Prof Stephen Fairclough
School of Psychology
Faculty of Health
Email: S.Fairclough@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 904 6311
Stephen Fairclough is a Professor of Psychophysiology in the School of Natural Sciences and Psychology. He began his career at Loughborough University working on human factors psychology, with a particular emphasis on psychophysiological measures and driving behaviour. He joined Liverpool John Moores University in 2000 and extended his range of skills to cover cardiovascular physiology and measurement of brain activity (EEG and fNIRS).
His research has been funded by a range of bodies, including: the European Commission, EPSRC, the Health & Safety Executive, the BIAL Foundation, Innovate UK and private organisations (Muller, Volvo). He has worked extensively in collaborations between academia and industry.
He has a long-standing track record of research in the area of emerging technologies and human-computer interaction. His 2009 paper on physiological computing was the most cited paper in the journal Interacting With Computers in 2011-12 and 2012-13. In 2014, he was asked to write an article for Nature on data privacy and physiological measurement.
He has co-edited two books in the last two years, both on the topic of physiological computing and published by Springer. He was elected as President of Psychophysiology In Ergonomics (a group aligned to the International Ergonomics Association) and served from 2007-2010. He is a program co-chair for the International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems.
He has been a member of the programme committee for ACM Annual Conference on Computer-Human Interaction (CHI) and the bi-annual conference Affective Computing & Intelligent Interaction. He is currently a member of the editorial boards for the journals IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing and International Journal of Cognitive Performance Support. He has been elected to serve on the Executive of the European Chapter of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
His personal research website may be found at: http://physiologicalcomputing.org
2000, Loughborough University, United Kingdom, PhD
1986, University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom, BSc (Hons) Psychology
Academic appointments
Professor of Psychophysiology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2012 - present
Subject Leader for Neuroscience and Health Psychology, Natural Sciences and Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2008 - 2012
Senior Lecturer, Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2000 - 2008
Research Fellow, Human Sciences and Advanced Technology, Loughborough University, 1987 - 2000
Highlighted publications
Kreplin U, Fairclough SH. 2015. Effects of self-directed and other-directed introspection and emotional valence on activation of the rostral prefrontal cortex during aesthetic experience NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA, 71 :38-45 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Fairclough SH, Karran A, Gilleade K. 2015. Classification Accuracy from the Perspective of the User: Real-Time Interaction with Physiological Computing Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems :3029-3038 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Burns CG, Fairclough SH. 2015. Use of auditory event-related potentials to measure immersion during a computer game INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER STUDIES, 73 :107-114 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Fairclough SH, Gilleade K. 2014. Advances in Physiological Computing Springer Science & Business Media 9781447163923
Fairclough SH. 2014. Physiological data must remain confidential Nature, 505 :263-263 DOI
Fairclough SH, van der Zwaag M, Spiridon E, Westerlink J. 2014. Effects of Mood Induction via Music on Cardiovascular Measures of Negative Emotion during Simulated Driving Physiology and Behaviour, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Journal article
