Dr Julien Louis
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Faculty of Science
Email: J.B.Louis@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 904 6285
Dr Julien Louis (Reader in Nutrition and Exercise Physiology) is an academic member of staff with teaching and research duties. Julien is Programme Leader for the MSc in Sport Nutrition at LJMU. Julien is also Associate Researcher at the French Institute of Sport, Expertise and Performance (INSEP, Paris), and member of the Editorial Board of the European Journal of Sport Science, Journal of Sport Sciences, Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, Frontiers in Exercise Physiology, and Nutrients. Julien's research focuses on training, nutrition and recovery strategies for optimising sport performance, with an emphasis on elite sport. Julien is also interested in the effects of ageing on sport performance with masters athletes at the centre of his research. In parallel to his academic roles, Julien regularly works as Consultant Nutritionist in Elite sport. He is the current performance Nutritionist of Decathlon AG2R professional cycling team and Paris FC. Julien is also a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of Parma Calcio 1913 FC. Previous appointments include Liverpool Football Club, Lille Football Club, the French Football Federation, and many Olympic sports.
2011, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France, PhD Exercise Physiology
2008, University of South Toulon Var, France, MSc Exercise Physiology
2006, University of South Toulon Var, France, BSc Sports Sciences
2012, French Ministry of Research and Higher Education, France, Qualification to give lecture at University "Maitre de Conference"
Academic appointments
Reader in Nutrition and Exercise Physiology, School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, 2020 - present
Associate Researcher, Research Department, French Institute of Sport, Expertise and Performance (INSEP), 2016 - present
Senior Lecturer in Applied Sport Nutrition, School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, 2015 - 2020
Researcher, Research Department, French Institute of Sport, Expertise and Performance (INSEP), 2012 - 2015
Visiting Research Fellow, School of Sport Sciences, Edith Cowan University, 2012 - 2012
PostDoc Researcher, Research Department, French Institute of Sport, Expertise and Performance (INSEP), 2011 - 2012
PostDoc Researcher, School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, University of the Mediterranean, 2011 - 2011
Research and teaching assistant, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, 2010 - 2011
Highlighted publications
Bennett S, Tiollier E, Owens DJ, Brocherie F, Louis JB. 2024. Implications of Heat Stress-induced Metabolic Alterations for Endurance Training International Journal of Sports Medicine, 45 :422-435 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Theurot D, Dugué B, Douzi W, Guitet P, Louis J, Dupuy O. 2021. Impact of acute partial-body cryostimulation on cognitive performance, cerebral oxygenation, and cardiac autonomic activity Scientific Reports, 11 :1-11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Roussey G, Bernard T, Fontanari P, Louis J. 2021. Heat acclimation training with intermittent and self-regulated intensity may be used as an alternative to traditional steady state and power-regulated intensity in endurance cyclists Journal of Thermal Biology, 98 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Thomas C, Jones H, Whitworth-Turner C, Louis J. 2021. A Sleep Analysis of Elite Female Soccer Players During a Competition Week International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Louis J, Bontemps B, Lepers R. 2021. Breaking the marathon world record with your father? The superpower of lifelong endurance training Frontiers for young minds, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Hearris MA, Owens DJ, Strauss JA, Shepherd SO, Sharples AP, Morton JP, Louis JB. 2020. Graded reductions in pre-exercise glycogen concentration do not augment exercise-induced nuclear AMPK and PGC-1α protein content in human muscle. Experimental Physiology, 105 :1882-1894 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Journal article
Bontemps B, Louis J, Owens DJ, Miríc S, Vercruyssen F, Gruet M, Erskine RM. 2025. Muscle soreness but not neuromuscular fatigue responses following downhill running differ according to the number of exercise bouts European Journal of Sport Science, 25 :1-11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bennett S, Tiollier E, Owens DJ, Brocherie F, Louis JB. 2024. Implications of Heat Stress-induced Metabolic Alterations for Endurance Training International Journal of Sports Medicine, 45 :422-435 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Murphy C, Svansdottir SA, Dupuy O, Louis J. 2024. Does overreaching from endurance-based training impair sleep: A systematic review and meta-analysis. da Costa JAHC. PloS one, 19 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bontemps B, Gruet M, Louis J, Owens DJ, Miríc S, Vercruyssen F, Erskine R. 2024. Patellar tendon adaptations to downhill running training and their relationships with changes in mechanical stress and loading history The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 38 :21-29 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Legrand FD, Dugué B, Costello J, Bleakley C, Miller E, Broatch JR, Polidori G, Lubkowska A, Louis J, Lombardi G, Bieuzen F, Capodaglio P. 2023. Evaluating safety risks of whole-body cryotherapy/cryostimulation (WBC): a scoping review from an international consortium European Journal of Medical Research, 28 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Theurot D, Dupuy O, Louis J, Douzi W, Morin R, Arc-Chagnaud C, Dugué B. 2023. Partial-body cryostimulation does not impact peripheral microvascular responsiveness but reduces muscular metabolic O
Bennett SJ, Tiollier E, Guibert E, Morales-Artacho A, Lalire P, Owens DJ, Morton JP, Brocherie F, Louis J. 2023. Environmental heat stress offsets adaptation associated with carbohydrate periodization in trained male triathletes Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bennett S, Brocherie F, Phelan MM, Tiollier E, Guibert E, Morales‐Artacho AJ, Lalire P, Morton JP, Louis JB, Owens DJ. 2023. Acute heat stress amplifies exercise‐induced metabolomic perturbations and reveals variation in circulating amino acids in endurance‐trained males Experimental Physiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Thomas C, Langan-Evans C, Germaine M, Artukovic M, Jones H, Whitworth-Turner C, Close GL, Louis J. 2023. Case Report: Effect of low energy availability and training load on sleep in a male combat sport athlete Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 4 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Taylor HL, Garabello G, Pugh JN, Morton JP, Langan-Evans C, Louis J, Borgersen R, Areta JL. 2022. Patterns of energy availability of free-living athletes display day-to-day variability that is not reflected in laboratory-based protocols: Insights from elite male road cyclists Journal of Sports Sciences, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bontemps B, Gruet M, Louis J, Owens DJ, Miric S, Erskine RM, Vercruyssen F. 2022. The time course of different neuromuscular adaptations to short‑term downhill running training and their specific relationships with strength gains European Journal of Applied Physiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bennett SJ, Tiollier E, Brocherie F, Owens DJ, Morton JP, Louis J. 2021. Three weeks of a home-based "sleep low-train low" intervention improves functional threshold power in trained cyclists: A feasibility study. PLoS One, 16 