Prof Vivian Hope
Public and Allied Health
Faculty of Health
Email: V.D.Hope@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 4332
Viv joined the Public Health Institute in November 2016 as Professor of Public Health. Prior to that Viv was a Principal Scientist at Public Health England and also a Senior Lecturer at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. He has also held positions at Imperial College London and the University of Birmingham.
The focus of Viv’s work has been on the health harms, particularly the blood borne viral and bacterial infections, associated with drug use and the responses to these. Other research areas include the health and wellbeing of LGBTQ+ communities, the use of substance to enhance image and performance, sexual health, and infections.
Viv is a member of the Liverpool Health Commission.
University of Bath, Bath, United Kingdom, PhD
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom, MMedSci
Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, United Kingdom, BSc (Hons)
Highlighted publications
Hope VD, Timpson H, Porcellato LA, Brett CE, Harrison R, Hunt A, Bigland C, Leavey C, Hay G, Saini P. 2023. Did the UK’s COVID-19 restrictions during 2020 have a differential impact on the well-being of the LGBQ+ population: a mixed methods study BMJ Open, 13 :e068818 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lewer D, Brothers TD, Croxford S, Desai M, Emanuel E, Harris M, Hope VD. 2023. Opioid injection-associated bacterial infections in England, 2002-2021: a time series analysis of seasonal variation and the impact of COVID-19 Clinical Infectious Diseases, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hope VD, Bond VW, Boardley I, Smith J, Campbell J, Bates G, Ralphs R, Van Hout MC, McVeigh J. 2022. Anabolic androgenic steroid use population size estimation: a first stage study utilising a Delphi exercise Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Lewer D, Croxford S, Desai M, Emanuel E, Hope VD, McAuley A, Phipps E, Tweed EJ. 2022. The characteristics of people who inject drugs in the United Kingdom: changes in age, duration, and incidence of injecting, 1980–2019, using evidence from repeated cross-sectional surveys Addiction, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hibbert MP, Germain JS, Brett CE, Van Hout M-C, Hope VD, Porcellato LA. 2021. Service provision and barriers to care for men who have sex with men engaging in chemsex and sexualised drug use in England. Int J Drug Policy, 92 :103090 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hibbert MP, Hillis A, Brett CE, Porcellato LA, Hope VD. 2021. A narrative systematic review of sexualised drug use and sexual health outcomes among LGBT people International Journal of Drug Policy, :103187-103187 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hibbert MP, Brett CE, Porcellato LA, Hope VD. 2020. Image and performance enhancing drug use among men who have sex with men and women who have sex with women in the UK. International Journal of Drug Policy, :102933-102933 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Whitfield M, Reed H, Webster J, Hope V. 2020. The impact of COVID-19 restrictions on needle and syringe programme provision and coverage in England International Journal of Drug Policy, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lewer D, Hope VD, Harris M, Kelleher M, Jewell A, Pritchard M, Strang J, Morley KI. 2020. Incidence and treatment costs of severe bacterial infections among people who inject heroin: A cohort study in South London, England. Drug Alcohol Depend, 212 :108057 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hibbert MP, Brett CE, Porcellato LA, Hope V. 2020. Sexually transmitted infection diagnoses, sexualised drug use and associations with pre-exposure prophylaxis use among men who have sex with men in the UK International Journal of STD and AIDS, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lewer D, Harris M, Hope V. 2017. Opiate injection–associated skin, soft tissue, and vascular infections, England, UK, 1997–2016 Emerging Infectious Diseases, 23 :1400-1403 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hope VD, Harris R, McVeigh J, Cullen KJ, Smith J, Parry JV, DeAngelis D, Ncube F. 2016. Risk of HIV and hepatitis B and C over time among men who inject image and performance enhancing drugs in England and Wales: Results from cross-sectional prevalence surveys, 1992-2013 Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 71 :331-337 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hope VD, Harris RJ, De Angelis D, Croxford S, Marongiu A, Parry JV, Ncube F. 2014. Two decades of successes and failures in controlling the transmission of HIV through injecting drug use in England and Wales, 1990 to 2011 Eurosurveillance, 19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Palmateer NE, Hope VD, Roy K, Marongiu A, White JM, Grant KA, Ramsay CN, Goldberg DJ, Ncube F. 2013. Infections with spore-forming bacteria in persons who inject drugs, 2000-2009 Emerging Infectious Diseases, 19 :29-34 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hope V, Kimber J, Vickerman P, Hickman M, Ncube F. 2008. Frequency, factors and costs associated with injection site infections: findings from a national multi-site survey of injecting drug users in England. BMC Infect Dis, 8 :120 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hope VD, Hickman M, Tilling K. 2005. Capturing crack cocaine use: Estimating the prevalence of crack cocaine use in London using capture-recapture with covariates Addiction, 100 :1701-1708 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hope VD, Rogers PA, Jordan L, Paine TC, Barnett S, Parry JV, Gill ON. 2002. Sustained increase in the sharing of needles and syringes among drug users in England and Wales. AIDS, 16 :2494-2496 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hope VD, MacArthur C, Mullis D, Radcliffe K. 2000. Relation between information and advice provision to male GUM clinic attendees and sexual orientation and ethnic group Sexually Transmitted Infections, 76 :198-202 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hope VD, Macarthur C. 1998. Safer sex and social class: Findings from a study of men using the 'gay scene' in the West Midlands Region of the United Kingdom AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 10 :81-88 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Journal article
Wickremsinhe M, Holland A, Scott J, Gittins R, Brown M, Noctor AB, Lewer D, Hope V, Eastwood N, Harris M. 2024. Improving hospital care for people who use drugs: deliberative process development of a clinical guideline for opioid withdrawal management Harm Reduction Journal, 21 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Van Hout MC, Madroumi R, Andrews MD, Arnold R, Hope VD, Taegtmeyer M. 2024. The nexus of immigration regulation and health governance: a scoping review of the extent to which right to access healthcare by migrants, refugees and asylum seekers was upheld in the United Kingdom during COVID-19 Public Health, 232 :21-29 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lewer D, Brown M, Burns A, Eastwood N, Gittens R, Holland A, Hope V, Ko A, Lewthwaite P, Morris A-M, Noctor A, Preston A, Scott J, Smith E, Sweeney S, Tilouche N, Wickremsinhe M, Harris M. 2024. Improving hospital-based opioid substitution therapy (iHOST): protocol for a mixed-methods evaluation NIHR Open Research, 4 :1-12 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Harris M, Scott J, Hope V, Busza J, Sweeney S, Preston A, Southwell M, Eastwood N, Vuckovic C, McGaff C, Yoon I, Wilkins L, Ram S, Lord C, Bonnet P, Furlong P, Simpson N, Slater H, Platt L. 2024. Safe inhalation pipe provision (SIPP): protocol for a mixed-method evaluation of an intervention to improve health outcomes and service engagement among people who use crack cocaine in England Harm Reduction Journal, 21 :19-19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Gliddon HD, Ward Z, Heinsbroek E, Croxford S, Edmundson C, Hope VD, Simmons R, Mitchell H, Hickman M, Vickerman P, Stone J. 2024. Has the HCV cascade of care changed among people who inject drugs in England since the introduction of direct-acting antivirals? International Journal of Drug Policy, :104324-104324 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Edmundson C, Croxford S, Emanuel E, Njoroge J, Ijaz S, Hope V, Phipps E, Desai M. 2023. Recent increases in crack injection and associated risk factors among people who inject psychoactive drugs in England and Wales International Journal of Drug Policy, :104262-104262 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Emanuel E, Slater L, Croxford S, Edmundson C, Ibitoye A, Njoroge J, Ijaz S, Hope V, Platt L, Phipps E, Desai M. 2023. Adverse health outcomes among people who inject drugs who engaged in recent sex work: findings from a national survey Public Health, 225 :79-86 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hope VD, Timpson H, Porcellato LA, Brett CE, Harrison R, Hunt A, Bigland C, Leavey C, Hay G, Saini P. 2023. Did the UK’s COVID-19 restrictions during 2020 have a differential impact on the well-being of the LGBQ+ population: a mixed methods study BMJ Open, 13 :e068818 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Uusküla A, Rannap J, Weijler L, Abagiu A, Arendt V, Barrio G, Barros H, Brummer‐Korvenkontio H, Casabona J, Croes E, Jarlais DD, Seguin‐Devaux C, Dudás M, Eritsyan K, Folch C, Hatzakis A, Heimer R, Heinsbroek E, Hope V, Jipa R, Ķīvīte‐Urtāne A, Levina O, Lyubimova A, Malczewski A, Matser A, McAuley A, Meireles P, Mravčík V, Op de Coul E, Ojavee SE, Parés‐Badell O, Prins M, Pulido J, Romanyak E, Rosinska M, Seyler T, Stone J, Sypsa V, Talu A, Tarján A, Taylor A, Vickerman P, Vorobjov S, Dolan K, Wiessing L. 2023. Incarceration history is associated with HIV infection among community‐recruited people who inject drugs in Europe: A propensity‐score matched analysis of cross‐sectional studies Addiction, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Saini P, Porcellato L, Hunt A, Timpson H, Harrison R, Bigland C, Levy C, Brett CE, Forshaw MJ, Hope VD, Phoenix Team . 