Symes S, Blanco-Davis E, Fairclough S, Yang Z, Wang J, Shaw E. 2025. An investigation of the effect of fatigue on ship engine room operators using fNIRS Ocean Engineering, 327 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Fairclough S, Baker C, Ogden R, Barnes R, Toothill J. 2024. Distortions to Passage of Time Judgements (POTJ) due to virtual threat are predicted by autonomic activation PLoS One, 19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Fan S, Fairclough S, Khalique A, Bury A, Yang Z. 2024. Towards advanced decision-making support for shipping safety: A functional connectivity analysis Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 193 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Symes S, Blanco-Davis E, Fairclough S, Yang Z, Wang J, Shaw E. 2024. An investigation of the effect of workload on ship engine room operators using fNIRS Ocean Engineering, 310 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Baker C, Fairclough S, Ogden RS, Barnes R, Tootill J. 2024. Trait impulsivity influences behavioural and physiological responses to threat in a virtual environment Jones A. Scientific Reports, 14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Fairclough S. 2023. Neuroadaptive Technology and the Self: a Postphenomenological Perspective Philosophy and Technology, 36 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Fan S, Blanco-Davis E, Fairclough S, Zhang J, Yan X, Wang J, Yang Z. 2023. Incorporation of seafarer psychological factors into maritime safety assessment Ocean and Coastal Management, 237 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Fairclough SH, Stamp K, Dobbins C. 2022. Functional Connectivity Across Dorsal And Ventral Attention Networks In Response To Task Difficulty And Experimental Pain Neuroscience Letters, 793 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ogden RS, Dobbins C, Slade K, McIntyre JC, Fairclough SH. 2022. The psychophysiological mechanisms of real-world time experience Scientific Reports, 12 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Fairclough SH, Dobbins C, Stamp K. 2021. Classification of Game Demand and the Presence of Experimental Pain Using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Frontiers in Neuroergonomics, 2 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Slade K, Kramer SE, Fairclough S, Richter M. 2021. Effortful Listening: Sympathetic Activity Varies as a Function of Listening Demand but Parasympathetic Activity Does not Hearing Research, 410 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Baker C, Pawling R, Fairclough S. 2020. Assessment of threat and negativity bias in virtual reality Scientific Reports, 10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Fairclough SH, Lotte F. 2020. Grand Challenges in Neurotechnology and System Neuroergonomics Frontiers in Neuroergonomics, 1 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Fan S, Blanco Davis E, Zhang J, Bury A, Warren J, Yang Z, Yan X, Wang J, Fairclough S. 2020. The Role of the Prefrontal Cortex and Functional Connectivity during Maritime Operations: An fNIRS study Brain and Behavior, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Fairclough SH, Dobbins C. 2020. Personal informatics and negative emotions during commuter driving:Effects of data visualization on cardiovascular reactivity & mood International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 144 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dehais F, Lamont A, Roy R, Fairclough SH. 2020. A Neuroergonomics Approach to Mental Workload, Engagement and Human Performance Frontiers in Neuroscience, 14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Fairclough SH, Stamp K, Poole H, Dobbins C. 2020. Computer games as distraction from PAIN: Effects of hardware and difficulty on pain tolerance and subjective IMMERSION International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 139 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Fairclough SH, Burns C, Kreplin U. 2018. FNIRS activity in the prefrontal cortex and motivational intensity: impact of working memory load, financial reward, and correlation-based signal improvement Neurophotonics, 5 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dobbins CM, Fairclough SH. 2018. Signal Processing of Multimodal Mobile Lifelogging Data towards Detecting Stress in Real-World Driving IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Spiridon E, Fairclough S. 2017. The effects of ambient blue light on anger levels: applications in the design of unmanned aircraft International Journal of UnManned Systems Engineering, 5 :53-53
Fairclough SH, Ewing K. 2017. The Effect of Task Demand and Incentive on Neurophysiological and Cardiovascular Markers of Effort International Journal of Psychophysiology, 119 :58-66 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Ewing K, Fairclough SH, Gilleade K. 2016. Evaluation of an adaptive game that uses EEG measures validated during the design process as inputs to a Biocybernetic Loop Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10 :1-13 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Jacucci G, Fairclough SH, Solovey ET. 2015. Physiological Computing IEEE Computer, 48 :12-15 DOI Publisher Url