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bontemps B, Gruet M, Vercruyssen F, Louis JB. 2021. Utilisation of far infrared-emitting garments for optimising performance and recovery in sport: Real potential or new fad? A systematic review PLoS One, 16 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Fell JM, Hearris MA, Ellis DG, Moran JEP, Jevons EFP, Owens DJ, Strauss JA, Cocks M, Louis JB, Shepherd SO, Morton JP. 2021. Carbohydrate improves exercise capacity but does not affect subcellular lipid droplet morphology, AMPK and p53 signalling in human skeletal muscle JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Theurot D, Dugué B, Douzi W, Guitet P, Louis J, Dupuy O. 2021. Impact of acute partial-body cryostimulation on cognitive performance, cerebral oxygenation, and cardiac autonomic activity Scientific Reports, 11 :1-11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Roussey G, Bernard T, Fontanari P, Louis J. 2021. Heat acclimation training with intermittent and self-regulated intensity may be used as an alternative to traditional steady state and power-regulated intensity in endurance cyclists Journal of Thermal Biology, 98 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Collins J, Maughan RJ, Gleeson M, Bilsborough J, Jeukendrup A, Morton JP, Phillips SM, Armstrong LE, Burke LM, Close GL, Duffield R, Larson-Meyer E, Louis J, Medina D, Meyer F, Rollo I, Sundgot-Borgen JK, Wall B, Boullosa B, Dupont G, Lizarraga A, Res P, Bizzini M, Castagna C, Cowie CM, D'Hooghe M, Geyer H, Meyer T, Papadimitiou N, Vouillamoz M, McCall A. 2021. Infographic. UEFA expert group 2020 statement on nutrition in elite football BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 55 :453-455 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Collins J, Maughan RJ, Gleeson M, Bilsborough J, Jeukendrup A, Morton JP, Phillips SM, Armstrong LE, Burke LM, Close GL, Duffield R, Larson-Meyer E, Louis J, Medina D, Meyer F, Rollo I, Sundgot-Borgen JK, Wall B, Boullosa B, Dupont G, Lizarraga A, Res P, Bizzini M, Castagna C, Cowie CM, D'Hooghe M, Geyer H, Meyer T, Papadimitiou N, Vouillamoz M, McCall A. 2021. Infographic. UEFA expert group 2020 statement on nutrition in elite football British Journal of Sports Medicine, 55 :453-455 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Thomas C, Jones H, Whitworth-Turner C, Louis J. 2021. A Sleep Analysis of Elite Female Soccer Players During a Competition Week International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Louis J, Bontemps B, Lepers R. 2021. Breaking the marathon world record with your father? The superpower of lifelong endurance training Frontiers for young minds, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Dinu D, Louis J. 2020. Biomechanical Analysis of the Cross, Hook, and Uppercut in Junior vs. Elite Boxers: Implications for Training and Talent Identification Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 2 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bontemps B, Vercruyssen F, Gruet M, Louis J. 2020. Downhill Running: What Are The Effects and How Can We Adapt? A Narrative Review Sports Medicine, 50 :2083-2110 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Sabou V, Rush C, Mason L, Dupont G, Louis J. 2020. Effects of training intensity and environmental condition on the hydration status of elite football players SCIENCE AND MEDICINE IN FOOTBALL, 4 :329-337 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hearris MA, Owens DJ, Strauss JA, Shepherd SO, Sharples AP, Morton JP, Louis JB. 2020. Graded reductions in pre-exercise glycogen concentration do not augment exercise-induced nuclear AMPK and PGC-1α protein content in human muscle. Experimental Physiology, 105 :1882-1894 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Louis J, Theurot D, Filliard J-R, Volondat M, Dugué B, Dupuy O. 2020. The use of whole‑body cryotherapy: time‑ and dose‑response investigation on circulating blood catecholamines and heart rate variability European Journal of Applied Physiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Santos-Concejero J, Gonzalez-Mohino F, Gonzalez-Rave JM, Perrey S, Dewolf AH, Yates BA, Usaj A, Debevec T, Gonzalez-Rayas JM, Rayas-Gomez AL, Gonzalez-Yanez JM, Lepers R, Stapley P, Louis J, Proessl F, Nikolaidis PT, Knechtle B, Muniz-Pumares D, Hunter B, Bottoms L, Bontemps B, Valenzuela PL, Boullosa D, Del Coso J, Blagrove RC, Hayes PR, Millet GP, Malatesta D, Campos DACY, Guimaraes PM, Vianna MJ, da Silva FS, de Azevedo SMPH, Paris HL, Leist MA, Lige MT, Malysa W, Oumsang AS, Sinai EC, Hansen RK, Secher NH, Volianitis S, Hottenrott L, Hottenrott K, Gronwald T, Senefeld JW, Fernandes RJ, Vilas-Boas JP, Riveros-Rivera A, Boening D, Craighead DH, Kipp S, Kram R, Zinner C, Sperlich B, Holmberg HC, Muniz-Pardos B, Sutehall S, Angeloudis K, Guppy FM, Bosch A, Pitsiladis Y, Andrade DC, Del Rio R, Ramirez-Campillo R, Lopes TR, Silva BM, Ives SJ, Weyand PG, Brietzke C, Franco-Alvarenga PE, dos Santos MT, Pires FO, Layec G, Hoogkamer W, Balestrini CS, Goss CS, Gabler MC, Escalera A, Bielko SA, Chapman RF. 2020. TIME-DEPENDENT PHYSIOLOGICAL CHANGES-THE MISSING PIECE OF THE MARATHON PUZZLE? (vol 128, pg 1069, 1985) JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 128 :1466-1466 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Santos-Concejero J, González-Mohíno F, González-Ravé JM. 2020. Commentaries on Viewpoint: Physiology and fast marathons Journal of Applied Physiology, 128 :1069 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Lepers R, Bontemps B, Louis J. 2020. Physiological Profile of a 59-Year-Old Male World Record Holder Marathoner Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 52 :623-626 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Louis JB, Bontemps B, Lepers R. 2020. Analysis of the world record time for combined father and son marathon Journal of Applied Physiology, 128 :440-444 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Louis J, Tiollier E, Lamb A, Bontemps B, Areta J, Bernard T. 2020. Retraining and nutritional strategy of an endurance master athlete following hip arthroplasty: a case study Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Thomas C, Jones H, Whitworth-Turner C, Louis J. 2019. High-intensity exercise in the evening does not disrupt sleep in endurance runners. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 120 :359-368 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Louis J, Vercruyssen F, Dupuy O, Bernard T. 2019. Nutrition for master athletes: is there a need for specific recommendations? Journal of Aging and Physical Activity, 28 :489-498 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bontemps B, Vercruyssen F, Gruet M, Louis J. 2019. Eccentric exercise modalities: is there a need for more recipes Journal of Applied Physiology, 127 :884-891 Author Url
