Gavin D. 2023. The effect of a multi-component intervention with and without height-adjustable workstations on vascular and behavioural outcomes in contact centre call agents Graves L, Sprung T, Low D. Public Url
Journal article
Morris A, Murphy RC, Hopkins ND, Low DA, Healy G, Edwardson C, Collins B, Timpson H, Shepherd SO, Cochrane MA, Gavin D, Graves LEF. 2021. Sit Less and Move More - A multi-component intervention with and without height-adjustable workstations in contact centre call agents: a pilot randomised controlled trial Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 63 :44-56 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
ten Broeke P, Olthof M, Beckers D, Hopkins ND, Graves LEF, Carter SE, Cochrane MA, Gavin D, Morris AS, Lichtwarck-Aschoffa A, Geurts S, Thijssen DHJ, Bijleveld E. 2020. Temporal dynamics of sitting behavior at work Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117 :14883-14889 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Conference publication
Gavin D, Millard A, Cochrane M, Hopkins N, Low D, Murphy R, Shepherd S, Watson P, Timpson H, Jones L, Haycox A, Collins B, Healy G, Edwardson C, Dunstan D, Graves L. 2018. Multi-level workplace intervention to improve cardiovascular outcomes in contact centre call agents: Study protocol JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY & HEALTH, 15 :S155-S155 Author Url