Professor Wheatcroft is a national and internationally recognised Chartered Psychologist and Registered Practitioner Psychologist (Forensic) who has significant journal, conference and other text publications. Jacqueline has given evidence in court as an expert witness and been invited to venues across the world to deliver keynote addresses about her research which focuses on the enhancement of information, intelligence and evidence. Jacqueline is also a Fellow of the British Psychological Society (BPS) which represents the highest recognition of significant contribution made to the advancement or communication of psychological knowledge or practice by research, teaching and publications.
Professor Wheatcroft has research interests which surround the enhancement of information, intelligence and evidence in forensic contexts. Jacqueline's focus is on the effects of process, procedure and questioning techniques on the information people give in judicial contexts and the impacts on those attending court to give evidence, including those who are vulnerable. Jacqueline has conducted a range of funded projects from a variety of sources and is passionate about working across disciplines. More recently, her work and contributions have broken new ground in respect of cross-examination techniques such that Jacqueline has contributed to the 20 Principles of Questioning which guide the ways in which children and vulnerable witnesses are examined in the court process. The principles are also used by the Ministry of Justice in training of Registered Intermediaries. Further, Jacqueline has pioneered the development of a witness interview protocol (LIP) which has been used in investigations (including children), post incident management, and by United Nations experts.
Professor Wheatcroft's vision is that all witnesses and interviewees can be supported to give of their best evidence, in investigations, interviews and judicial settings worldwide
2002, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, PhD
2002, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom, PG Certificate of Education
1998, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, BSc (Hons) Psychology
Conference publication
Cooke K, Wheatcroft J. 2024. The influence of rapport and question type on the accuracy and confidence of information provided by children in forensic interviews. Dimensions of Police Research: From Borders to Boroughs. Publisher Url
Butcher N, Collins K, Wilson C, Wheatcroft JM. 2023. The effect of fair line-up modifications on child and adult witness performance. BPS Cognitive and Developmental Annual Conference Publisher Url
Wheatcroft J. 2024. Judicial Processes Forensic Psychology: Crime, Justice, Law, Interventions :393-424 Wiley 978-1-119-89200-7 Publisher Url
Sujan SF, Kiviniemi A, Jones SW, Wheatcroft JM, Hjelseth E, Mwiya B, Alhava O, Haavisto A. 2018. Holistic methodology to understand the complexity of collaboration in the construction process :127-134 DOI Publisher Url
Wheatcroft J. 2017. Victim witnesses in investigative interviews and court processes. Routledge Handbook on Victims' Issues in Criminal Justice :221-231 Routledge 9781317290582 DOI Publisher Url
Wheatcroft JM. 2017. Victim Witnesses in Investigative Interviews and Court Processes Routledge Handbook on Victims’ Issues in Criminal Justice :221-235 Routledge DOI Publisher Url
Wagstaff GF, Wheatcroft J. 2016. Hypnosis and Forensic Interviewing. Elkins GR. Handbook of Medical and Psychological Hypnosis: Foundations, Applications, and Professional Issues. 978-0-8261-2486-9 DOI Publisher Url
Wheatcroft J. 2016. Avoiding Miscarriages of Justice. Cooper P, Hunting L. Addressing Vulnerability in Justice Systems Wildy, Simmonds & Hill Publishing 9780854901968
Fowler Y, Vaughan M, Wheatcroft J. 2016. The Interpreter-Mediated Police Interview COMMUNICATION IN INVESTIGATIVE AND LEGAL CONTEXTS: INTEGRATED APPROACHES FROM PSYCHOLOGY, LINGUISTICS AND LAW ENFORCEMENT :315-333 978-1-118-76922-5 DOI Publisher Url
Fowler Y, Vaughan M, Wheatcroft J. 2015. The police-interpreter mediated interview. Communication in Investigative and Legal Contexts Integrated Approaches from Forensic Psychology, Linguistics and Law Enforcement :315-333 John Wiley & Sons 9781118769232