Hammond KM, Sale C, Fraser W, Tang J, Shepherd SO, Strauss JA, Close GL, Cocks MS, Louis J, Pugh JN, Stewart CE, Sharples AP, Morton JP. 2019. Post-exercise carbohydrate and energy availability induce independent effects on skeletal muscle cell signalling and bone turnover: implications for training adaptation The Journal of Physiology, 597 :4779-4796 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Dinu D, Houel N, Louis J. 2019. Effects of a lighter discus on shoulder muscle activity in elite throwers, implications for injury prevention International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, 14 :592 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Louis J, Vercruyssen F, Dupuy O, Bernard T. 2019. Nutrition for master athletes: From challenges to optimisation strategies Movement and Sports Sciences - Science et Motricite, 104 :45-54 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Hearris MA, Hammond KM, Seaborne RA, Stocks B, Shepherd SO, Philp A, Sharples AP, Morton JP, Louis JB. 2019. Graded reductions in pre-exercise muscle glycogen impair exercise capacity but do not augment cell skeletal muscle signalling: implication for CHO periodisation Journal of Applied Physiology, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Roussey G, Gruet M, Vercruyssen F, Louis J, Vallier J-M, Bernard T. 2018. Interactions between perceived exertion and thermal perception in the heat in endurance athletes Journal of Thermal Biology, 76 :68-76 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Slawinski J, Louis JB, Poli J, Tiollier E, Khazoom C, Dinu D. 2018. The effects of repeated sprints on the kinematics of 3-point shooting in basketball Journal of Human Kinetics, 62 :5-14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Louis J, Vercruyssen F, Bernard T. 2018. Comment maintenir son niveau de performance physique avec l’âge ? L’exemple de l’athlète master Science & Sports, 33 :S10-S11 DOI Publisher Url
Louis J, Dinu D, Leguy E, Jacquet M, Slawinski J, Tiollier E. 2018. Effect of dehydration on performance and technique of three-point shooting in Elite Basketball. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Impey SG, Hearris MA, Hammond KM, Bartlett JD, Louis J, Close GL, Morton JP. 2018. Fuel for the Work Required: A Theoretical Framework for Carbohydrate Periodization and the Glycogen Threshold Hypothesis. Sports Medicine, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Mason A, Korostynska O, Louis J, Cordova-Lopez LE, Abdullah B, Greene J, Connell R, Hopkins J. 2017. Non-Invasive In-situ Measurement of Blood Lactate using Microwave Sensors. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Fabre M, Hausswirth C, Tiollier E, Molle O, Louis J, Durguerian A, Neuveux N, Bigard X. 2017. Effects of Post-Exercise Protein Intake on Muscle Mass and Strength During Resistance Training: is There an Optimal Ratio Between Fast and Slow Proteins? International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Greene J, Korostynska O, Louis J, Mason A. 2017. State-of-the-Art Methods for Skeletal Muscle Glycogen Analysis in Athletes - The Need for Novel Non-Invasive Techniques Biosensors, 7 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Anderson L, Orme P, Naughton RJ, Close GL, Milsom J, Rydings D, O'Boyle A, Di Michele R, Louis J, Hambley C, Speakman JR, Morgans R, Drust B, Morton JP. 2017. Energy Intake and Expenditure of Professional Soccer Players of the English Premier League: Evidence of Carbohydrate Periodization. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Louis J, Marquet LA, Tiollier E, Bermon S, Hausswirth C, Brisswalter J. 2016. The impact of sleeping with reduced glycogen stores on immunity and sleep in triathletes European Journal of Applied Physiology, :1-14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Marquet LA, Brisswalter J, Louis J, Tiollier E, Burke L, Hawley J, Hausswirth C. 2016. Enhanced Endurance Performance by Periodization of CHO Intake: "sleep low" strategy Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 48 :663-672 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Aubry A, Hausswirth C, Louis J, Coutts AJ, Buchheit M, Le Meur Y. 2015. The Development of Functional Overreaching Is Associated with a Faster Heart Rate Recovery in Endurance Athletes PLOS ONE, 10 :1-16 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Schaal K, Le Meur Y, Louis J, Filliard J-R, Hellard P, Casazza G, Hausswirth C. 2015. Whole-Body Cryostimulation Limits Overreaching in Elite Synchronized Swimmers MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 47 :1416-1425 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Louis J, Schaal K, Bieuzen F, Le Meur Y, Filliard J-R, Volondat M, Brisswalter J, Hausswirth C. 2015. Head Exposure to Cold during Whole-Body Cryostimulation: Influence on Thermal Response and Autonomic Modulation PLOS ONE, 10 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bieuzen F, Louis J, Hausswirth C. 2015. Body cryostimulation and exercise SCIENCE & SPORTS, 30 :113-118 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Aubry A, Hausswirth C, Louis J, Coutts AJ, Le Meur Y. 2014. Functional Overreaching: The Key to Peak Performance during the Taper? MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 46 :1769-1777 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Le Meur Y, Louis J, Aubry A, Gueneron J, Pichon A, Schaal K, Corcuff J-B, Hatem SN, Isnard R, Hausswirth C. 2014. Maximal exercise limitation in functionally overreached triathletes: role of cardiac adrenergic stimulation JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 117 :214-222 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hausswirth C, Louis J, Aubry A, Bonnet G, Duffield R, Le Meur Y. 2014. Evidence of Disturbed Sleep and Increased Illness in Overreached Endurance Athletes MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 46 :1036-1045 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Brisswalter J, Louis J. 2014. Vitamin Supplementation Benefits in Master Athletes SPORTS MEDICINE, 44 :311-318 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Easthope CS, Nosaka K, Caillaud C, Vercruyssen F, Louis J, Brisswalter J. 2014. Reproducibility of performance and fatigue in trail running JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND MEDICINE IN SPORT, 17 :207-211 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Le Meur Y, Pichon A, Schaal K, Schmitt L, Louis J, Gueneron J, Vidal PP, Hausswirth C. 2013. Evidence of Parasympathetic Hyperactivity in Functionally Overreached Athletes MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 45 :2061-2071 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hausswirth C, Schaal K, Le Meur Y, Bieuzen F, Filliard J-R, Volondat M, Louis J. 2013. Parasympathetic Activity and Blood Catecholamine Responses Following a Single Partial-Body Cryostimulation and a Whole-Body Cryostimulation PLOS ONE, 8 :1-14 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Louis J, Billaut F, Bernad T, Vettoretti F, Hausswirth C, Brisswalter J. 2013. Physiological Demands of a Simulated BMX Competition INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 34 :491-496 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Le Meur Y, Pichon A, Schaal K, Schmitt L, Louis J, Gueneron J, Vidal PP, Hausswirth C. 2013. Evidence of parasympathetic hyperactivity in functionally overreached athletes Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Louis J, Brisswalter J, Morio C, Barla C, Temprado J-J. 2012. The Electrically Assisted Bicycle An Alternative Way to Promote Physical Activity AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE & REHABILITATION, 91 :931-940 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hausswirth C, Duffield R, Pournot H, Bieuzen F, Louis J, Brisswalter J, Castagna O. 2012. Postexercise cooling interventions and the effects on exercise-induced heat stress in a temperate environment APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY NUTRITION AND METABOLISM, 37 :965-975 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Perrey S. 2012. Commentaries on Viewpoint: Sacrificing economy to improve running performance-a reality in the ultramarathon? JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 113 :510-510 DOI Author Url