2023. Impact of the government's restrictions and guidance in relation to "social distancing" on the lives of ethnic minority populations: A mixed methods study. Health science reports, 6 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Slater L, Edmundson C, Emanuel E, Njoroge J, Hope V, Phipps E, Desai M, Croxford S. 2023. Inadequate needle and syringe coverage among people who inject psychoactive drugs across England and Wales Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lewer D, Brothers TD, Croxford S, Desai M, Emanuel E, Harris M, Hope VD. 2023. Opioid injection-associated bacterial infections in England, 2002-2021: a time series analysis of seasonal variation and the impact of COVID-19 Clinical Infectious Diseases, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bates G, Ralphs R, Bond VW, Boardley I, Hope V, Van Hout MC, McVeigh J. 2022. Systems mapping to understand complexity in the association between image and performance enhancing drugs (IPEDs) and harm International Journal of Drug Policy, 107 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hope VD, Bond VW, Boardley I, Smith J, Campbell J, Bates G, Ralphs R, Van Hout MC, McVeigh J. 2022. Anabolic androgenic steroid use population size estimation: a first stage study utilising a Delphi exercise Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Lewer D, Croxford S, Desai M, Emanuel E, Hope VD, McAuley A, Phipps E, Tweed EJ. 2022. The characteristics of people who inject drugs in the United Kingdom: changes in age, duration, and incidence of injecting, 1980–2019, using evidence from repeated cross-sectional surveys Addiction, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Croxford S, Emanuel E, Shah A, Chau C, Hope V, Desai M, Ijaz S, Shute J, Edmundson C, Harris RJ, Delpech V, Phipps E. 2022. Epidemiology of HIV infection and associated behaviours among people who inject drugs in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland: Nearly 40 years on HIV Medicine, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Doran J, Hope V, Wright T, Scott J, Ciccarone D, Harris M. 2022. Prevalence and factors associated with chronic venous insufficiency, leg ulceration and deep-vein thrombosis among people who inject drugs in London, UK. Drug Alcohol Rev, 41 :677-685 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wiessing L, Kalamara E, Stone J, Altan P, Van Baelen L, Fotiou A, Garcia D, Goulao J, Guarita B, Hope V, Jauffret-Roustide M, Jurgelaitienė L, Kåberg M, Kamarulzaman A, Lemsalu L, Kivite-Urtane A, Kolarić B, Montanari L, Rosińska M, Sava L, Horváth I, Seyler T, Sypsa V, Tarján A, Yiasemi I, Zimmermann R, Ferri M, Dolan K, Uusküla A, Vickerman P. 2021. Univariable associations between a history of incarceration and HIV and HCV prevalence among people who inject drugs across 17 countries in Europe 2006 to 2020 – is the precautionary principle applicable? Eurosurveillance, 26 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McVeigh J, Hearne E, Boardley I, Bates G, Hope V, Ralphs R, Van Hout MC. 2021. Generating evidence on the use of Image and performance enhancing drugs in the UK: results from a scoping review and expert consultation by the Anabolic Steroid UK network. Harm Reduct J, 18 :107 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bardsley M, Heinsbroek E, Harris R, Croxford S, Edmundson C, Hope V, Hassan N, Ijaz S, Mandal S, Shute J, Hutchinson SJ, Hickman M, Sinka K, Phipps E. 2021. The impact of direct-acting antivirals on hepatitis C viraemia among people who inject drugs in England; real-world data 2011-2018. J Viral Hepat, 28 :1452-1463 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hibbert MP, Germain JS, Brett CE, Van Hout M-C, Hope VD, Porcellato LA. 2021. Service provision and barriers to care for men who have sex with men engaging in chemsex and sexualised drug use in England. Int J Drug Policy, 92 :103090 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hope VD, McVeigh J, Begley E, Glass R, Edmundson C, Heinsbroek E, Kean J, Campbell J, Whitfield M, Morgan G, Acreman D, Smith J. 2021. Factors associated with hepatitis C and HIV testing uptake among men who inject image and performance enhancing drugs. Drug Alcohol Rev, 40 :586-596 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Arum C, Fraser H, Artenie AA, Bivegete S, Trickey A, Alary M, Astemborski J, Iversen J, Lim AG, MacGregor L, Morris M, Ong JJ, Platt L, Sack-Davis R, van Santen DK, Solomon SS, Sypsa V, Valencia J, Van Den Boom W, Walker JG, Ward Z, Stone J, Vickerman P, Cherutich P, Debeck K, Dietze P, Dumchev K, Hayashi K, Hellard M, Hickman M, Hope V, Judd A, Kåberg M, Kurth AE, Leclerc P, Maher L, Mehta SH, Page KA, Prins M, Todd CS, Strathdee SA. 2021. Homelessness, unstable housing, and risk of HIV and hepatitis C virus acquisition among people who inject drugs: a systematic review and meta-analysis The Lancet Public Health, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hibbert MP, Hillis A, Brett CE, Porcellato LA, Hope VD. 2021. A narrative systematic review of sexualised drug use and sexual health outcomes among LGBT people International Journal of Drug Policy, :103187-103187 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Croxford S, Emanuel E, Ibitoye A, Njoroge J, Edmundson C, Bardsley M, Heinsbroek E, Hope V, Phipps E. 2021. Preliminary indications of the burden of COVID-19 among people who inject drugs in England and Northern Ireland and the impact on access to health and harm reduction services Public Health, 192 :8-11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hillis A, Germain J, Hibbert MP, Hope V, Van Hout MC. 2021. “Belt and braces approach; added benefit and…extra reassurance”: A Multi-Stakeholder Examination of the Challenges to Effective Provision of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV Prevention Among Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) in Northern and Central England. AIDS Care, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hillis A, Germain J, Hope V, McVeigh J, Van Hout MC. 2020. Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV Prevention Among Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM): A Scoping Review on PrEP Service Delivery and Programming AIDS and Behavior, 24 :3056-3070 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hibbert MP, Brett CE, Porcellato LA, Hope VD. 2020. Image and performance enhancing drug use among men who have sex with men and women who have sex with women in the UK. International Journal of Drug Policy, :102933-102933 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Whitfield M, Reed H, Webster J, Hope V. 2020. The impact of COVID-19 restrictions on needle and syringe programme provision and coverage in England International Journal of Drug Policy, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Wright T, Hope V, Ciccarone D, Lewer D, Scott J, Harris M. 2020. Prevalence and severity of abscesses and cellulitis, and their associations with other health outcomes, in a community-based study of people who inject drugs in London, UK. PLoS One, 15 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lewer D, Hope VD, Harris M, Kelleher M, Jewell A, Pritchard M, Strang J, Morley KI. 2020. Incidence and treatment costs of severe bacterial infections among people who inject heroin: A cohort study in South London, England. Drug Alcohol Depend, 212 :108057 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Doran J, Harris M, Hope VD, Wright T, Edmundson C, Sinka K, Heinsbroek E. 2020. Factors associated with skin and soft tissue infections among people who inject drugs in the United Kingdom: A comparative examination of data from two surveys Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 