Fairclough SH, da Silva HP, Gamboa H, Gilleade K, i Badia SB. 2015. Applications and Issues for Physiological Computing Systems: An Introduction to the Special Issue Interacting with Computers, 27 :489-491 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kreplin U, Fairclough SH. 2015. Effects of self-directed and other-directed introspection and emotional valence on activation of the rostral prefrontal cortex during aesthetic experience NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA, 71 :38-45 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Burns CG, Fairclough SH. 2015. Use of auditory event-related potentials to measure immersion during a computer game INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER STUDIES, 73 :107-114 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Karran AJ, Fairclough SH, Gilleade K. 2015. A Framework for Psychophysiological Classification within a Cultural Heritage Context Using Interest ACM TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTER-HUMAN INTERACTION, 21 :34.1-34.19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Da Silva H, Fairclough SH, Holzinger A, Jacob R, Tan D. 2015. Introduction to the Special Issue on Physiological Computing Systems ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 21 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Fairclough S. 2014. Physiological data must remain confidential NATURE, 505 :263-263 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Fairclough SH. 2014. Physiological data must remain confidential Nature, 505 :263-263 DOI
Fairclough SH, van der Zwaag M, Spiridon E, Westerlink J. 2014. Effects of Mood Induction via Music on Cardiovascular Measures of Negative Emotion during Simulated Driving Physiology and Behaviour, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
da Silva HP, Holzinger A, Fairclough S, Majoe D. 2014. Physiological Computing Systems: First International Conference, PhyCS 2014, Lisbon, Portugal, January 7–9, 2014, Revised Selected Papers Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 8908 DOI Publisher Url
Kreplin U, Fairclough SH. 2013. Activation of the rostromedial prefrontal cortex during the experience of positive emotion in the context of esthetic experience. An fNIRS study FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE, 7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Roberts CA, Fairclough SH, McGlone FP, Fisk JE, Montgomery C. 2013. Electrophysiological evidence of atypical processing underlying mental set shifting in ecstasy polydrug and polydrug users. Exp Clin Psychopharmacol, 21 :507-515 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Kastenmuller A, Greitemeyer T, Fairclough SH, Waite D, Fischer P. 2013. Playing Exergames and Sporting Activity: The Impact of Identification with One’s Game Character Social Psychology, 4 :264-270 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Roberts CA, Fairclough S, Fisk JE, Tames FT, Montgomery C. 2013. Electrophysiological indices of response inhibition in human polydrug users JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY, 27 :779-789 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Roberts CA, Fairclough SH, Fisk JE, Tames F, Montgomery C. 2013. ERP evidence suggests executive dysfunction in ecstasy polydrug users Curran HV. Psychopharmacology, 228 :375-388 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Fairclough SH, Gilleade K, Ewing K, Roberts J. 2013. Capturing user engagement via psychophysiology: measures and mechanisms for biocybernetic adaptation International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems, 6 :63-79
Goodwin L, Fairclough SH, Poole HM. 2013. A cognitive-perceptual model of symptom perception in males and females: the roles of negative affect, selective attention, health anxiety and psychological job demands Journal of Health Psychology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Fairclough SH, Gilleade K, Ewing KC, Roberts J. 2013. Capturing user engagement via psychophysiology: measures and mechanisms for biocybernetic adaptation International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems, 1 :63-79 DOI
Fairclough SH. 2013. Physiological data must remain confidential Nature, 505 :263-263 DOI
