Dr Robert Fitt
School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: R.N.Fitt@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 904 1993
Academic appointments
Lecturer in Conservation Ecology, Liverpool John Moores University, 2022 - present
Journal article
Lea JM, Fitt R, Brough S, Carr G, Dick J, Jones N, Webster R. 2024. Making climate reanalysis and CMIP6 data processing easy: two "point-and-click" cloud based user interfaces for environmental and ecological studies Frontiers in Environmental Science, 12 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wood C, Fitt RNL, Lancaster LT. 2019. Evolving social dynamics prime thermal tolerance during a poleward range shift Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 126 :574-586 DOI Publisher Url
Fitt RNL, Palmer S, Hand C, Travis JMJ, Lancaster LT. 2019. Towards an interactive, process‐based approach to understanding range shifts: developmental and environmental dependencies matter Ecography, 42 :201-210 DOI Publisher Url
Dornelas M, Antao LH, Moyes F, Bates AE, Magurran AE, Adam D, Akhmetzhanova AA, Appeltans W, Arcos JM, Arnold H, Ayyappan N, Badihi G, Baird AH, Barbosa M, Barreto TE, Baessler C, Bellgrove A, Belmaker J, Benedetti-Cecchi L, Bett BJ, Bjorkman AD, Blazewicz M, Blowes SA, Bloch CP, Bonebrake TC, Boyd S, Bradford M, Brooks AJ, Brown JH, Bruelheide H, Budy P, Carvalho F, Castaneda-Moya E, Chen CA, Chamblee JF, Chase TJ, Siegwart Collier L, Collinge SK, Condit R, Cooper EJ, Cornelissen JHC, Cotano U, Crow SK, Damasceno G, Davies CH, Davis RA, Day FP, Degraer S, Doherty TS, Dunn TE, Durigan G, Duffy JE, Edelist D, Edgar GJ, Elahi R, Elmendorf SC, Enemar A, Ernest SKM, Escribano R, Estiarte M, Evans BS, Fan T-Y, Farah FT, Fernandes LL, Farneda FZ, Fidelis A, Fitt R, Fosaa AM, Daher Correa Franco GA, Frank GE, Fraser WR, Garcia H, Gatti RC, Givan O, Gorgone-Barbosa E, Gould WA, Gries C, Grossman GD, Gutierrez JR, Hale S, Harmon ME, Harte J, Haskins G, Henshaw DL, Hermanutz L, Hidalgo P, Higuchi P, Hoey A, Van Hoey G, Hofgaard A, Holeck K, Hollister RD, Holmes R, Hoogenboom M, Hsieh C-H, Hubbell SP, Huettmann F, Huffard CL, Hurlbert AH, Ivanauskas NM, Janik D, Jandt U, Jazdzewska A, Johannessen T, Johnstone J, Jones J, Jones FAM, Kang J, Kartawijaya T, Keeley EC, Kelt DA, Kinnear R, Klanderud K, Knutsen H, Koenig CC, Kortz AR, Kral K, Kuhnz LA, Kuo C-Y, Kushner DJ, Laguionie-Marchais C, Lancaster LT, Min Lee C, Lefcheck JS, Levesque E, Lightfoot D, Lloret F, Lloyd JD, Lopez-Baucells A, Louzao M, Madin JS, Magnusson B, Malamud S, Matthews I, McFarland KP, McGill B, McKnight D, McLarney WO, Meador J, Meserve PL, Metcalfe DJ, Meyer CFJ, Michelsen A, Milchakova N, Moens T, Moland E, Moore J, Moreira CM, Mueller J, Murphy G, Myers-Smith IH, Myster RW, Naumov A, Neat F, Nelson JA, Paul Nelson M, Newton SF, Norden N, Oliver JC, Olsen EM, Onipchenko VG, Pabis K, Pabst RJ, Paquette A, Pardede S, Paterson DM, Pelissier R, Penuelas J, Perez-Matus A, Pizarro O, Pomati F, Post E, Prins HHT, Priscu JC, Provoost P, Prudic KL, Erkki P, Ramesh BR, Mendivil Ramos O, Rassweiler A, Rebelo JE, Reed DC, Reich PB, Remillard SM, Richardson AJ, Richardson JP, van Rijn I, Rocha R, Rivera-Monroy VH, Rixen C, Robinson KP, Rodrigues RR, Rossa-Feres DDC, Rudstam L, Ruhl H, Ruz CS, Sampaio EM, Rybicki N, Rypel A, Sal S, Salgado B, Santos FAM, Savassi-Coutinho AP, Scanga S, Schmidt J, Schooley R, Setiawan F, Shao K-T, Shaver GR, Sherman S, Sherry TW, Sicinski J, Sievers C, da Silva AC, da Silva FR, Silveira FL, Slingsby J, Smart T, Snell SJ, Soudzilovskaia NA, Souza GBG, Souza FM, Souza VC, Stallings CD, Stanforth R, Stanley EH, Sterza JM, Stevens M, Stuart-Smith R, Rondon Suarez Y, Supp S, Yoshio Tamashiro J, Tarigan S, Thiede GP, Thorn S, Tolvanen A, Zugliani Toniato MT, Totland O, Twilley RR, Vaitkus G, Valdivia N, Vallejo MI, Valone TJ, Van Colen C, Vanaverbeke J, Venturoli F, Verheye HM, Vianna M, Vieira RP, Vrska T, Vu CQ, Vu LV, Waide RB, Waldock C, Watts D, Webb S, Wesolowski T, White EP, Widdicombe CE, Wilgers D, Williams R, Williams SB, Williamson M, Willig MR, Willis TJ, Wipf S, Woods KD, Woehler EJ, Zawada K, Zettler ML. 2018. BioTIME: A database of biodiversity time series for the Anthropocene GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY, 27 :760-786 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Fitt RNL, Lancaster LT. 2017. Range shifting species reduce phylogenetic diversity in high latitude communities via competition. The Journal of animal ecology, 86 :543-555 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lancaster LT, Morrison G, Fitt RN. 2017. Life history trade-offs, the intensity of competition, and coexistence in novel and evolving communities under climate change. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 372 :20160046 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hartley SE, Fitt RN, McLarnon EL, Wade RN. 2015. Defending the leaf surface: intra- and inter-specific differences in silicon deposition in grasses in response to damage and silicon supply. Frontiers in plant science, 6 :35 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Powney GD, Brooks SJ, Barwell LJ, Bowles P, Fitt RNL, Pavitt A, Spriggs RA, Isaac NJB. 2014. Morphological and geographical traits of the british odonata. Biodiversity data journal, :e1041 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lea J, Fitt R, Brough S, Carr G, Dick J, Jones N, Saetnan E, Webster R. 2023. Google Earth Engine Climate Tool (GEEClimT): Enabling rapid, easy access to global climate reanalysis data DOI Publisher Url
Fitt R, Lancaster LT. 2021. Complex landscape topography can facilitate local adaptation during a range shift Authorea, Inc. DOI Publisher Url
Fitt RN, Lancaster LT. 2019. Complex landscape topography can facilitate local adaptation during a range shift PeerJ DOI Publisher Url
Fitt RN, Lancaster LT. 2019. Complex landscape topography can facilitate local adaptation during a range shift PeerJ DOI Publisher Url
Wood C, Fitt RNL, Lancaster LT. 2018. Social stress as a priming mechanism for Thermal Tolerance During a Poleward Range Shift Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory DOI Publisher Url