213 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lewer D, Freer J, King E, Larney S, Degenhardt L, Tweed EJ, Hope VD, Harris M, Millar T, Hayward A, Ciccarone D, Morley KI. 2020. Frequency of health-care utilization by adults who use illicit drugs: a systematic review and meta-analysis Addiction, 115 :1011-1023 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McGowan CR, Wright T, Nitsch D, Lewer D, Brathwaite R, Scott J, Hope V, Ciccarone D, Dunn J, Gillmore J, Story A, Harris M. 2020. High prevalence of albuminuria amongst people who inject drugs: A cross-sectional study. Scientific Reports, 10 :7059-7059 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Harris M, Scott J, Hope V, Wright T, McGowan C, Ciccarone D. 2020. Navigating environmental constraints to injection preparation: the use of saliva and other alternatives to sterile water among unstably housed PWID in London. Harm Reduction Journal, 17 :24-24 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hibbert MP, Wolton A, Weeks H, Ross M, Brett CE, Porcellato LA, Hope VD. 2020. Psychosocial and sexual factors associated with recent sexual health clinic attendance and HIV testing among trans people in the UK. BMJ sexual & reproductive health, 46 :116-125 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hibbert MP, Brett CE, Porcellato LA, Hope V. 2020. Sexually transmitted infection diagnoses, sexualised drug use and associations with pre-exposure prophylaxis use among men who have sex with men in the UK International Journal of STD and AIDS, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hibbert MP, Porcellato LA, Brett CE, Hope VD. 2019. Associations with drug use and sexualised drug use among women who have sex with women (WSW) in the UK: Findings from the LGBT Sex and Lifestyles Survey International Journal of Drug Policy, 74 :292-298 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Harris M, Scott J, Wright T, Brathwaite R, Ciccarone D, Hope V. 2019. Injecting-related health harms and overuse of acidifiers among people who inject heroin and crack cocaine in London: a mixed-methods study. Harm Reduction Journal, 16 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hickman M, Dillon JF, Elliott L, De Angelis D, Vickerman P, Foster G, Donnan P, Eriksen A, Flowers P, Goldberg D, Hollingworth W, Ijaz S, Liddell D, Mandal S, Martin N, Beer LJZ, Drysdale K, Fraser H, Glass R, Graham L, Gunson RN, Hamilton E, Harris H, Harris M, Harris R, Heinsbroek E, Hope V, Horwood J, Inglis SK, Innes H, Lane A, Meadows J, McAuley A, Metcalfe C, Migchelsen S, Murray A, Myring G, Palmateer NE, Presanis A, Radley A, Ramsay M, Samartsidis P, Simmons R, Sinka K, Vojt G, Ward Z, Whiteley D, Yeung A, Hutchinson SJ. 2019. Evaluating the population impact of hepatitis C direct acting antiviral treatment as prevention for people who inject drugs (EPIToPe) - a natural experiment (protocol). BMJ Open, 9 :e029538 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Chem ED, Van Hout MC, Hope V. 2019. Treatment outcomes and antiretroviral uptake in multidrug-resistant tuberculosis and HIV co-infected patients in Sub Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Infectious Diseases, 19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hibbert MP, Brett CE, Porcellato LA, Hope VD. 2019. Psychosocial and sexual characteristics associated with sexualised drug use and chemsex among men who have sex with men (MSM) in the UK Sexually Transmitted Infections, 95 :342-350 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Njoroge J, Hope VD, O’Halloran C, Edmundson C, Glass R, Parry JV, Ncube F. 2019. Are there missed opportunities for vaccinating against hepatitis B among people who inject drugs in the United Kingdom? Epidemiology and Infection, 147 :1-8 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Packer S, Pichon B, Thompson S, Neale J, Njoroge J, Kwiatkowska R, Oliver I, Doumith M, Telfer M, Buunaaisie C, Ellen H, Hopewell-Kelly N, Desai M, Hope VD, Williams M, Kearns A, Hickman M, Gobin M. 2019. Clonal expansion of community-associated meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in people who inject drugs (PWID): prevalence, risk factors and molecular epidemiology, Bristol, United Kingdom, 2012 to 2017 Eurosurveillance, 24 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sweeney S, Ward Z, Platt L, Guinness L, Hickman M, Hope V, Maher L, Iversen J, Hutchinson SJ, Smith J, Ayres R, Hainey I, Vickerman P. 2019. Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of existing needle and syringe programmes in preventing Hepatitis C transmission in people who inject drugs Addiction, 114 :560-570 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dunleavy K, Hope V, Roy K, Taylor A. 2019. People who inject drugs experiences of skin and soft tissue infections and harm reduction: A qualitative study. International Journal of Drug Policy, 65 :65-72 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Glass R, Hope VD, Njoroge J, Edmundson C, Smith J, McVeigh J, Parry J, Desai M. 2018. Secondary distribution of injecting equipment obtained from needle and syringe programmes by people injecting image and performance enhancing drugs: England and Wales, 2012-15 Drug and Alcohol Dependence, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Stone J, Fraser H, Lim AG, Walker JG, Ward Z, MacGregor L, Trickey A, Abbott S, Strathdee SA, Abramovitz D, Maher L, Iversen J, Bruneau J, Zang G, Garfein RS, Yen YF, Azim T, Mehta SH, Milloy MJ, Hellard ME, Sacks-Davis R, Dietze PM, Aitken C, Aladashvili M, Tsertsvadze T, Mravčík V, Alary M, Roy E, Smyrnov P, Sazonova Y, Young AM, Havens JR, Hope VD, Desai M, Heinsbroek E, Hutchinson SJ, Palmateer NE, McAuley A, Platt L, Martin NK, Altice FL, Hickman M, Vickerman P. 2018. Incarceration history and risk of HIV and hepatitis C virus acquisition among people who inject drugs: a systematic review and meta-analysis The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 18 :1397-1409 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hope VD, Harris RJ, Vickerman P, Platt L, Shute J, Cullen KJ, Ijaz S, Mandal S, Ncube F, Desai M, Parry JV. 2018. A comparison of two biological markers of recent hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection: Implications for the monitoring of interventions and strategies to reduce HCV transmission among people who inject drugs Eurosurveillance, 23 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Trickey A, May MT, Hope V, Ward Z, Desai M, Heinsbroek E, Hickman M, Vickerman P. 2018. Usage of low dead space syringes and association with hepatitis C prevalence amongst people who inject drugs in the UK Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 192 :118-124 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ward Z, Platt L, Sweeney S, Hope VD, Maher L, Hutchinson S, Palmateer N, Smith J, Craine N, Taylor A, Martin N, Ayres R, Dillon J, Hickman M, Vickerman P. 2018. Impact of current and scaled-up levels of hepatitis C prevention and treatment interventions for people who inject drugs in three UK settings-what is required to achieve the WHO's HCV elimination targets? Addiction, 113 :1727-1738 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Harris M, Brathwaite R, McGowan CR, Ciccarone D, Gilchrist G, McCusker M, O'Brien K, Dunn J, Scott J, Hope V. 2018. 'Care and Prevent': rationale for investigating skin and soft tissue infections and AA amyloidosis among people who inject drugs in London. Harm Reduction Journal, 15 :23-23 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Zahnow R, McVeigh J, Bates G, Hope V, Kean J, Campbell J, Smith J. 2018. Identifying a typology of men who use anabolic androgenic steroids (AAS) International Journal of Drug Policy, 55 :105-112 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Heinsbroek E, Glass R, Edmundson C, Hope V, Desai M. 2018. Patterns of injecting and non-injecting drug use by sexual behaviour in people who inject drugs attending services in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, 2013–2016 International Journal of Drug Policy, 55 :215-221 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Edmundson C, Heinsbroek E, Glass R, Hope V, Mohammed H, White M, Desai M. 2018. Sexualised drug use in the United Kingdom (UK): A review of the literature International Journal of Drug Policy, 55 :131-148 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Harris M, Brathwaite R, Scott J, Gilchrist G, Ciccarone D, Hope V, McGowan CR. 2018. Drawing attention to a neglected injecting-related harm: A systematic review of AA-amyloidosis among people who inject drugs. Addiction, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Platt L, Minozzi S, Reed J, Vickerman P, Hagan H, French C, Jordan A, Degenhardt L, Hope V, Hutchinson S, Maher L, Palmateer N, Taylor A, Bruneau J, Hickman M. 2018. Needle and syringe programmes and opioid substitution therapy for preventing HCV transmission among people who inject drugs: findings from a Cochrane Review and meta-analysis Addiction, 113 :545-563 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dunleavy K, Munro A, Roy K, Hutchinson S, Palmateer N, Knox T, Goldberg D, Hope V, Campbell J, Hamilton E, Liddell D, Penrice G, Taylor A. 2018. Spore forming bacteria infections and people who inject drugs: Implications for harm reduction. Int J Drug Policy, 53 :45-54 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hope VD, McVeigh J, Smith J, Glass R, Njoroge J, Tanner C, Parry JV, Ncube F, Desai M. 2017. Low levels of hepatitis C diagnosis and testing uptake among people who inject image and performance enhancing drugs in England and Wales, 2012-15 Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 179 :83-86 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Platt L, Minozzi S, Reed J, Vickerman P, Hagan H, French C, Jordan A, Degenhardt L, Hope V, Hutchinson S, Maher L, Palmateer N, Taylor A, Bruneau J, Hickman M. 2017. Needle syringe programmes and opioid substitution therapy for preventing hepatitis C transmission in people who inject drugs Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2017 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