Kastenmueller A, Greitemeyer T, Fairclough SH, Waite D, Fischer P. 2013. Playing exergames: The impact of identification with one's game character on physical activity Social Psychology, 44 :264-270
Serbedzija N, Fairclough SH. 2012. Reflective pervasive systems ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, 7 DOI
Goodwin L, Fairclough SH, Poole HM. 2012. A cognitive-perceptual model of symptom perception in males and females: the roles of negative affect, selective attention, health anxiety and psychological job demands Journal of Health Psychology, 18 :848-857 DOI
Fairclough SH, Spiridon E. 2012. Cardiovascular and electrocortical markers of anger and motivation during a simulated driving task. Int J Psychophysiol, 84 :188-193 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Fairclough SH, Spiridon E. 2012. Cardiovascular and electrocortical markers of anger and motivation during a simulated driving task International Journal of Psychophysiology, 84 :188-193 DOI
Serbedzija N, Fairclough S. 2012. Reflective Pervasive Systems ACM TRANSACTIONS ON AUTONOMOUS AND ADAPTIVE SYSTEMS, 7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Fairclough SH, Spiridon E. 2012. Cardiovascular and electrocortical markers of anger and motivation during a simulated driving task International Journal of Psychophysiology, 84 :188-193
Fairclough SH, Roberts J. 2011. Effects of performance feedback on cardiovascular reactivity and frontal EEG asymmetry International Journal of Psychophysiology, 81 :291-298 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
van der Zwaag MD, Fairclough S, Spiridon E, Westerink JHDM. 2011. The Impact of Music on Affect during Anger Inducing Drives DMello S, Graesser A, Schuller B, Martin JC. AFFECTIVE COMPUTING AND INTELLIGENT INTERACTION, PT I, 6974 :407-+ DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Fairclough SH, Gilleade K, Nacke LE, Mandryk RL. 2011. Brain and body interfaces: Designing for meaningful interaction Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings, :65-68 DOI
Ewing KC, Fairclough SH. 2010. The effect of an extrinsic incentive on psychophysiological measures of mental effort and motivational disposition when task demand is varied Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 1 :259-263 DOI Publisher Url
Fairclough SH, Ewing KC, Roberts J. 2009. Measuring task engagement as an input to physiological computing Proceedings - 2009 3rd International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction and Workshops, ACII 2009, DOI Publisher Url
Trimmel M, Fairclough S, Henning R. 2009. Psychophysiology in ergonomics APPLIED ERGONOMICS, 40 :963-964 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Fairclough SH, Trimmel M, Henning R. 2009. Psychophysiology and ergonomics research Applied Ergonomics, 40 :963-964 DOI
Trimmel M, Fairclough SH, Henning R. 2009. Psychophysiology in Ergonomics Applied Ergonomics, :963-964 DOI
Venables L, Fairclough SH. 2009. The influence of performance feedback on goal-setting and mental effort regulation MOTIVATION AND EMOTION, 33 :63-74 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Fairclough SH. 2009. Fundamentals of physiological computing INTERACTING WITH COMPUTERS, 21 :133-145 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Fairclough SH, Goodwin L. 2007. The effect of psychological stress and relaxation on interoceptive accuracy: Implications for symptom perception. J Psychosom Res, 62 :289-295 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Fairclough SH, Venables L. 2006. Prediction of subjective states from psychophysiology: a multivariate approach. Biol Psychol, 71 :100-110 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Fairclough SH, Tattersall AJ, Houston K. 2006. Anxiety and performance in the British driving test TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART F-TRAFFIC PSYCHOLOGY AND BEHAVIOUR, 9 :43-52 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Fairclough SH, Venables L, Tattersall A. 2005. The influence of task demand and learning on the psychophysiological response. Int J Psychophysiol, 56 :171-184 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Venables L, Allanson J, Fairclough S. 2004. The efficacy of psychophysiology for realising affective computing Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings, :1543 DOI Publisher Url
Venables L, Fairclough SH. 2004. Establishing the Psychophysiological Variables that can Identify & Predict Operator Subjective State Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 48 :90-94 DOI Publisher Url
