an evaluation of a community arts and regeneration initiative Community Development Journal,
carey P. 2003. ‘Closer’: an evaluation of a community arts and regeneration initiative Community Development Journal,
Cleave H, Carey P, Norris P, Sloper P, While D, Charlton A. 1997. Pastoral care in initial teacher education: A survey of secondary teacher education institutions Pastoral Care in Education, 15 :16-21 DOI Publisher Url
Carey P, While D, Sloper P, Charlton A. 1995. Is health locus of control related to health education activity. Psychological reports, 76 :1389-1390 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Carey P, Sloper P, Charlton A, While D. 1995. Cancer education and the primary school teacher in England and Wales Journal of Cancer Education, 10 :48-52 DOI Author Url
Carey P, Charlton A, Sloper P, While D. 1995. Cancer Education in Secondary Schools Educational Review, 47 :101-111 DOI Publisher Url
Williams J, Carey P, Grainne G, Melanie I, Carol-Ann M, Abigail P. 1995. Education for empowerment: Implications for professional development and training in health promotion Health Education Journal, 54 :37-47 DOI Publisher Url
Carey P. 1993. Dealing with pupils’ life crises: A model for action Pastoral Care in Education, 11 :12-18 DOI Publisher Url
Carey P. 1992. Teachers' attitudes to cancer education: A discussion in the light of a recent English survey Journal of Cancer Education, 7 :153-161 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Carey P. 1991. Teaching about cancer - an evaluation of a cancer education resource Health Education Journal, 50 :78-82 DOI Publisher Url
Conference presentation:
Bridge the gap: exploring experiences of assessment, feedback and student performance. What is next?, Students at the Heart Conference, Liverpool John Moores University, Oral presentation. 2022
National Teaching Fellow. 2015
Senior Fellow, Advance HE.