O'Halloran C, Cullen K, Njoroge J, Jessop L, Smith J, Hope V, Ncube F. 2017. The extent of and factors associated with self-reported overdose and self-reported receipt of naloxone among people who inject drugs (PWID) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland International Journal of Drug Policy, 46 :34-40 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hope VD, Iversen J, Cullen KJ, Parry JV, Maher L, Nucbe F. 2017. Injection into the jugular vein among people who inject drugs in the United Kingdom: Prevalence, associated factors and harms Int J Drug Policy, 46 :28-33 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Lewer D, Harris M, Hope V. 2017. Opiate injection–associated skin, soft tissue, and vascular infections, England, UK, 1997–2016 Emerging Infectious Diseases, 23 :1400-1403 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bates G, Hope V, McVeigh J. 2017. HIV among people using anabolic steroid in the United Kingdom: an overview HIV Nursing, 17 Publisher Url Public Url
Bundle N, Bubba L, Coelho J, Kwiatkowska R, Cloke R, King S, Rajan-Iyer J, Courtney-Pillinger M, Beck CR, Hope V, Lamagni T, Brown CS, Jermacane D, Glass R, Desai M, Gobin M, Balasegaram S, Anderson C. 2017. Ongoing outbreak of invasive and non-invasive disease due to group A Streptococcus (GAS) type emm66 among homeless and people who inject drugs in England and Wales, January to December 2016. Euro Surveill, 22 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Rafia R, Dodd PJ, Brennan A, Meier PS, Hope VD, Ncube F, Byford S, Tie H, Metrebian N, Hellier J, Weaver T, Strang J. 2016. An economic evaluation of contingency management for completion of hepatitis B vaccination in those on treatment for opiate dependence Addiction, 111 :1616-1627 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hope VD, Cullen KJ, Smith J, Jessop L, Parry J, Ncube F. 2016. Is the recent emergence of mephedrone injecting in the United Kingdom associated with elevated risk behaviours and blood borne virus infection? Euro Surveill, 21 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Iversen J, Hope VD, McVeigh J. 2016. Access to needle and syringe programs by people who inject image and performance enhancing drugs International Journal of Drug Policy, 31 :199-200 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hope VD, Parry JV, Ncube F, Hickman M. 2016. Not in the vein: 'missed hits', subcutaneous and intramuscular injections and associated harms among people who inject psychoactive drugs in Bristol, United Kingdom International Journal of Drug Policy, 28 :83-90 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Platt L, Reed J, Minozzi S, Vickerman P, Hagan H, French C, Jordan A, Degenhardt L, Hope V, Hutchinson S, Maher L, Palmateer N, Taylor A, Hickman M. 2016. Effectiveness of needle/syringe programmes and opiate substitution therapy in preventing HCV transmission among people who inject drugs Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2016 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hope VD, Harris R, McVeigh J, Cullen KJ, Smith J, Parry JV, DeAngelis D, Ncube F. 2016. Risk of HIV and hepatitis B and C over time among men who inject image and performance enhancing drugs in England and Wales: Results from cross-sectional prevalence surveys, 1992-2013 Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 71 :331-337 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hope VD, Scott J, Cullen KJ, Parry JV, Ncube F, Hickman M. 2015. Going into the groin: Injection into the femoral vein among people who inject drugs in three urban areas of England. Drug Alcohol Depend, 152 :239-245 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Cullen KJ, Hope VD, Croxford S, Shute J, Ncube F, Parry JV. 2015. Factors associated with recently acquired hepatitis C virus infection in people who inject drugs in England, Wales and Northern Ireland: New findings from an unlinked anonymous monitoring survey Epidemiology and Infection, 143 :1398-1407 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Croxford S, Platt L, Hope VD, Cullen KJ, Parry JV, Ncube F. 2015. Sex work amongst people who inject drugs in England, Wales and Northern Ireland: Findings from a national survey of health harms and behaviours International Journal of Drug Policy, 26 :429-433 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Martin NK, Foster GR, Vilar J, Ryder S, Cramp ME, Gordon F, Dillon JF, Craine N, Busse H, Clements A, Hutchinson SJ, Ustianowski A, Ramsay M, Goldberg DJ, Irving W, Hope V, De Angelis D, Lyons M, Vickerman P, Hickman M. 2015. HCV treatment rates and sustained viral response among people who inject drugs in seven UK sites: Real world results and modelling of treatment impact Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 22 :399-408 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hope VD, Mcveigh J, Marongiu A, Evans-Brown M, Smith J, Kimergård A, Parry JV, Ncube F. 2015. Injection site infections and injuries in men who inject image- and performance-enhancing drugs: Prevalence, risks factors, and healthcare seeking Epidemiology and Infection, 143 :132-140 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hope VD, Ncube F, Parry JV, Hickman M. 2015. Healthcare seeking and hospital admissions by people who inject drugs in response to symptoms of injection site infections or injuries in three urban areas of England Epidemiology and Infection, 143 :120-131 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wiessing L, Ferri M, Grady B, Kantzanou M, Sperle I, Cullen KJ, Hatzakis A, Prins M, Vickerman P, Lazarus JV, Hope VD, Matheï C, Busch M, Bollaerts K, Bogdanova V, Nesheva E, Fotsiou N, Kostrikis L, Mravčík V, Řehák V, Částková J, Hobstová J, Nechanská B, Fouchard J, Abel-Ollo K, Tefanova V, Tallo T, Brummer-Korvenkontio H, Brisacier AC, Michot I, Jauffret-Roustide M, Zimmermann R, Fotiou A, Gazdag G, Tarján A, Galvin B, Thornton L, Cruciani M, Basso M, Karnite A, Caplinskiene I, Lopes S, Origer A, Melillo J, Camilleri M, Demanuele CO, Croes E, Op De Coul E, Rosińska M, Struzik M, Martins M, Duran D, Vilar G, Resende ME, Martins HC, Abagiu AO, Ruta S, Arama V, Kopilovic B, Kustec T, Klavs I, Aleixandre NL, Folch C, Bravo MJ, Gómez RS, Berglund T, Strandberg J, Hotho D, Van Houdt S, Low A, Mcdonald B, Platt L, Kalamara E, Giraudon I, Groshkova T, Palladino C, Hutchinson S, Ncube F, Eramova I, Goldberg D, Vicente J, Griffiths P. 2014. Hepatitis C virus infection epidemiology among people who inject drugs in europe: A systematic review of data for scaling up treatment and prevention PLoS ONE, 9 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hope VD, Harris RJ, De Angelis D, Croxford S, Marongiu A, Parry JV, Ncube F. 2014. Two decades of successes and failures in controlling the transmission of HIV through injecting drug use in England and Wales, 1990 to 2011 Eurosurveillance, 19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hope VD, Cullen KJ, Croxford S, Parry JV, Ncube F. 2014. Factors associated with the use of cleaned needles and syringes among people who inject drugs in the UK: Who should we target to minimise the risks? International Journal of Drug Policy, 25 :924-927 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hope VD, Hickman M, Parry JV, Ncube F. 2014. Factors associated with recent symptoms of an injection site infection or injury among people who inject drugs in three English cities International Journal of Drug Policy, 25 :303-307 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
