Useful links - PLSU Science
Read through our list of useful websites that can help support you with your placement journey.
Read through our list of useful websites that can help support you with your placement journey.
Read Ryan Paden's story - two years into his three year MA in Counselling and Psychotherapy Practice, Northern Irish student Ryan has the job he wants and a bright future ahead of him.
Healthy Muscle Ageing Conference (HMAC) report
Advice and guidance for new students of LJMU.
We are interested in knowing your preferences for bedroom and workplace designs.
Nathan is a digital marketing graduate who now works for a creative agency. Inspired by one of his lectures, he came up with the ingenious idea to create an online profile for entrepreneur Steven Bartlett, who saw his work and invited him to join his team.
Nicola has more than 25 years of experience in primatology research and teaching, tracing her curiosity about primates back to her childhood growing up in East London and making visits to London Zoo. She is also an advocate for driving forwards inclusivity at the university.
Find out how you can sponsor the European Conference on Behavioural Biology.
Dr Carol Cox is a former police officer who now heads up higher education’s most successful unit for higher skills in policing in England, the Liverpool Centre for Advanced Policing Studies, part of our School of Justice Studies. Carol always wanted to help in the community and has an unshakeable belief in the power of education.
Astrophysics Research Institute