Fairclough SH, Venables L. 2004. Effects of Task Demand and Time-on-Task on Psychophysiological Candidates for Biocybernetic Control Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 48 :85-89 DOI Publisher Url
Fairclough SH, Houston K. 2004. A metabolic measure of mental effort. Biol Psychol, 66 :177-190 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Brookhuis KA, De Waard D, Fairclough SH. 2003. Criteria for driver impairment ERGONOMICS, 46 :433-445 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Fairclough SH, Houston K. 2003. Blood glucose as an index of mental effort JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, 17 :95-95 Author Url
Fairclough SH, van Winsum W. 2000. The Influence of Impairment Feedback on Driver Behavior: A Simulator Study Transportation Human Factors, 2 :229-246 DOI Publisher Url
Fairclough SH, Graham R. 1999. Impairment of driving performance caused by sleep deprivation or alcohol: A comparative study HUMAN FACTORS, 41 :118-128 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Fairclough SH. 1997. Monitoring of driver and vehicle performance IEE Colloquium (Digest),
Fairclough SH, May AJ, Carter C. 1997. The effect of time headway feedback on following behaviour ACCIDENT ANALYSIS AND PREVENTION, 29 :387-397 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Fairclough SH, Ward NJ. 1996. A Protocol for the Assessment of Subjective Sleepiness Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 40 :1283-1283 DOI Publisher Url
Spiridon E, Fairclough S. Detection of anger with or without control for affecting computing systems DOI Publisher Url
Fairclough SH, Gilleade KM, Ewing KC, Roberts J. Capturing user engagement via psychophysiology: measures and mechanisms for biocybernetic adaptation International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communication Systems, DOI Publisher Url
Fairclough S, Ogden R, Baker C. 2024. Passage of Time Judgements and Psychophysiology during Virtual Threat DOI Public Url
Dobbins C, Fairclough S. 2018. Multimodal Lifelogging Dataset DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Editorial/letter to the editor
Gramann K, Lotte F, Dehais F, Ayaz H, Vukelić M, Karwowski W, Fairclough S, Brouwer AM, Roy RN. 2024. Editorial: Open science to support replicability in neuroergonomic research Frontiers in Neuroergonomics, 5 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Cowley BU, Dehais F, Fairclough S, Karran AJ, Palomäki J, Lappi O. 2020. Editorial: High Performance Cognition: Information-Processing in Complex Skills, Expert Performance, and Flow Frontiers in Psychology, 11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Putze F, Mühl C, Lotte F, Fairclough S, Herff C. 2018. Editorial: Detection and estimation of working memory states and cognitive functions based on neurophysiological measures Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Graumann K, Fairclough SH, Zander, T , Ayaz, H . 2017. Editorial: Trends In Neuroergonomics Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Baker C, Fairclough S, Ogden R, Barnes R, Tootill J. 2023. Trait Impulsivity Influences Behavioural and Physiological Responses to Threat in a Virtual Environment Research Square Platform LLC DOI Publisher Url
Stamp K, Fairclough SH, Dobbins C, Poole H. 2022. Chapter 6 The influence of a neuroadaptive game as a distraction from pain: a fNIRS study Current Research in Neuroadaptive Technology :95-116 Elsevier DOI
Baker C, Fairclough SH. 2022. Chapter 9 Adaptive virtual reality Current Research in Neuroadaptive Technology :159-176 Elsevier DOI
Fairclough SH. 2022. Chapter 1 Designing human-computer interaction with neuroadaptive technology Current Research in Neuroadaptive Technology :1-15 Elsevier DOI
Fairclough S. 2021. Designing Human-Computer Interaction with Neuroadaptive Technology Fairclough S, Zander T. Current Research In Neuroadaptive Technology DOI Publisher Url
Baker C, Fairclough S. 2021. Adaptive Virtual Reality Current Research in Neuroadaptive Technology Academic Press 9780128214145 DOI Publisher Url
Stamp K, Fairclough SH, Dobbins C, Poole H. 2021. The influence of a neuroadaptive game as a distraction from pain: a fNIRS study Current Research in Neuroadaptive Technology :95-116 DOI Publisher Url
Fairclough S, Ewing K, Burns C, Kreplin U. 2019. Chapter 12 Neural Efficiency and Mental Workload Locating the Red Line Neuroergonomics :73-77 Elsevier DOI
Fairclough S, Ewing K, Burns C, Kreplin U. 2018. Neural efficiency and mental workload: Locating the red line Neuroergonomics: The Brain at Work and in Everyday Life :73-77 DOI Publisher Url