Louis J, Hausswirth C, Brisswalter J. 2012. Reproducibility of the Cosmed's FitmateTM metabolic system in measuring steady-state cycling energy expenditure SCIENCE & SPORTS, 27 :E20-E23 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Sultana F, Abbiss CR, Louis J, Bernard T, Hausswirth C, Brisswalter J. 2012. Age-related changes in cardio-respiratory responses and muscular performance following an Olympic triathlon in well-trained triathletes EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 112 :1549-1556 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Louis J, Nosaka K, Brisswalter J. 2012. The endurance master athlete, a model of successful ageing SCIENCE & SPORTS, 27 :63-76 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Louis J, Hausswirth C, Easthope C, Brisswalter J. 2012. Strength training improves cycling efficiency in master endurance athletes EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 112 :631-640 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Hausswirth C, Louis J, Bieuzen F, Pournot H, Fournier J, Filliard J-R, Brisswalter J. 2011. Effects of Whole-Body Cryotherapy vs. Far-Infrared vs. Passive Modalities on Recovery from Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage in Highly-Trained Runners PLOS ONE, 6 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Pournot H, Bieuzen F, Louis J, Fillard J-R, Barbiche E, Hausswirth C. 2011. Time-Course of Changes in Inflammatory Response after Whole-Body Cryotherapy Multi Exposures following Severe Exercise PLOS ONE, 6 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Easthope CS, Hausswirth C, Louis J, Lepers R, Vercruyssen F, Brisswalter J. 2010. Effects of a trail running competition on muscular performance and efficiency in well-trained young and master athletes EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 110 :1107-1116 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Louis J, Hausswirth C, Bieuzen F, Brisswalter J. 2010. Influence of a vitamin supplementation on maximal muscular performance during a strength-training program in master athletes SCIENCE & SPORTS, 25 :253-259 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Louis J, Hausswirth C, Bieuzen F, Brisswalter J. 2010. Vitamin and mineral supplementation effect on muscular activity and cycling efficiency in master athletes APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY NUTRITION AND METABOLISM-PHYSIOLOGIE APPLIQUEE NUTRITION ET METABOLISME, 35 :251-260 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Bieuzen F, Hausswirth C, Louis J, Brisswalter J. 2010. Age-Related Changes in Neuromuscular Function and Performance following a High-Intensity Intermittent Task in Endurance-Trained Men GERONTOLOGY, 56 :66-72 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Louis J, Hausswirth C, Bieuzen F, Brisswalter J. 2009. Muscle Strength and Metabolism in Master Athletes INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, 30 :754-759 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Louis J, Bieuzen F, Sultana F, Brisswalter J. 2009. Evolution of lower limb muscular coordination during cycling in elderly people regularly trained in endurance SCIENCE & SPORTS, 24 :160-165 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Dinu D, Millot B, Slawinski J, Louis J. An Examination of the Biomechanics of the Cross, Hook and Uppercut between Two Elite Boxing Groups The 13th Conference of the International Sports Engineering Association, :61-61 DOI Publisher Url
Pournot H, Bieuzen F, Louis J, Mounier R, Fillard J-R, Barbiche E, Hausswirth C. Correction: Time-Course of Changes in Inflammatory Response after Whole-Body Cryotherapy Multi Exposures following Severe Exercise PLoS ONE, 6 DOI Publisher Url
Legrand FD, Dugue B, Costello J, Bleakley C, Miller E, Broatch JR, Polidori G, Lubkowska A, Louis J, Lombardi G, Bieuzen F, Capodaglio P. 2024. Correction: Evaluating safety risks of whole-body cryotherapy/cryostimulation (WBC): a scoping review from an international consortium (European Journal of Medical Research, (2023), 28, 1, (387), 10.1186/s40001-023-01385-z) European Journal of Medical Research, 29 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Stansfield BN, Barrett JS, Bennett S, Stead CA, Pugh J, Shepherd SO, Strauss JA, Louis J, Close GL, Lisboa PJ, Burniston JG. 2024. Turnover rates of human muscle proteins in vivo reported in fractional, mole and absolute units Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory DOI Publisher Url
Legrand FD, Dugué B, Costello J, Bleakley C, Miller E, Broatch JR, Polidori G, Lubkowska A, Louis J, Lombardi G, Bieuzen F, Capodaglio P. 2023. Evaluating safety risks of whole-body cryotherapy/cryostimulation (WBC): a scoping review from an international consortium Research Square Platform LLC DOI Publisher Url
Louis J, Tiollier E, Lamb A, Bontemps B, Areta J, Bernard T. 2019. Retraining and Nutritional Strategy of an Elite Master Athlete Following Hip Arthroplasty: A Case Study MDPI AG DOI Publisher Url
Conference publication
Sayed AH, El-Metwally OM, Louis J. 2023. Space-Fit Far Infrared Suit for Back Pain Mitigation onboard the International Space Station (ISS) Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC, 2023-October
Burniston J, Barrett J, Bennett S, Stead C, Louis J, Close G, Lisboa P. 2020. Dynamic Proteome Profiling of Protein Fractional and Molar Synthesis Rates in Human Muscle
Dinu D, Tiollier E, Leguy E, Jacquet M, Slawinski J, Louis JB. 2018. Does dehydration alter the success rate and technique of three-point shooting in elite basketball? Proceedings, International Sports Engineering Association, ISEA 6 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Mason A, Louis J, Greene J, Korostynska O, Cordova-Lopez LE, Abdullah B, Connell R, Hopkins J. 2017. Non-invasive measurement of blood lactate in humans using microwave sensors 2017 IEEE 1st Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, UKRCON 2017 - Proceedings, :233-238 DOI Publisher Url
Greene J, Korostynska O, Louis J, Mason A. 2017. In-vitro quantification of glycogen using a novel non-invasive electromagnetic sensor Proceedings of the International Conference on Sensing Technology, ICST, 2017-December :1-4 DOI Publisher Url
Mason A, Louis J, Greene J, Korostynska O, Cordova-Lopez LE, Abdullah B, Connell R, Hopkins J. 2017. Non-Invasive Measurement of Blood Lactate in Humans using Microwave Sensors 2017 IEEE FIRST UKRAINE CONFERENCE ON ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING (UKRCON), 1st IEEE Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (UKRCON) :235-240 Author Url
Greene J, Korostynska O, Louis J, Mason A. 2017. In-Vitro Quantification of Glycogen Using a Novel Non-Invasive Electromagnetic Sensor 2017 ELEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SENSING TECHNOLOGY (ICST), 11th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST) :316-319 Author Url
Louis JB, Morio C. 2015. Interets et limites du velo a assistance electrique pour la reeducation et la promotion de l'exercice physiaue Societe Francaise de Medecine, de l'exercice et de du sport 8
Louis JB, Bermon S, Marquet LA, Brisswalter J, Tiollier E, Hausswirth C. 2015. The impact of training with low carbohydrate availability on Immune response and sleep quality American College of Sports Medicine 47 :714-716 DOI
Louis J, Bermon S, Marquet L-A, Brisswalter J, Tiollier E, Hausswirth C. 2015. The Impact Of Training With Low Carbohydrate Availability On Immune Response And Sleep Quality MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, 47 :714-714 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Editorial/letter to the editor