MacArthur GJ, van Velzen E, Palmateer N, Kimber J, Pharris A, Hope V, Taylor A, Roy K, Aspinall E, Goldberg D, Rhodes T, Hedrich D, Salminen M, Hickman M, Hutchinson SJ. 2014. Interventions to prevent HIV and hepatitis C in people who inject drugs: A review of reviews to assess evidence of effectiveness International Journal of Drug Policy, 25 :34-52 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hope VD, Eramova I, Capurro D, Donoghoe MC. 2014. Prevalence and estimation of hepatitis B and C infections in the WHO European Region: A review of data focusing on the countries outside the European Union and the European Free Trade Association Epidemiology and Infection, 142 :270-286 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hedrich D, Kalamara E, Sfetcu O, Pharris A, Noor A, Wiessing L, Hope V, de laar MV. 2013. Human immunodeficiency virus among people who inject drugs: Is risk increasing in Europe? Eurosurveillance, 18 :7-12 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hope VD, McVeigh J, Marongiu A, Evans-Brown M, Smith J, Kimergård A, Croxford S, Beynon CM, Parry JV, Al Bellis M, Ncube F. 2013. Prevalence of, and risk factors for, HIV, hepatitis B and C infections among men who inject image and performance enhancing drugs: A cross-sectional study BMJ Open, 3 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Platt L, Jolley E, Rhodes T, Hope V, Latypov A, Reynolds L, Wilson D. 2013. Factors mediating HIV risk among female sex workers in Europe: A systematic review and ecological analysis BMJ Open, 3 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Vickerman P, Martin NK, Roy A, Beattie T, Jarlais DD, Strathdee S, Wiessing L, Hickman M, EMCDDA Collaborative Group . 2013. Is the HCV-HIV co-infection prevalence amongst injecting drug users a marker for the level of sexual and injection related HIV transmission? Drug Alcohol Depend, 132 :172-181 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Palmateer NE, Hope VD, Roy K, Marongiu A, White JM, Grant KA, Ramsay CN, Goldberg DJ, Ncube F. 2013. Infections with spore-forming bacteria in persons who inject drugs, 2000-2009 Emerging Infectious Diseases, 19 :29-34 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mills HL, Colijn C, Vickerman P, Leslie D, Hope V, Hickman M. 2012. Respondent driven sampling and community structure in a population of injecting drug users, Bristol, UK. Drug Alcohol Depend, 126 :324-332 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Jolley E, Rhodes T, Platt L, Hope V, Latypov A, Donoghoe M, Wilson D. 2012. HIV among people who inject drugs in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia: A systematic review with implications for policy BMJ Open, 2 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Marongiu A, Hope VD, Parry JV, Ncube F. 2012. Male IDUs who have sex with men in England, Wales and Northern Ireland: Are they at greater risk of bloodborne virus infection and harm than those who only have sex with women? Sexually Transmitted Infections, 88 :456-461 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Harris RJ, Hope VD, Morongiu A, Hickman M, Ncube F, De Angelis D. 2012. Spatial mapping of hepatitis C prevalence in recent injecting drug users in contact with services Epidemiology and Infection, 140 :1054-1063 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Harris RJ, Ramsay M, Hope VD, Brant L, Hickman M, Foster GR, De Angelis D. 2012. Hepatitis C prevalence in England remains low and varies by ethnicity: An updated evidence synthesis European Journal of Public Health, 22 :187-192 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sutton AJ, House T, Hope VD, Ncube F, Wiessing L, Kretzschmar M. 2012. Modelling HIV in the injecting drug user population and the male homosexual population in a developed country context Epidemics, 4 :48-56 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hope V, Parry JV, Marongui A, Ncube F. 2012. Hepatitis C infection among recent initiates to injecting in England 2000-2008: Is a national hepatitis C action plan making a difference? Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 19 :55-64 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hope VD, Palmateer N, Wiessing L, Marongiu A, White J, Ncube F, Goldberg D. 2012. A decade of spore-forming bacterial infections among european injecting drug users: Pronounced regional variation American Journal of Public Health, 102 :122-125 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Turner KME, Hutchinson S, Vickerman P, Hope V, Craine N, Palmateer N, May M, Taylor A, De Angelis D, Cameron S, Parry J, Lyons M, Goldberg D, Allen E, Hickman M. 2011. The impact of needle and syringe provision and opiate substitution therapy on the incidence of hepatitis C virus in injecting drug users: pooling of UK evidence. Addiction (Abingdon, England), 106 :1978-1988 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hope V, Jeannin A, Spencer B, Gervasoni JP, van de Laar MJ, Dubois-Arber F, Dubois-Arber F, Spencer B, Hope V, Elford J, Lert F, Ward H, Low N, Haour-Knipe M, Jeannin A, Gervasoni JP, Pellaz MJ, Graz B, van de Laar M. 2011. Mapping HIV-related behavioural surveillance among injecting drug users in Europe, 2008 Eurosurveillance, 16 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hope VD, Hickman M, Ngui SL, Jones S, Telfer M, Bizzarri M, Ncube F, Parry JV. 2011. Measuring the incidence, prevalence and genetic relatedness of hepatitis C infections among a community recruited sample of injecting drug users, using dried blood spots Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 18 :262-270 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Presanis AM, Gill ON, Chadborn TR, Hill C, Hope V, Logan L, Rice BD, Delpech VC, Ades AE, De Angelis D. 2010. Insights into the rise in HIV infections, 2001 to 2008: a Bayesian synthesis of prevalence evidence. AIDS, 24 :2849-2858 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dubois-Arber F, Jeannin A, Spencer B, Gervasoni J-P, Graz B, Elford J, Hope V, Lert F, Ward H, Haour-Knipe M, Low N, van de Laar M. 2010. Mapping HIV/STI behavioural surveillance in Europe. BMC Infect Dis, 10 :290 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hope VD, Marongiu A, Parry JV, Ncube F. 2010. The extent of injection site infection in injecting drug users: Findings from a national surveillance study Epidemiology and Infection, 138 :1510-1518 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Elford J, Jeannin A, Spencer B, Gervasoni JP, van de Laar MJ, Dubois-Arber F, HIV and STI Behavioural Surveillance Mapping Group . 2009. HIV and STI behavioural surveillance among men who have sex with men in Europe. Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin, 14 :19414 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hickman M, Hope V, Coleman B, Parry J, Telfer M, Twigger J, Irish C, MacLeod J, Annett H. 2009. Assessing IDU prevalence and health consequences (HCV, overdose and drug-related mortality) in a primary care trust: Implications for public health action Journal of Public Health, 31 :374-382 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
De Angelis D, Sweeting M, Ades AE, Hickman M, Hope V, Ramsay M. 2009. An evidence synthesis approach to estimating Hepatitis C prevalence in England and Wales Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 18 :361-379 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sweeting MJ, Hope VD, Hickman M, Parry JV, Ncube F, Ramsay ME, De Angelis D. 2009. Hepatitis C infection among injecting drug users in England and Wales (1992-2006): there and back again? Am J Epidemiol, 170 :352-360 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sutton AJ, Hope VD, Mathei C, Mravcik V, Sebakova H, Vallejo F, Suligoi B, Brugal MT, Ncube F, Wiessing L, Kretzschmar M. 2008. A comparison between the force of infection estimates for blood-borne viruses in injecting drug user populations across the European Union: A modelling study Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 15 :809-816 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hope V, Kimber J, Vickerman P, Hickman M, Ncube F. 2008. Frequency, factors and costs associated with injection site infections: findings from a national multi-site survey of injecting drug users in England. BMC Infect Dis, 8 :120 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hickman M, McDonald T, Judd A, Nichols T, Hope V, Skidmore S, Parry JV. 2008. Increasing the uptake of hepatitis C virus testing among injecting drug users in specialist drug treatment and prison settings by using dried blood spots for diagnostic testing: A cluster randomized controlled trial Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 15 :250-254 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lamagni TL, Neal S, Keshishian C, Hope V, George R, Duckworth G, Vuopio-Varkila J, Efstratiou A. 2008. Epidemic of severe Streptococcus pyogenes infections in injecting drug users in the UK, 2003-2004 Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 14 :1002-1009 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hope VD, Ncube F, Hickman M, Judd A, Parry JV. 2007. Hepatitis B vaccine uptake among injecting drug users in England 1998 to 2004: Is the prison vaccination programme driving recent improvements? Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 14 :653-660 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hickman M, Hope V, Brady T, Madden P, Jones S, Honor S, Holloway G, Ncube F, Parry J. 2007. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) prevalence, and injecting risk behaviour in multiple sites in England in 2004 Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 14 :645-652 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Judd A, Hickman M, Hope VD, Sutton AJ, Stimson GV, Ramsay ME, Gill ON, Parry JV. 2007. Twenty years of selective hepatitis B vaccination: Is hepatitis B declining among injecting drug users in England and Wales? Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 14 :584-591 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sutton AJ, Gay NJ, Edmunds WJ, Hope VD, Gill ON, Hickman M. 2006. Modelling the force of infection for hepatitis B and hepatitis C in injecting drug users in England and Wales. BMC Infect Dis, 6 :93 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sutton AJ, Gay NJ, Edmunds WJ, Andrews NJ, Hope VD, Gilbert RL, Piper M, Gill ON. 2006. Modelling the hepatitis B vaccination programme in prisons Epidemiology and Infection, 134 :231-242 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hickman M, Hope V, Platt L, Higgins V, Bellis M, Rhodes T, Taylor C, Tilling K. 2006. Estimating prevalence of injecting drug use: A comparison of multiplier and capture - Recapture methods in cities in England and Russia Drug and Alcohol Review, 25 :131-140 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Huntington S, Hope V, Hutchinson S, Goldberg D, Ncube F. 2006. Diversity of needle exchange provision in the UK: findings from a national survey. Euro surveillance : bulletin européen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin, 11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Brown AE, Tomkins SE, Logan LE, Lamontagne DS, Munro HL, Hope VD, Righarts A, Blackham JE, Rice BD, Chadborn TR, Tookey PA, Parry JV, Delpech V, Gill ON, Fenton KA. 2006. Monitoring the effectiveness of HIV and STI prevention initiatives in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland: Where are we now? Sexually Transmitted Infections, 82 :4-10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Rhodes T, Stoneman A, Hope V, Hunt N, Martin A, Judd A. 2006. Groin injecting in the context of crack cocaine and homelessness: From 'risk boundary' to 'acceptable risk'? International Journal of Drug Policy, 17 :164-170 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hope VD, Hickman M, Tilling K. 2005. Capturing crack cocaine use: Estimating the prevalence of crack cocaine use in London using capture-recapture with covariates Addiction, 100 :1701-1708 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Akbulut D, Dennis J, Gent M, Grant KA, Hope V, Ohai C, McLauchlin J, Mithani V, Mpamugo O, Ncube F, De Souza-Thomas L. 2005. Wound botulism in injectors of drugs: upsurge in cases in England during 2004. Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin, 10 :5-6 DOI Author Url
Hope VD, Judd A, Hickman M, Sutton A, Stimson GV, Parry JV, Gill ON. 2005. HIV prevalence among injecting drug users in England and Wales 1990 to 2003: evidence for increased transmission in recent years. AIDS, 19 :1207-1214 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sutton AJ, Gay NJ, Edmunds WJ, Andrews NJ, Hope VD, Gill ON. 2005. Modelling the characteristics of the male injecting drug user population in England and Wales International Journal of Drug Policy, 16 :176-182 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Akbulut D, Dennis J, Gent M, Grant KA, Hope V, Ohai C, McLauchlin J, Mithani V, Mpamugo O, Ncube F, de Souza-Thomas L. 2005. Wound botulism in injectors of drugs: upsurge in cases in England during 2004. Euro surveillance : bulletin européen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin, 10 :172-174 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hope VD, Gilbert G, Munro H, Ncube F, Gill ON. 2004. Improving targeted hepatitis B vaccination BMJ, 329: :1059-1059 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hope VD, Ncube F, Dennis J, McLauchlin J. 2004. Wound botulism: increase in cases in injecting drug users, United Kingdom, 2004 Eurosurveillance: bulletin europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin, 8 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hickman M, Higgins V, Hope V, Bellis M, Tilling K, Walker A, Henry J. 2004. Injecting drug use in Brighton, Liverpool, and London: Best estimates of prevalence and coverage of public health indicators Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 58 :766-771 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hahne S, Crowcroft N, White J, Ncube F, Hope VD, de Souza L, Brett M, Roy K, Goldberg D. 2004. Ongoing outbreak of tetanus in injecting drug users in the UK Eurosurveillance, 8 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hope V, Ncube F, De Souza-Thomas L, Gill N, Ramsay M, Goldberg D, Thomas D, Smyth B, Wiessing L. 2004. Shooting Up: infections in injecting drug users in the United Kingdom, 2002 Weekly releases (1997–2007), 8 DOI Publisher Url
Wiessing L, Ncube F, Hedrich D, Griffiths P, Hope V, Gill N, Hamers FF, de la Fuente L, Klavs I, Leinikki P, Blystad H, Meheus A, Rezza G, Stimson G, Goldberg D. 2004. Surveillance of infectious diseases in IDUs across the EU: information from the EU expert network Weekly releases (1997–2007), 8 DOI Publisher Url
Platt L, Hickman M, Rhodes T, Mikhailova L, Karavashkin V, Vlasov A, Tilling K, Hope V, Khutorksoy M, Renton A. 2004. The prevalence of injecting drug use in a Russian city: Implications for harm reduction and coverage Addiction, 99 :1430-1438 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Craine N, Walker AM, Williamson S, Brown A, Hope VD. 2004. Hepatitis B and hepatitis C seroprevalence and risk behaviour among community-recruited drug injectors in North West Wales. Communicable disease and public health / PHLS, 7 :216-219 Author Url
White J, Crowcroft N, Hahné S, Hope V, De Souza-Thomas L. 2003. Cluster of cases of tetanus in injecting drug users in England: update Weekly releases (1997–2007), 7 DOI Publisher Url
Hahné S, Crowcroft N, White J, Hope V, De Souza-Thomas L. 2003. Cluster of cases of tetanus in injecting drug users in England: European alert Weekly releases (1997–2007), 7 DOI Publisher Url
Hope VD, Rogers PA, Jordan L, Paine TC, Barnett S, Parry JV, Gill ON. 2002. Sustained increase in the sharing of needles and syringes among drug users in England and Wales. AIDS, 16 :2494-2496 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Jones JA, Salmon JE, Djuretic T, Nichols G, George RC, Gill ON, Braziers JS, Brett MM, Duerden BI, Fry NK, Hall V, Hope V, Lieftucht A, McLauchlin J, Pitcher DG, Weild A. 2002. An outbreak of serious illness and death among injecting drug users in England during 2000 Journal of Medical Microbiology, 51 :978-984 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Fitch C, Rhodes T, Hope VD, Stimson GV, Renton A. 2002. The role of rapid assessment methods in drug use epidemiology Bulletin on narcotics, :61-72
Lamagni TL, Hope VD, Davison KL, Parry JV, Gill ON. 2001. Failure to vaccinate current injecting drug users against hepatitis B in England and Wales. Communicable disease and public health / PHLS, 4 :71-72 Author Url
Hope VD, Judd A, Hickman M, Lamagni T, Hunter G, Stimson GV, Jones S, Donovan L, Parry JV, Gill ON. 2001. Prevalence of hepatitis C among injection drug users in England and Wales: Is harm reduction working? American Journal of Public Health, 91 :38-42 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hope VD, MacArthur C, Mullis D, Radcliffe K. 2000. Relation between information and advice provision to male GUM clinic attendees and sexual orientation and ethnic group Sexually Transmitted Infections, 76 :198-202 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lamagni TL, Davison KL, Hope VD, Luutu JW, Newham JA, Parry JV, Gill ON. 1999. Poor hepatitis B vaccine coverage in injecting drug users: England, 1995 and 1996. Communicable disease and public health / PHLS, 2 :174-177 Author Url
Crampin AC, Lamagni TL, Hope VD, Newham JA, Lewis KM, Parry JV, Gill ON. 1998. The risk of infection with HIV and hepatitis B in individuals who inject steroids in England and Wales Epidemiology and Infection, 121 :381-386 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hope VD, Macarthur C. 1998. Safer sex and social class: Findings from a study of men using the 'gay scene' in the West Midlands Region of the United Kingdom AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV, 10 :81-88 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hope VD, MacArthur C. 1997. Acceptability of clinics for sexually transmitted diseases among users of the "gay scene" in the West Midlands Sexually Transmitted Infections, 73 :299-302 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Madden PB, Lamagni T, Hope V, Bennett D, Goldberg D. 1997. The HIV epidemic in injecting drug users. Communicable disease report. CDR review, 7 Author Url