Fairclough SH. 2017. Chapter 20 Physiological Computing and Intelligent Adaptation Emotions and Affect in Human Factors and Human-Computer Interaction :539-556 Elsevier DOI
Dobbins C, Fairclough S. 2016. Chapter 2 Lifelogging Technologies to Detect Negative Emotions Associated with Cardiovascular Disease Applied Computing in Medicine and Health :27-44 Elsevier DOI
Fairclough SH. 2015. A Closed-Loop Perspective on Symbiotic Human-Computer Interaction Blankertz B, Jacucci G, Gamberini L, Spagnolli A, Freeman J. 9359 :57-67 Springer DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Dobbins C, Fairclough S. 2015. Lifelogging Technologies to Detect Negative Emotions Associated with Cardiovascular Disease Applied Computing in Medicine and Health :27-44 Elsevier 978-0-12-803468-2 DOI Publisher Url
Dobbins C, Fairclough S. 2015. Lifelogging Technologies to Detect Negative Emotions Associated with Cardiovascular Disease Applied Computing in Medicine and Health :27-44 DOI Publisher Url
Fairclough SH, Gilleade K. 2014. Meaningful interaction with physiological computing systems Fairclough SH, Gilleade K. Advances in Physiological Computing Systems :1-16 Springer DOI Publisher Url
Fairclough SH, Mulder LMJ. 2011. Psychophysiological process of mental effort investment Wright RA, Gendolla GHE. How Motivation Affects Cardiovascular Response :61-76 Amer Psychological Assn 9781433810268
Fairclough SH. 2011. Physiological Computing: Interfacing with the Human Nervous System Ouwerkerk M, Westerink JHDM, Krans M. Sensing Emotions in Context :1-20 Springer Verlag 9789048132577 DOI Publisher Url
Ewing K, Fairclough SH. 2010. The impact of working memory load on psychophysiological measures of mental effort and motivational disposition. de Waard D, Axelsson A, Berglund M, Peters B, Weikert C. Human Factors: A system view of human,technology and organisation. :423-433 Shaker 978-90-423-0395-9
Fairclough SH. Physiological Computing and Intelligent Interaction Myounghoon J. Handbook of Affective Sciences in Human Factors and HCI Elsevier DOI Publisher Url
Kirchner E, Fairclough S, Kirchner F. Embedded MultiModal Interfaces in Robotics: Applications, Future Trends and Societal Implications Oviatt S. The Handbook of Multimodal-Multisensor Interfaces Volume 3: Language. ACM Books 9781970001747
Fairclough S, Fan S, Blanco Davis E, Yang Z, Bury A, Warren J. 2021. The role of the prefrontal cortex and functional connectivity during watchkeeping and collision avoidance in maritime operations: An fNIRS study The International Neuroergonomics Conference 2021; 11th-16th September, 2021; Munich, Germany.
Slade K, Fairclough S, Kramer SE, Richter M. 2017. The impact of listening demand on effort-driven cardiovascular responses. 29th Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention, Boston, USA
Slade K, Kramer SE, Fairclough S, Richter M. 2017. The impact of listening demand on effort-driven cardiovascular responses. 10th anniversary meeting of the Society for the Study of Motivation, Boston, USA.
Slade K, Fairclough S, Kramer SE, Richter M. 2017. Systolic blood pressure as an indicator of listening effort in response to listening demand International Convention of Psychological Science, Vienna, Austria
Conference publication
Zhan X, Guo FB, Fairclough SH, Lee D. 2021. Psychological Impact on Design: Empirical Case Studies in City Regeneration of Post-Industrial Sites Advances in Neuroergonomics and Cognitive Engineering, AHFE 2021:3rd international conference on Industrial Cognitive Ergonomics and Engineering Psychology (ICEEP) :320-327 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Stamp K, Dobbins C, Fairclough S. 2020. Utilization of Neurophysiological Data to Classify Player Immersion to Distract from Pain Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 12425 LNCS :756-774 DOI Publisher Url
Dobbins C, Fairclough S. 2019. Detecting and Visualizing Context and Stress via a Fuzzy Rule-Based System during Commuter Driving 2019 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops, PerCom Workshops 2019, :499-504 DOI Publisher Url
Dobbins CM, Fairclough SH, Lisboa PJG, Navarro FFG. 2018. A Lifelogging Platform Towards Detecting Negative Emotions in Everyday Life using Wearable Devices 2018 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops), 2018 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom’18) DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Dobbins C, Fairclough SH. 2017. Wearable Sensors, Driving and the Visualization of Cardiovascular Stress During Everyday Life The First Biannual Neuroadaptive Technology Conference, 1st Neuroadaptive Technology Conference 2017 (NAT’17) :65 Publisher Url Public Url