Louis J, Bennett S, Owens DJ, Tiollier E, Brocherie F, Carneiro MAS, Nunes PRP, Costa B, Castro-e-Souza P, Lima LA, Lisboa F, Oliveira-Júnior G, Kassiano W, Cyrino ES, Orsatti FL, Bossi AH, Matta G, Tolomeu de Oliveira G, Renato Melo F, Rocha Soares E, Ocelli Ungheri B, Daros Pinto M, Nuzzo JL, Latella C, van den Hoek D, Mallard A, Spathis J, DeBlauw JA, Ives SJ, Ravanelli N, Narang BJ, Debevec T, Baptista LC, Padrão AI, Oliveira J, Mota J, Zacca R, Nikolaidis PT, Lott DJ, Forbes SC, Cooke K, Taivassalo T, Elmer SJ, Durocher JJ, Fernandes RJ, Silva G, Costa MJ. 2022. Commentaries on Viewpoint: Hoping for the best, prepared for the worst: can we perform remote data collection in sport sciences? J Appl Physiol (1985), 133 :1433-1440 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Goods PSR, Billaut F, Brocherie F, Louis J. 2022. Editorial: Managing physiological and biomechanical load-adaptation pathways in high performance sport: Challenges and opportunities Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 4 :1041998 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Valenzuela PL, Mateo-March M, Muriel X, Zabala M, Lucia A, Barranco-Gil D, Millet GP, Brocherie F, Burtscher J, Burtscher M, Ryan BJ, Gioscia-Ryan RA, Perrey S, Rodrigo-Carranza V, González-Mohíno F, González-Ravé JM, Santos-Concejero J, Denadai BS, Greco CC, Casado A, Foster C, Mazzolari R, Baldrighi GN, Pastorio E, Malatesta D, Patoz A, Borrani F, Ives SJ, DeBlauw JA, Dantas de Lucas R, Borszcz FK, Fernandes Nascimento EM, Antonacci Guglielmo LG, Turnes T, Jaspers RT, van der Zwaard S, Lepers R, Louis J, Meireles A, de Souza HLR, de Oliveira GT, dos Santos MP, Arriel RA, Marocolo M, Hunter B, Meyler S, Muniz-Pumares D, Ferreira RM, Sogard AS, Carter SJ, Mickleborough TD, Saborosa GP, de Oliveira Freitas RD, Alves dos Santos PS, de Souza Ferreira JP, de Assis Manoel F, da Silva SF, Triska C, Karsten B, Sanders D, Lipksi ES, Spindler DJ, Hesselink MKC, Zacca R, Goethel MF, Pyne DB, Wood BM, Allen PE, Gabelhausen JL, Keller AM, Lige MT, Oumsang AS, Smart GL, Paris HL, Dewolf AH, Toffoli G, Martinez-Gonzalez B, Marcora SM, Terson de Paleville D, Fernandes RJ, Soares SM, Abraldes JA, Matta G, Bossi AH, McCarthy DG, Bostad W, Gibala J, Vagula M. 2022. Commentaries on Viewpoint: Using V̇o
Brocherie F, Goto K, Dupuy O, Gruet M, Vercruyssen F, Louis J. 2021. Editorial: From Physiological Adaptations to Endurance Performance: It Is Time to Bridge the Gap Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 3 :775654 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Coratella G, Longo S, Ce E, Esposito F. 2019. Commentaries on Viewpoint: Distinct modalities of eccentric exercise: different recipes, not the same dish JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, 127 :884-884 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Louis J, Bontemps B, Lepers R. PHYSIOLOGY AND FAST MARATHONS: LESSONS FROM MASTERS ATHLETES Journal of Applied Physiology, :1069-1085 Author Url
Lepers R, Stapley P, Louis J. PREDICTING FAST MARATHON PERFORMANCES WITH ADVANCING AGE Journal of Applied Physiology, 128 :1069-1085 Author Url
Greene J, Abdullah B, Cullen J, Korostynska O, Louis JB, Mason A. 2019. Non-invasive Monitoring of Glycogen in Real-Time Using an Electromagnetic Sensor Modern Sensing Technologies DOI Publisher Url
Louis JB. 2015. Nutrition and oral hygiene Nutrition and Performance in Sport, Science at the Tip of the Fork :121-127
Louis J, Le Meur Y, Hausswirth C. 2015. Topic 3. The importance of dairy products in the athlete’s daily nutrition Nutrition and Performance in Sport :143-155 INSEP-Éditions 9782865802296 DOI Publisher Url
Louis J, Brisswalter J. 2013. Fatigue and recovery in master athletes Recovery and performance in sport: new edition
Louis J, Le Meur Y, Hausswirth C. The importance of dairy products in the athlete's daily nutrition Nutrition and Performance in Sport, Science at the Tip of the Fork
Louis J, Brisswalter J. Chapitre 21. Fatigue et récupération chez l’athlète « master » Améliorer sa récupération en sport :361-375 INSEP-Éditions 9782865802050 DOI Publisher Url
Highlighted activities
Other Professional Activity:
Consultant Nutritionist for the French Triathlon Federation. 2022
Performance Nutritionist AG2R-CITROEN Cycling Team. 2021
External Examiner PGT Sports Programmes at Roehampton University (2020-2024). 2020
Associate Researcher at the French National Institute of Sport, Expertise and Performance (INSEP, Paris).
Editorial boards:
Frontiers in Exercise Physiology, Associate Editor. 2022
PeerJ, Associate Editor. 2021
Nutrients, Editorial Board Member- Sport Nutrition section, https://www.mdpi.com/journal/nutrients/sectioneditors/Sport_Nutrition. 2021
Plos One, Academic Editor, https://journals.plos.org/plosone/. 2021
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living- Elite Sports and Performance Enhancement, Associate Editor. 2021
European Journal of Sport Science, Associate Editor. 2020
Journal of Sports Sciences, Member of the Scientific Advisory Board. 2017
Fellow, European College of Sport Science, https://sport-science.org/index.php/be-part/fellowship. 2021
Professional activities
Other invited event:
IRFU performance support programme CPD day, Ireland Rugby Football Union, Sports Ireland Campus, Dublin, Invited speaker as part of IRFU CPD day for IRFU Nutritionists and S&C coaches. 2024
Roundtable on Nutrition and Physiology in sport: insight from a research active practitioner, University Cote-d'Azur, Invited talk on my contribution to the field of sport as a research-active practitioner in sport nutrition and exercise physiology. 2024
Basketball Africa League Advance conference, Cairo, Egypt, Nutrition intervention for players and staff of BAL teams. 2024
Conference of the French Football Federation, Clairefontaine, France, Invited presentation on "Nutrition for female football players". 2024
Nutrition strategies to support performance in elite sport, from “science to podium”, First round table on sport nutrition, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Invited presentation. Organiser: Cedevita Olympja Basketball club and Slovenian Ministry of Sport. 2023
World Congress of Science and Football, Groningen, Invited Symposium presentation-Nutrition strategies for recovery in elite football. 2023
World Athletics-Global Race Emergency Medical Conference, Bangsen, Thailand, Oral presentation: Endurance Running: awareness & precaution in Master athletes. 2022
Conference of the Swiss Sport Nutrition Society, Online, Oral presentation: Nutrition strategies to support performance of the elite athlete, from science to practice, insights from cycling and football. 2022
Fith nutrition in athlete development summit, Berlin, Nutritional strategies to support performance in elite cycling. 2022
5th Athlete Nutrition Summit, Berlin, Germany, Nutrition strategies to support performance in elite cycling. 2022
Performance recovery in elite team sports, Bordeaux, France, Whole-body cryotherapy as a recovery modality. 2022
Performance recovery in elite team sports, Bordeaux, France, Whole-body cryotherapy for recovery in elite football. 2022
Third nutrition in athlete development summit, Barcelona, Spain, Carbohydrate periodisation to support sports performance. 2020
6th European College of Sports and Exercise Physicians congress, Paris, France, Retraining and nutritional strategy of an elite master athlete following hip arthroplasty. 2019
6th European College of Sports and Exercise Physicians congress, Paris, France, Whole-body cryotherapy to support recovery in sport. 2019
Sensing technology and clothing for enhancing performance in sport, Shanghai, China, Invited presentation by Shanghai University of Engineering Sciences. 2019
Nutrition to support performance in elite football, French Football Federation, Paris, Nutrition to support performance in elite football. 2019
Detection of Physiological Parameters using Electromagnetic Waves During Exercise., Kunming, Invited presentation by Shanghai University of Engineering Sciences. 2018
ISN Lecture Series, National Sports Institute of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Whole-body cryotherapy to enhance recovery in sport. 2018
Southeast Asia Physical Rehabilitation Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Whole-Body-Cryotherapy to Support Health and Wellness. 2018