Hope VD, MacArthur C. 1996. Accessibility of genitourinary medicine clinics Genitourinary Medicine, 72 :52-55 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hope VD, MacArthur C. 1996. A comparison of HIV related advice in genitourinary medicine clinics with different histories Genitourinary Medicine, 72 :286-289 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lewer D, Brown M, Burns A, Eastwood N, Gittins R, Holland A, Hope V, Ko A, Lewthwaite P, Morris A-M, Noctor A, Preston A, Scott J, Smith E, Sweeney S, Tilouche N, Wickremsinhe M, Harris M. 2024. Improving hospital-based opioid substitution therapy (iHOST): protocol for a mixed-methods evaluation NIHR Open Research, 4 :10-10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lewer D, Brown M, Burns A, Eastwood N, Gittins R, Holland A, Hope V, Ko A, Lewthwaite P, Morris A-M, Noctor A, Preston A, Scott J, Smith E, Sweeney S, Tilouche N, Wickremsinhe M, Harris M. 2024. Improving hospital-based opioid substitution therapy (iHOST): protocol for a mixed-methods evaluation DOI
Harris M, Scott J, Hope V, Wright T, McGowan C, Ciccarone D. 2020. Navigating environmental constraints to injection preparation: the use of saliva and other alternatives to sterile water among unstably housed PWID in London (vol 17, 24, 2020) HARM REDUCTION JOURNAL, 17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
O'Halloran C, Cullen K, Njoroge J, Jessop L, Smith J, Hope V, Ncube F. 2018. Corrigendum to "The extent of and factors associated with self-reported overdose and self-reported receipt of naloxone among people who inject drugs (PWID) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland" [Int. J. Drug Policy 46 (2017) 34-40]. Int J Drug Policy, 57 :133-135 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Editorial/letter to the editor
Hope VD, Underwood M, Mulrooney K, Mazanov J, van de Ven K, McVeigh J. 2021. Human enhancement drugs: Emerging issues and responses International Journal of Drug Policy, 95 :103459-103459 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Whitfield M, Reed H, Webster J, Hope V. 2020. Mitigation for the impacts on needle and syringe programmes is needed. Addiction, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
McGowan CR, Harris M, Platt L, Hope V, Rhodes T. 2018. Fentanyl self-testing outside supervised injection settings to prevent opioid overdose: Do we know enough to promote it? International Journal of Drug Policy, 58 :31-36 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Desai M, Bourne A, Hope V, Halkitis PN. 2018. Sexualised drug use: LGTB communities and beyond. Int J Drug Policy, 55 :128-130 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Glass R, Hope VD, Tanner C, Desai M. 2017. 'Slamming' among men who have sex with men accessing general drug services, in response to Schmidt, AJ et al., 2016, Illicit drug use among gay and bisexual men in 44 cities: Findings from the European MSM Internet Survey (EMIS). Int J Drug Policy, 49 :24-25 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
McVeigh J, Kimergård A, Bates G, Hope VD, Ncube F. 2016. Harm reduction interventions should encompass people who inject image and performance enhancing drugs BMJ (Online), 353 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hope VD, Mandal S, Cullen KJ, Balogun K, Ncube F. 2015. Hepatitis B vaccination for people who inject drugs. Lancet, 385 :115-116 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wiessing L, Giraudon I, Duffell E, Veldhuijzen I, Zimmermann R, Hope V. 2021. Epidemiology of Hepatitis C Virus: People Who Inject Drugs and Other Key Populations Hatzakis A. Hepatitis C: Epidemiology, Prevention and Elimination : Volume 1 :109-149 Springer International Publishing. Cham 978-3-030-64649-3 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hope V, Iversen J. 2019. Infections and risk among people who use image and performance enhancing drugs. Van De Ven K, Mulrooney KJD, McVeigh J. Human Enhancement Drugs :85-100 Routledge. Oxford. 978-1-138-55279-1 Publisher Url
Hope V, Leavey C, Morgan G, Acreman D, Turner D, Smith J. 2020. Facilitators and barriers to health care access amongst people using image and performance enhancing drugs in Wales: Findings & Outcomes Report. Publisher Url Public Url
Hay G, Rael Dos Santos A, Reed H, Hope V. 2019. Estimates of the Prevalence of Opiate Use and/or Crack Cocaine Use, 2016/17: Sweep 13 report Estimates of the Prevalence of Opiate Use and/or Crack Cocaine Use, 2016/17: Sweep 13 report Author Url Publisher Url
Begley E, McVeigh J, Hope VD, Bates G, Glass R, Campbell J, Tanner C, Kean J, Morgan G, Acreman D, Smith J. 2017. Image and Performance Enhancing Drugs 2016 National Survey Results Image and Performance Enhancing Drugs 2016 National Survey Results
Hope VD, Giraudon I, Kalamara E, Hedrich D. 2017. Drug-related infectious diseases in Europe, Update from the EMCDDA expert network: October 2017. DOI Publisher Url
Platt L, Sweeney S, Ward Z, Guinness L, Hickman M, Hope V, Hutchinson S, Maher L, Iversen J, Craine N, Taylor A, Munro A, Parry J, Smith J, Vickerman P. 2017. Assessing the impact and cost-effectiveness of needle and syringe provision and opioid substitution therapy on hepatitis C transmission among people who inject drugs in the UK: an analysis of pooled data sets and economic modelling DOI Publisher Url
Conference publication
Ward Z, Sweeney S, Platt L, Guinness L, Maher L, Hope V, Hickman M, Smith J, Ayres R, Hainey I, Chamberlain T, Vickerman P. 2018. The cost-effectiveness of needle and syringe provision in preventing transmission of Hepatitis C virus in people who inject drugs JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, International Liver Congress (ILC) 68 :S146-S147 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hope VD, Cullen KJ, Njoroge J, Parry JV, Ncube F. 2016. Factors associated with undiagnosed HIV infection among people who inject drugs in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, 2005-2014 HIV MEDICINE, 17 :8-8 Author Url
Hope V, Cullen KJ, Parry JV, Ncube F. 2015. The impact of 25 years of sero‐behavioural surveillance of blood borne viral infections among people who inject drugs in the United Kingdom Journal of Viral Hepatitis., 15th International Symposium on Viral Hepatitis and Liver Diseases (ISVHLD) 22 :5-5 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hope V, Cullen KJ, Parry JV, Ncube F. 2015. P127: Factors associated with undiagnosed hepatitis C infection among people who inject drugs and missed opportunities for testing in the United Kingdom Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 15th International Symposium on Viral Hepatitis and Liver Diseases (ISVHLD) 22 :84-85 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Cullen KJ, Hope VD, Croxford S, Shute J, Ncube F, Parry JV. 2014. P1284 11 Factors associated with recently acquired hepatitis C virus infection in people who inject drugs in the United Kingdom: new findings using an avidity testing algorithm. Journal of Hepatology, 49th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL 2014) 60 :S518-S518 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hope V, Croxford S, Cullen K, Parry J, Ncube F. 2014. Infection risk and vulnerability among people who inject drugs and report same-gender sexual partners: analyses of data from a large cross-sectional survey in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, 2011-2012 HIV MEDICINE, 15 :85-85 Author Url
Hope V, McVeigh J, Marongiu A, Evans-Brown M, Smith J, Kimergard A, Croxford S, Beynon C, Parry J, Bellis PM, Ncube F. 2013. Prevalence of, and risk factors for, human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B and hepatitis C infections among men who inject image- and performance-enhancing drugs in England & Wales HIV MEDICINE, 14 :2-2 Author Url
Croxford S, Hope V, Yin Z, Cullen K, Ncube F, Delpech V. 2013. HIV and risk behaviours among people who inject drugs in the UK: 30 years on HIV MEDICINE, 14 :52-53 Author Url
Hope V. 2001. Epidemiology of hepatitis C virus in injecting drug users in england and wales: implications for HCV drug therapy Journal of Hepatology, The 36th Annual Meeting of EASL 34 :127-127 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Books (authored)
Platt L, Jolley E, Hope V, Latypov A, Vickerman P, Hickson F, Reynolds L, Rhodes T. 2015. HIV Epidemics in the European Region: Vulnerability and Response The World Bank 9781464803888 DOI Publisher Url
Hope V. 2010. Studies on in vitro photosynthetic response and the culture environment in Pisum.