Wheatcroft J, Gudjonsson G, Young S. 2009. Professional Issues. Young S, Kopelman M, Gudjonsson G. Forensic Neuropsychology in Practice A Guide to Assessment and Legal Processes :301-329 Oxford University Press 9780198566830
Cahill S, Lamb M, Wheatcroft J. 2023. Advocacy and the Vulnerable National Training Programme: The 20 Principles of Questioning. Publisher Url
Wheatcroft J. 2012. Getting it Right for Victims and Witnesses: the Government response. :1-72 Publisher Url
Journal article
Sujan SF, Jones SW, Kiviniemi A, Wheatcroft JM, Mwiya B. 2020. Holistically assessing collaborative culture in the AEC industry Journal of Information Technology in Construction, 25 :272-286 DOI Publisher Url
Wood AC, Wheatcroft JM. 2020. Young Adult Perceptions of Internet Communications and the Grooming Concept SAGE Open, 10 DOI Publisher Url
Gous G, Wheatcroft JM. 2020. Directive Leading Questions and Preparation Technique Effects on Witness Accuracy SAGE Open, 10 DOI Publisher Url
Sujan SF, Kiviniemi A, Jones SW, Wheathcroft JM, Hjelseth E. 2019. Common biases in client involved decision-making in the AEC industry FRONTIERS OF ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT, 6 :221-238 DOI Publisher Url
Adams-White JE, Wheatcroft JM, Jump M. 2018. Measuring Decision Accuracy and Confidence of Mock Air Defence Operators Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 7 :60-69 DOI Publisher Url
Wright C, Wheatcroft JM. 2017. Police officers' beliefs about, and use of, cues to deception JOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE PSYCHOLOGY AND OFFENDER PROFILING, 14 :307-319 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Worsley JD, Wheatcroft JM, Short E, Corcoran R. 2017. Victims’ Voices: Understanding the Emotional Impact of Cyberstalking and Individuals’ Coping Responses SAGE Open, 7 DOI Publisher Url
Wheatcroft JM, Keogan H. 2017. Impact of Evidence Type and Judicial Warning on Juror Perceptions of Global and Specific Witness Evidence Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 151 :247-267 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wheatcroft JM. 2017. Witness assistance and familiarisation in England and Wales: The Right to Challenge INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF EVIDENCE & PROOF, 21 :158-168 DOI Publisher Url
Wheatcroft JM, Jump M, Breckell AL, Adams-White J. 2017. Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) operators’ accuracy and confidence of decisions: Professional pilots or video game players? Cogent Psychology, 4 DOI Publisher Url
Wright Whelan C, Wagstaff GF, Wheatcroft JM. 2015. Subjective cues to deception/honesty in a high stakes situation: An exploratory approach Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 149 :517-534 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Elntib S, Wagstaff GF, Wheatcroft JM. 2015. The Role of Account Length in Detecting Deception in Written and Orally Produced Autobiographical Accounts using Reality Monitoring Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 12 :185-198 DOI Publisher Url
Wright Whelan C, Wagstaff G, Wheatcroft JM. 2015. High stakes lies: police and non-police accuracy in detecting deception Psychology, Crime and Law, 21 :127-138 DOI Publisher Url
Wheatcroft J, Caruso D, Krumrey-Quinn J. 2015. Rethinking Leading: The directive, non-directive divide. Criminal Law Review, :340-346 Publisher Url
Wheatcroft J, Wagstaff GF, Manarin B. 2015. The influence of delay and item difficulty on eyewitness confidence and accuracy. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research, :1-9 DOI Publisher Url
Wheatcroft JM, Wagstaff GF, Russell K. 2014. Specialist police interviewer perceptions of the enhanced cognitive interview: usefulness, confidence and witness reliability Police Practice and Research, 15 :505-518 DOI Publisher Url
Wright Whelan C, Wagstaff GF, Wheatcroft JM. 2014. High-Stakes Lies: Verbal and Nonverbal Cues to Deception in Public Appeals for Help with Missing or Murdered Relatives Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 21 :523-537 DOI Publisher Url
Short E, Linford S, Wheatcroft JM, Maple C. 2014. The impact of cyberstalking: The lived experience - A thematic analysis Annual Review of CyberTherapy and Telemedicine, 12 :133-137 DOI Author Url
Wagstaff GF, Wheatcroft JM, Hoyle JD, Duffy C. 2014. Enhancing memory with the liverpool interview protocol: Is an association with hypnosis a problem? Contemporary Hypnosis and Integrative Therapy, 30 :142-151