Rugby Innovation Summit, Twickemham, Understanding and applying specialist recovery strategies to maximise performance in elite rugbyl: How a 36O" approach to diet, nutrition, sleep and wellness creates a foundation for elite performance and innovation?. 2017
Football Innovation Summit, London, Understanding and applying specialist recovery strategies to maximise performance in elite football: How a 36O" approach to diet, nutrition, sleep and wellness creates a foundation for elite performance and innovation?. 2017
13th Congress of the French Medical Society, INSEP, Paris, Invited to give a talk on the use of Whole-Body-Cryotherapy in the Medical and Sporting domains.. 2016
The periodisation of carbohydrates to support performance in Olympic Sports, Guadalajara, Mexico, Oral presentation at the International Conference of the Mexican Sports Nutrition Society (FMND). 2016
Periodization of carbohydrates in sport, Nottwil, Switzerland, Invited speaker to present an overview of the strategies to optimize the periodization of carbohydrate in sport: from classic to modern strategies.. 2016
Assessing energy intake of athletes: from theory to practice, Bangor University, Wales, Invited workshop on the challenge of assessing energy intake of athletes. 2016
Paris-Dakar Conference, Paris, Presentation of the risks of dehydration heat stroke, acute mountain sickness and hypothermia in rally-raid. 2015
Prevention and treatment of dehydration, heat stroke, acute mountain sickness and hypothermia in rally-raid., Paris, Conference of the Paris-Dakar motor race. 2015
Symposium at the Congress of the French Society of Sports Medicine and Exercise, Orléans, France, Invited symposium on the benefits and limits of the Electrically assisted bike for promoting health.. 2015
Making the weight in combat sport., INSEP, Paris, Invited presentation to Olympic coaches in combat sports. 2015
Nutritional strategies for recovery in track and fields, Paris, Invited presentation to National Track & field coaches. 2014
Paris-Dakar Conference, Paris, Presentation on the risks of heat stroke and dehydration in Rally raid. 2014
Milk for health, Italian National Olympic Comittee (CONI, Roma), Presentation of the interest of milk and dairy products for the athlete. 2014
NUTRIEXPO, Paris, Presentation on the interest of dairy products in sports nutrition. 2014
Recovery in sport, a review of the most beneficial strategies, Lyon, Invited presentations to physiotherapists for their annual European conference. 2014
The beneficial effects of milk for health, Roma, Invited presentation by Parmalat and CONI. 2013
Media Coverage:
Grand plateau podcast for RMC sport radio chanel, on Nutrition for Tour de France cyclists 2024
RFI podcast: Bien manger et bien dormir pendant les JO 2024
Figaro magazine: JO 2024 : que contient l’assiette des athlètes en période de compétition ? 2024
Interview for TF1 TV channel: "Nutrition to boost sport performance" 2024
Interview for TF1 TV channel on "nutrition strategies to improve sleep quality" 2024
Interview for TF1 TV channel on "hydration strategies for health and well-being" 2024
Courir mieux podcast on nutrition for trail runners 2024
Interview for "Santé Magazine": Arnaque ou pas: Les protéines en poudre pour les sportifs 2024
Interview for Screenshot magazine: Nutrition consideration for running through Africa 2023
TrainerRoad Podcast on Nutrition strategies for Masters Athletes 2022
Objectif Performance podcast: The role of the sport nutritionist 2022
Interview with L'Equipe sports newspaper for my work as Nutritionist during the last Tour de France 2022
Interview for shape magazine: Mineral waters in sport 2014
External committees:
Board of Scientific Advisors, Parma Calcio Football Club, Invited Board Member. 2024
Orfevre independent assessor, French Sport Agency, under the ministry of sport, Independent assessor for the Orfevre debriefing process of the Paris Olympic games for the following sports: track cycling, swimming (race and open water, triathlon and paratriathlon.. 2024
European Specialists Sports Nutrition Awards 2022, 2023, and 2024, European Specialists Sports Nutrition (ESSNA), Judge, https://www.essnawards.com/about-us/. 2022
External PGR examinations performed:
University of Poitiers, PhD, Effects of acute and chronic whole body cryotherapy exposure on thermal, cardiovascular and respiratory responses: interaction of sex, age, and body composition. 2024
University of Poitiers, PhD, Utilisation of cold in the context of sport performance and recovery. 2018
Central Queensland University, Australia, PhD, Age-Related Differences in Post-Exercise Recovery Following High-Intensity Exercise in Masters and Young Cyclists. 2016
Central Queensland University, Australia, PhD, The Effect of Concurrent Resistance and Sprint Training on Health and Performance in Masters Road Cyclists. 2016
Conference presentation:
Nutrition strategies to support performance in elite sport, from “science to podium", 1st round table on sport nutrition, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Oral presentation. 2024
Turnover rates of human muscle proteins in vivo reported in fractional, mole and absolute units, Healthy ageing conference, Liverpool, UK, Poster presentation. 2023
Nutrition strategies to support recovery in elite football, World congress for science in football, Groningen, Oral presentation. 2023
Endurance Running: awareness & precaution in Master athletes, World Athletics Global Race Emergency Medical Conference, Bangsen, Thailand, Oral presentation. 2022
Nutrition strategies to support performance of the elite athlete, from science to practice, insights from cycling and football, Conference of the Swiss Sport Nutrition Society, Online, Oral presentation. 2022
Heat Stress Amplifies Metabolomic Perturbations Induced by Exercise, 27th congress of the European College of Sport Science, Poster presentation. 2022
Effects of the COVID-19 national lockdown on dietary habits in active vs. non-active French adults., Conference of the French Association of Researchers in Physical Activity, Montpellier, Oral presentation. 2021
Time-course of functional and morphological muscle adaptations during downhill running training., Conference of the French Association of Researchers in Physical Activity, Montpellier, Oral presentation. 2021
Training low during heat acclimation mitigates the changes in substrate utilisation and performance in male triathletes, 26th congress of the European College of Sport Science, Online due to COVID, Oral presentation. 2020
Nutrition for Masters Athletes: from challenges to optimisation strategies, French Association of Researchers in Physical Activity, Paris, France, Oral presentation. 2019
Sensing Technology and clothing for enhancing performance in sport, Conference of Shanghai University of Engineering Sciences, Shanghai, China, Oral presentation. 2019
Acute and repeated effects of whole-body cryotherapy: investigation of a dose-response effect on blood catecholamine and heart rate variability, 24th congress of the European College of Sport Science, Prague, Czech Republic, Oral presentation. 2019
Exogenous carbohydrate ingestion during prolonged steady state exercise alters intramuscular substrate utilisation in trained cyclists, 24th congress of the European College of Sport Science, Prague, Czech Republic, Oral presentation. 2019
Manipulating carbohydrate availability to enhance exercise induced mitochondrial biogenesis within human skeletal muscle, implications for training periodization in temperate and hot environments, Conference of the French Ministry of Sport, Paris, France, Poster presentation. 2019