Dobbins C, Fairclough SH. 2017. A Mobile Lifelogging Platform to Measure Anxiety and Anger During Real-Life Driving 2017 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom’17), 2017 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom’17) DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Harris B, Dobbins C, Fairclough SH, Lisboa P. 2017. Exploring Wearable Devices for Unobtrusive Stress Monitoring ACM International Conference Proceedings Series, Second International Conference on Internet of Things, Data and Cloud Computing Publisher Url Public Url
Fairclough S, Holzinger A, Otero A, Pope A. 2016. Foreword PhyCS 2016 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems, :XI
Fairclough SH, Karran A, Gilleade K. 2015. Classification Accuracy from the Perspective of the User: Real-Time Interaction with Physiological Computing Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems :3029-3038 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Karran AJ, Fairclough SH, Gilleade K. 2013. Towards an Adaptive Cultural Heritage Experience Using Physiological Computing Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings, 2013-April :1683-1688 DOI Publisher Url
Fairclough SH, Burns CG. 2013. Decomposing Immersion: Effects of Game Demand and Display Type on Auditory Evoked Potentials Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - Proceedings, 2013-April :1095-1100 DOI Publisher Url
Nijboer F, Poel M, Nijholt A, van den Broek EL, Fairclough S. 2012. Session details: Challenge 3: BCI grand challenge: brain-computer interfaces as intelligent sensors for enhancing human-computer interaction Proceedings of the 14th ACM international conference on Multimodal interaction, ICMI '12: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMODAL INTERACTION DOI Publisher Url
Fairclough S. 2012. Session details: Keynote 3 Proceedings of the 14th ACM international conference on Multimodal interaction, ICMI '12: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MULTIMODAL INTERACTION DOI Publisher Url
Poel M, Nijboer F, Fairclough SH, Nijholt A, van den Broek E. 2012. Brain Computer Interfaces as intelligent sensors for enhancing human-computer interaction 14th ACM International Conference on MultiModal Interaction DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Fairclough S, Ewing K. 2010. EEG and cardiovascular correlates of working memory load and motivation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, 15th World Congress of Psychophysiology 77 :282-282 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Spiridon E, Fairclough S. 2010. Anger in the motivational context of states of control and no control INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, 15th World Congress of Psychophysiology 77 :269-270 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Spiridon E, Fairclough SH. 2009. CARDIOVASCULAR AND EEG INDICATORS OF ANGER AND CONTROL/NO CONTROL STATES PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, 49th Annual Meeting of the Society-for-Psychophysiological-Research 46 :S54-S54 Author Url
Ewing KC, Fairclough SH. 2009. THE IMPACT OF WORKING MEMORY LOAD ON EEG MEASURES OF MENTAL EFFORT AND MOTIVATION DISPOSITION PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY, 49th Annual Meeting of the Society-for-Psychophysiological-Research 46 :S86-S86 Author Url
Allanson J, Fairclough SH. 2004. A research agenda for physiological computing INTERACTING WITH COMPUTERS, Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems ( CHI 2002) 16 :857-878 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
May AJ, Carter C, Smith F, Fairclough SH. 1995. Evaluation of an in-vehicle headway feedback system with a visual & auditory interface IEE Colloquium (Digest),
Serbedzija N, Fairclough SH. Biocybernetic Loop: from awareness to evolution CEC'09 Proceedings of the Eleventh conference on Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Eleventh Congress on Evolutionary Computation :2063-2069 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Spiridon E, Fairclough SH. Detection of anger with and without control for Affective Computing systems Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction and Workshops, 2009. ACII 2009., Third International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction DOI