Research Grants Awarded:
The Pandemic Institute, Understanding the impact of the COVID-19 response on the health and well-being of LGBTQ+ people in Merseyside: A rapid assessment to inform support needs, strengthening of resilience, and inclusive responses to future pandemics, Grant value (£): 29,240, Duration of research project: 18. 2023
The Pandemic Institute., Right to health: Tackling health inequalities and promoting resilience among migrant, refugee and asylum seeker communities affected by COVID-19 in Liverpool., Grant value (£): 35,000, Duration of research project: 18. 2023
NIHR Public Health Research Programme, Safe inhalation pipe provision (SIPP): A mixed method evaluation of an intervention to reduce health harms and enhance service engagement among people who use crack cocaine in England (NIHR133118) https://fundingawards.nihr.ac.uk/award/NIHR133118, Grant value (£): 1,114,313, Duration of research project: 2 years 9 month. 2022
NIHR Health Services and Delivery Research Programme, Improving Hospital Opiate Substitution Therapy (iHOST): implementation and assessment of an intervention to reduce late presentations, discharges against medical advice and repeat admissions among people who use opiates. (NIHR133022) https://fundingawards.nihr.ac.uk/award/NIHR133022, Grant value (£): 1,018,411, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2022
NIHR-PRP, AMOUNT: A mixed methods investigation of the individual, sociocultural, and societal factors that underly the recent increase in substance use among young people to inform policy., Grant value (£): 302,483, Duration of research project: 18. 2021
NIHR Public Health Research Programme, Application Development Award – Image and Performance Enhancing Drugs (IPEDs): Assessment of available intelligence and research gaps to inform intervention evaluation (NIHR132730) https://www.journalslibrary.nihr.ac.uk/programmes/phr/NIHR132730/#/, Grant value (£): 39,647, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2021
Sexually Transmitted Infection Research Foundation (STIRF), A qualitative study on men who have sex with men and healthcare providers perceptions of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis., Grant value (£): 48,829., Duration of research project: 1 year. 2018
NIHR Programme Grants for Applied Research, Evaluating the Population Impact of Hepatitis C Direct Acting Antiviral Treatment as Prevention for People Who Inject Drugs (EPIToPe). (RP-PG-0616-20008) https://fundingawards.nihr.ac.uk/award/RP-PG-0616-20008, Grant value (£): 2,811,930., Duration of research project: 5 years. 2018
Public Health Wales, Improving early healthcare access amongst people who use image and performance enhancing drugs., Grant value (£): 25,000, Duration of research project: 18 Months. 2017
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), 2017 Rapid Communication on ‘Drug-related infectious diseases’, Grant value (£): €8,000, Duration of research project: 9 months. 2016
Harm Reduction International, The global state of harm reduction funding, Grant value (£): 22,500, Duration of research project: 8 months. 2016
Public Health Wales, Image and performance enhancing drug use in Wales, Grant value (£): 25,000, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2016
Conference organisation:
27th Harm Reduction International Conference (HR23), Melbourne, Australia, 2023, Member of the Programme Committee, https://hr23.hri.global/. 2022
INHSU 2022, Programme Committee member, & co-chair of the Epidemiology and Public Health sub-group., https://www.inhsu.org/inhsu-2022/. 2021
26th Harm Reduction International Conference (HR19), Porto, Portugal, 2019, Member of the Programme Committee, https://www.hri.global/conference-2019. 2018
25th International Harm Reduction Conference, Montréal, Canada, 2017, Programme Committee Member, https://www.hri.global/conference-2017. 2016
24th International Harm Reduction Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2015, Programme Committee Member, https://www.hri.global/conference-2015. 2014
Other invited event:
30th Anniversary of the Unlinked Anonymous Monitoring Survey: Webinar 4, Online, Invited Presentation: Complexities of drug use and monitoring people who inject drugs. 2021
Image and performance enhancing drug use in the UK, Online, Invited Presentation: Understanding of the number of men who have recently used anabolic androgenic steroids in the UK. 2021
30th Anniversary of the Unlinked Anonymous Monitoring Survey: Webinar 1, Online, Invited opening presentation: Evolution of the UAM Survey of PWID through the Years.. 2021
The Public Health Implications of Anabolic Androgenic Steroid use, Online, Invited Presentation: IPEDs injecting and harm. 2020
External committees:
Scientific Strategy Group of Pandemic Institute, Pandemic Institute, Liverpool. 2021
Evaluation Subgroup for the ACT Project, Public Health Wales. 2021
Stakeholder Working Group for the UAM Survey of People Who Inject Drugs, UKHSA, Co-Chair. 2021
EMCDDA-ECDC PWID Guidance Expert Panel, EMCDDA & ECDC. 2020
Liverpool Health Commission, LJMU, Commissioner, https://www.ljmu.ac.uk/microsites/liverpool-health-commission. 2019
Advisory group for the NIHR Career Development Grant: "Promoting skin & soft tissue infection care and preventing AA amyloidosis among people who inject drugs in the UK: A mixed methods study.", LSHTM, Member. 2016
International Advisory group for the SPHERE-C Project, ECDC / RKI, Member, https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/H/HepatitisC/SPHERE-C.html. 2016
Image & Performance Enhancing Drugs Working Group (IPEDs), Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs. 2016
National Intelligence Network meeting on the health harms associated with drug use, OHID (formerly PHE), Member, https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/drug-health-harms-national-intelligence. 2013
Drug-related infectious diseases (DRID) expert network, European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), National Expert for the UK, http://www.emcdda.europa.eu/activities/drid. 2004
Editorial boards:
International Journal of Drug Policy, Guest Managing Editor for the themed collection on Human enhancement drugs: emerging issues and responses., https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/international-journal-of-drug-policy/vol/95/suppl/C. 2019
International Journal of Drug Policy, Guest Editor for the themed collection on ' Sexualised drug use: LGBT communities and beyond'., https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/international-journal-of-drug-policy/vol/55/suppl/C. 2017
Hepatology, Medicine and Policy, Associate Editor, https://hmap.biomedcentral.com/about. 2015
Honorary Principal Scientist, UKHSA (formerly PHE). 2016
Other Professional Activity:
I regularly review papers for a number of journals, including the International Journal of Drug Policy, EuroSurveillance, Addiction, and Drug & Alcohol Dependence..