High intensity interval running improves sleep duration and sleep quality in trained runners despite increased cardiac autonomic activity. Sleep and circadian rhythms from mechanisms to function, Conference of the Physiological Society, London, UK, Oral presentation. 2018
Effect of exercise intensity on subsequent night’s sleep in trained runners, . 23rd congress of the European College of Sport Science, Dublin, Ireland, Oral presentation. 2018
Carbohydrate feeding strategies typical of pro-tour cycling improve exercise capacity in trained cyclists in a dose-dependent manner, 23rd congress of the European College of Sport Science, Dublin, Ireland, Oral presentation. 2018
Physiological Demands of an International Taekwondo Competition, 23rd congress of the European College of Sport Science, Dublin, Ireland, Poster presentation. 2018
The effects of graded muscle glycogen concentrations on exercise-induced cell signalling: Implications for training adaptation, 23rd congress of the European College of Sport Science, Dublin, Ireland, Oral presentation. 2018
Comment maintenir son niveau de performance physique avec l’âge ? L’exemple de l’athlète master, XIXes journées d'études francophones en activités physiques adaptees, Toulon, France, Oral presentation. 2018
Does dehydration alter the succes rate and technique of three-point shooting in elite basketball?, International Sports Engineering Association, ISEA, Brisbane, Australia, Oral presentation. 2018
Graded muscle glycogen induces work efficient PGC!-alphasignaling: implications for training adaptation, International Sport and Exercise Nutrition Conference, ISENC, Newcastle, UK, Oral presentation. 2017
In-vitro quantification of glycogen using a novel non-invasive electromagnetic sensor, International Conference on Sensing Technology, Sydney, Australia, Oral presentation. 2017
Assessing energy intake of athletes; from theory to practice, BASES Student Conference, Bangor University, Workshop. 2016
Heat stoke, hypothermia and altitude sickness in race, Paris-Dakar 2016-talk to crews, Paris, Oral presentation. 2015
Making the weight in combat sports, Les Entretiens de l'INSEP, Paris, Oral presentation. 2015
Nutrition and hydration strategies in hot environments, Paris-Dakar 2015, Paris, Oral presentation. 2014
Nutritional strategies for recovery in track and fields, Conference of the French Federation of Track and Fields, Paris, France, Oral presentation. 2014
Enhancing endurance performance by nutritional manipulation: a sleep low strategy, Congress of the French Society in Sports Medicine and Exercise (SFMES), Montrouge, France, Oral presentation. 2014
Enhancing endurance performance by nutritional manipulation: a sleep low strategy, congress of the European College of Sport Science, Amsterdam, Oral presentation. 2014
Optimizing the training load during the pre-taper phase, congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS), Amsterdam, Oral presentation. 2014
Dairy products in sport nutrition, NUTRIEXPO, Paris, Oral presentation. 2014
Recovery in sport, a review of the most beneficial strategies, International congress of students in Physiotherapy (CIFEPK), Lyon, France, Oral presentation. 2014
The beneficial effects of milk for health, Parmalat conference, Italian National Olympic Comittee (CONI), Roma, Italy, Oral presentation. 2013
Elite synchronized swimmers display low energy availability and signs of energy conservation during intensified training, European College of Sport Sciences, Barcelona, Poster presentation. 2013
Elite synchronized swimmers display low energy availability and signs of energy conservation during intensified training., congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS), Barcelona, Spain, Oral presentation. 2013
Electrically assisted bicycle alters muscle activation patterns, congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS), Bruges, Belgium, Oral presentation. 2012
Influence of a vitamin supplementation on maximal muscular performance during a strength training program in master athletes, congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS), Liverpool, UK, Poster presentation. 2011
Whole Body Cryotherapy enhances recovery from exercise-induced muscle damage in runners, congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS), Liverpool, UK, Oral presentation. 2011
Effects of a trail running competition on muscular performance and efficiency in well-trained young and master athletes, congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK), Aalborg, Denmark, Oral presentation. 2010
Vitamin and mineral supplementation effect on muscular activity and cycling efficiency in master athletes, congress of the International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK), Aalborg, Denmark, Oral presentation. 2010
Research Grants Awarded:
LJMU, Early Career researcher grant to conduct collaborative work with INSEP, Grant value (£): 2900, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2024
French Ministry of Sport, Optimizing heat acclimation in endurance sports, collaboration with the French Triathlon Federation, Christophe Hausswirth, Yann Le Meur, Grant value (£): 85000, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2024
Liverpool Football Club, Body composition assessment for 1st team and academy players (2017-present), Grant value (£): 60000, Duration of research project: Ongoing. 2024
Lactalis R&D, Marina Fabre PhD scholarship on "The interest of milk proteins for athletes", Christophe Hausswirth, Grant value (£): 90000, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2024
Parma Football Club, Effect of different carbohydrates loading periodisation on training and game physical performance in elite soccer, Mathieu Lacome, Grant value (£): 75000, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2023
Bayonne Rugby Club, Non-calorimetric assessment of exercise energy expenditure in elite rugby, Loic Louyt, Grant value (£): 75000, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2023
Brentford Football Club, Impact of nutrition on sleep quality and duration of EPL players, from alteration to optimisation strategies., Ryland Morgans, Grant value (£): 70000, Duration of research project: 4 years. 2023
LJMU School of Sport Science PhD award, Exogenous ketone supplementation: Physiological, Endocrinological, Metabolic and performance effects, Jose Areta, Jamie Pugh, Grant value (£): 58500, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2023
LJMU VC Scholarship, Optimisation of pre-exercise carbohydrate intake for endurance athletes, Jose Areta; Jamie Pugh, Grant value (£): 58500, Duration of research project: 4 years. 2021
Salomon company, Bastien Bontemps PhD studentship on "Effects of compression garments on exercise-induced muscle damage in running?", Fabrice Vercruyssen, Mathieu Gruet, Grant value (£): 75000, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2019
French Ministry of Sport, Optimising the effects of training in the heat through carbohydrate periodization, Eve Tiollier and Franck Brocherie (French Institute of Sport), Grant value (£): 40000, Duration of research project: 18 months. 2018
LJMU ECR collaborative Scheme + Private Company (Salomon Ltd), The potential of compressive garments to lower muscle damage in running (collaborative project with the University of Toulon, France), Fabrice Vercruyssen (University of Toulon, France), Grant value (£): 2900+5251, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2018
French Ministry of Sport, Manipulating carbohydrate availability to enhance exercise-induced mitochondrial biogenesis within human skeletal muscle, implications for training periodization in temperate and hot environment, Grant value (£): 42000, Duration of research project: 18 months. 2018