Ewing K, Fairclough SH. The effect of an extrinsic incentive on psychophysiological measures of mental effort and motivational disposition when task demand is varied Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 54th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society DOI
Spiridon E, Fairclough SH. Anger in the motivational context of states of control and no control International Journal of Psychophysiology, 77 :269-270 DOI
Ewing K, Fairclough SH. EEG and cardiovascular correlates of working memory load and motivation International Journal of Psychophysiology, 77 :282-282 DOI
Fairclough SH, Gilleade K, Nacke L, Mandryk R. Brain and body interfaces: designing for meaningful interaction Computer Human Interaction (CHI) DOI Publisher Url
van der Zwaag MD, Fairclough SH, Spiridon E, Westerlink JHDM. The impact of music on affect during anger inducing drives Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction 6974 :407-416
Fairclough SH, Gilleade KM. Construction of the Biocybernetic Loop: A Case Study CMI 2012 Grand Challenge - Brain-Computer Interfaces, ICMI’12 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Poole HM, Fairclough S, Wade K, Elves S. GAMING IN THE CLINIC:EFFECTS OF GAME DEMAND ON PAIN EXPERIENCE IN ADULT BURNS PATIENTS International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) World Congress
Harris B, Dobbins C, Fairclough SH, Lisboa P. Measuring Academic Stress ‘In the Wild’ with Wearable Sensors: Removal of Noise from Wearable Sensor Data Using Fir Filters 1st Neuroadaptive Technology Conference 2017 (NAT’17) Public Url
Stamp K, Dobbins C, Fairclough SH, Poole H. Development of a Neuroadaptive Gaming Technology to Distract from Painful Procedures 1st Neuroadaptive Technology Conference 2017 (NAT’17) Public Url
Dobbins CM, Fairclough SH. Detecting Negative Emotions During Real-Life Driving via Dynamically Labelled Physiological Data 2018 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom’18) DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Stamp K, Dobbins CM, Fairclough SH, Poole H. The Influence of Game Demand on Distraction from Experimental Pain: A fNIRS Study 2nd International Neuroergonomics Conference DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Books (authored)
Fairclough SH, Zander TO. 2021. Current Research in Neuroadaptive Technology :1-470 DOI Publisher Url
Fairclough SH, Zander TO. 2021. Preface :xi-xii DOI Publisher Url
Putze F, Mühl C, Lotte F, Fairclough S, Herff C. 2019. Detection and Estimation of Working Memory States and Cognitive Functions Based on Neurophysiological Measures Frontiers Media SA 9782889456918
Gramann K, Fairclough SH, Zander TO, Ayaz H. 2017. Trends in Neuroergonomics: A Comprehensive Overview Frontiers Media SA 9782889452033
Fairclough SH, Gilleade K. 2014. Advances in Physiological Computing Springer Science & Business Media 9781447163923
da Silva HP, Holzinger A, Fairclough S, Majoe D. 2014. Preface 8908 :V-VI
Books (edited)
2015. Physiological Computing Systems Da Silva H, Holzinger A, Fairclough SH, Majoe D. Springer-Verlag. Heidelberg DOI
2014. Physiological Computing Systems: First International Conference, PhyCS 2014, Lisbon, Portugal, January 7-9, 2014, Revised Selected Papers da Silva HP, Holzinger A, Fairclough SH, Majoe D. Springer 978-3-662-45686-6
Smyth GA. 2014. Foreword :xi-xii Publisher Url
Research Grants Awarded:
Innovate UK and AHRC, KTP with Immersive Interaction Ltd, Prof Stephen Fairclough, Grant value (£): 91.900, Duration of research project: 2 years. 2017
EPSRC, Development of a Multimodal Lifelogging Platform to Support Self-Reflection and Monitor Inflammation Associated With the Experience of Negative Emotions, Stephen Fairclough, School of Natural Sciences and Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, Grant value (£): 125,000, Duration of research project: 13 months. 2015
Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), Development of a Multimodal Lifelogging Platform to Support Self-Reflection & Monitor Inflammation Associated With the Experience of Negative Emotions, Prof. Stephen Fairclough, School of Natural Sciences and Psychology, Liverpool John Moores University, Grant value (£): £125,000, Duration of research project: 13 months. 2014
Membership of professional bodies:
Co-Director, Human Factors & Ergonomics Society (European Chapter), http://www.hfes-europe.org/. 2015
Editorial boards:
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, Associate Editor, http://www.computer.org/web/tac. 2014
International Journal of Cognitive Performance Support, Associate Editor, http://www.inderscience.com/jhome.php?jcode=ijcps. 2013