Wheatcroft JM, Alison LA, McGrory D. 2012. The Influence of Trust on Senior Investigating Officers' Decision Making in High-Profile Critical Incidents Police Quarterly, 15 :386-413 DOI Publisher Url
Wheatcroft JM, Ellison LE. 2012. Evidence in Court: Witness Preparation and Cross-Examination Style Effects on Adult Witness Accuracy Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 30 :821-840 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wagstaff GF, Wheatcroft JM, Burt CL, Pilkington HJ, Wilkinson K, Hoyle JD. 2011. Enhancing Witness Memory with Focused Meditation and Eye-Closure: Assessing the Effects of Misinformation Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology, 26 :152-161 DOI Publisher Url
Wagstaff GF, Wheatcroft JM, Jones AC. 2011. Are high hypnotizables especially vulnerable to false memory effects? A sociocognitive perspective International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 59 :310-326 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wagstaff GF, Wheatcroft JM, Caddick AM, Kirby LJ, Lamont E. 2011. Enhancing witness memory with techniques derived from hypnotic investigative interviewing: Focused meditation, eye-closure, and context reinstatement International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 59 :146-164 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wheatcroft JM, Woods S. 2010. Effectiveness of Witness Preparation and Cross-Examination Non-Directive and Directive Leading Question Styles on Witness Accuracy and Confidence The International Journal of Evidence & Proof, 14 :187-207 DOI Publisher Url
Wheatcroft JM, Ellison LE. 2010. Courtroom questioning, pre-trial preparation and witness accuracy Forensic Update, 1 :41-44 DOI Publisher Url
Wheatcroft J, Ellison LE. 2010. “Could you ask me that in a different way please?” Exploring the impact of courtroom questioning and witness familiarisation on adult witness accuracy Criminal Law Review, :823-839
Wheatcroft JM, Wagstaff GF, Moran A. 2009. Revictimizing the victim? How rape victims experience the UK legal system Victims and Offenders, 4 :265-284 DOI Publisher Url
Wagstaff GF, Cole J, Wheatcroft J, Anderton A, Madden H. 2008. Reducing and reversing pseudomemories with hypnosis Contemporary Hypnosis, 25 :178-191 DOI Publisher Url
Wagstaff GF, Wheatcroft J, Cole JC, Brunas-Wagstaff J, Blackmore V, Pilkington A. 2008. Some cognitive and neuropsychological aspects of social inhibition and facilitation European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 20 :828-846 DOI Publisher Url
Wagstaff GF, Cole J, Wheatcroft J, Marshall M, Barsby I. 2007. A componential approach to hypnotic memory facilitation: Focused meditation, context reinstatement and eye movements Contemporary Hypnosis, 24 :97-108 DOI Publisher Url
McCulloch P, Kaul A, Wagstaff GF, Wheatcroft J. 2005. Tolerance of uncertainty, extroversion, neuroticism and attitudes to randomized controlled trials among surgeons and physicians British Journal of Surgery, 92 :1293-1297 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wagstaff GF, Brunas-Wagstaff J, Cole J, Knapton L, Winterbottom J, Crean V, Wheatcroft J. 2004. Facilitating memory with hypnosis, focused meditation, and eye closure International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 52 :434-455 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Wagstaff G, Brunas-Wagstaff J, Cole J, Wheatcroft J. 2004. New directions in forensic hypnosis: Facilitating memory with a focused meditation technique Contemporary Hypnosis, 21 :14-27 DOI Publisher Url
Wheatcroft JM, Wagstaff GF, Kebbell MR. 2004. The influence of courtroom questioning style on actual and perceived eyewitness confidence and accuracy Legal and Criminological Psychology, 9 :83-101 DOI Publisher Url
Wheatcroft JM, Walklate S. Thinking Differently about ‘False Allegations’ in Cases of Rape: The Search for Truth International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 3 :239-248 DOI Publisher Url
Adams-White JE, Wheatcroft JM, Jump M. Measuring decision accuracy and confidence of mock air defence operators. Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, 7 :60-69 DOI Publisher Url
Membership of professional bodies:
Fellow, British Psychological Society.
Registered Intermediary, Ministry of Justice Witness Intermediary Scheme.
Registered Practitioner Psychologist, HCPC.