LJMU Matched-Funding PhD, Manipulating carbohydrate availability to enhance exercise-induced mitochondrial biogenesis within human skeletal muscle, implications for training periodization in temperate and hot environment., Eve Tiollier and Franck Brocherie (French Institute of Sport), Grant value (£): 61059, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2018
French Ministry of Sport, Investigation of the physiological demands of elite boxing: implications for training, Grant value (£): 35000, Duration of research project: 36 months. 2017
Liverpool Football Club, The importance of hip extension strength for performance and injury prevention in elite soccer players, Dr Barry Drust, Grant value (£): £57.624, Duration of research project: 4 years. 2016
LJMU, Early career research grant to work on a collaborative project with INSEP, Grant value (£): 3350, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2016
Liverpool Football Club, Craig Burnett;s PhD studentship on "The importance of hamstring strength as an indicator for performance in elite youth soccer players", Barry Drust, Thomas Brownlee, Grant value (£): 60000, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2016
Liverpool Football Club, Support of various applied research projects (2 days/week nutrition consultancy + dexa scans), Grant value (£): 45600, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2016
LJMU PhD Scholarship, The impact of exercise on sleep and optimization strategies, Grant value (£): 57624, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2016
LJMU ECR for collaborative project with the French Institute of Sport (INSEP), The effects of fatigue on performance and the kinematics of 3 points shooting in elite basketball., Grant value (£): 3350, Duration of research project: 6 months. 2016
NHS via Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI), The development of non-invasive wireless sensors to track physiologice signs and biochemical markers (Phase 2), Dr Alex Mason, Dr Olga Korostynska, Dr Andy Shaw and Prof Paulo Lisboa, Grant value (£): 172000, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2015
LJMU PhD Scholarship, Manipulating carbohydrate availability to enhance exercise induced mitochondrial biogenesis within human skeletal muscle, Grant value (£): 57624, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2015
French Ministry of Sport, The influence of dehydration on performance and technique in Elite Basketball., Dr Eve Tiollier, Dr Daniel Dinu, Grant value (£): 25000, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2015
EIS/GB Taekwondo/LJMU PhD Scholarship, The physiological and metabolic demands of elite Taekwondo training and competition, Grant value (£): 57624, Duration of research project: 4 years. 2015
Lactalis R&D, The interest of milk proteins for athletes., Dr Christophe Hausswirth, Prof Xavier Bigard, Dr Eve Tiollier, Grant value (£): 70000, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2014
Pepsico R&D, Carbohydrate manipulation to enhance the adaptation to endurance training, Dr Christophe Hausswirth, Dr Yann Le Meur, Grant value (£): 25000, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2013
French Association against doping (AFLD), Identification of indicators of overreaching in athletes in order to prevent doping (part 2: cardiac hypothesis analysis), Christophe Hausswirth, Yann Le Meur, Grant value (£): 60000, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2013
SM Europe (Cryovest), Cyril Schmit PhD scholarship on "The use of cooling jackets to improve sports performance", Christophe Hausswirth, Yann Le Meur, Grant value (£): 90000, Duration of research project: 3 years. 2013
French Association Against Doping (AFLD), Identification of indicators of overreaching in athletes in order to prevent doping (part 1: multifactorial analysis), Christophe Hausswirth, Yann Le Meur, Grant value (£): 60000, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2012
Oxylane R&D, The effect of the electrically assisted bicycle to enhance physical activity and well-being, Jean-Jacques Temprado, Grant value (£): 30000, Duration of research project: 10 months. 2012
French Ministry of Sport, The use of whole-body cryotherapy to improve post-exercise recovery in endurance athletes, Christophe Hausswirth, Grant value (£): 125000, Duration of research project: 2 years. 2011
NFS Laboratory, The use on vitamin and minerals supplementation in masters athletes, Jeanick Brisswalter, Grant value (£): 20000, Duration of research project: 1 year. 2011
Other Professional Activity:
Consultant Nutritionist for the French Triathlon Federation. 2022
Performance Nutritionist AG2R-CITROEN Cycling Team. 2021
External Examiner PGT Sports Programmes at Roehampton University (2020-2024). 2020
Invited lecturer at the University of Toulon, France, Faculty of Sport and Exercise Sciences. 2018
Associate Researcher at the French National Institute of Sport, Expertise and Performance (INSEP, Paris).
Consultant Nutritionist at Lille Football Club (LOSC).
Consultant Nutritionist at Liverpool Football Club.
Consultant Nutritionist for the French Football Federation.
Invited Lecturer in sport nutrition and exercise physiology for MSc programmes at University of Toulon, University of Marseille, University of Paris, and University of Poitiers (2019-present).
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Journal of Sports Sciences.
Editorial boards:
Frontiers in Exercise Physiology, Associate Editor. 2022
PeerJ, Associate Editor. 2021
Nutrients, Editorial Board Member- Sport Nutrition section, https://www.mdpi.com/journal/nutrients/sectioneditors/Sport_Nutrition. 2021
Plos One, Academic Editor, https://journals.plos.org/plosone/. 2021
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living- Elite Sports and Performance Enhancement, Associate Editor. 2021
European Journal of Sport Science, Associate Editor. 2020
Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, Review Editor. 2019
Journal of Sports Sciences, Member of the Scientific Advisory Board. 2017
Industrial connections:
Decathlon AG2R Cycling team, Nutritionist, https://decathlonag2rlamondialeteam.com/le-staff/. 2021
Fellow, European College of Sport Science, https://sport-science.org/index.php/be-part/fellowship. 2021
Fellow, Swiss Sport Nutrition Society. 2017
Fellow, Mexican Sport Nutrition Society. 2016
Fellow and Scientific Board Member, French Whole-Body Cryotherapy society, http://sfcce.fr/the-role-of-whole-body-cryotheraphy-in-the-treatment-of-people-with-degenerative-spine-disease/. 2012
External collaboration:
University of Poitiers, France, Olivier Dupuy, Benoit Duguet. 2018
French Football Federation, Gregory Dupont. 2018
Leeds Becket University (Leeds, UK), M Cédric Leduc, M Carlos Ramirez, Prof Ben Jones. 2018
University of South Toulon-Var (Toulon, France), Dr Thierry Bernard, Dr Fabrice Vercruyssen. 2017
French Institute of Sport, Expertise and Performance (INSEP), Dr Eve Tiollier, Dr Daniel Dinu, Dr Franck Brocherie. 2016
https://www.insep.fr/en, French Institute of Sport (INSEP), Associate Researcher. 2016
University of California (UC Davies, USA), Dr Karine Schaal. 2012
Edith Cowan University (ECU, Perth, Australia), Prof Ken Nosaka, Dr Chriss Abbiss. 2011
University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis (Nice, France), Prof Jeanick Brisswalter. 2009
University of Burgundy, France, Prof Romuald Lepers.
Membership of professional bodies:
Registrant, Sport and Exercise Nutrition Register. 2016
Member, French Sport Medicine Society. 2013
Member, American College of Sport Medicine. 2012
Member, French Association of Researchers in Physical Activity and Sport. 2012
Teaching qualification:
Maitre de conferences (French equivalent for Associate Professor, delivered by the French Ministry of of Research and HIgher Education). 2012