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  1. Marketing, Consumption, Social Engagement and Entrepreneurship

    The Marketing, Consumption, Social Engagement and Entrepreneurship Research Group looks into marketing in technology and digital business, consumerism, social engagement and sustainability, entrepreneurship, civic leadership, and business decision making in SMEs. Find out more about our work, our research team, and who we collaborate with.

  2. Water

    LJMU conserves water with metered monitoring, low flush toilets, water-efficient taps and free water dispensers to reduce plastic waste and carbon emissions.

  3. Benefits

    Explore the benefits available to students at Liverpool John Moores University, including financial support and advice.

  4. Sue Johnston OBE

    Read the oration for Sue Johnston OBE on the award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by Professor Frank Sanderson.

  5. Mrs Shirley Anderson

    Shirley is a graduate of the University of Durham and has an MBA from Lancaster University.

  6. Helen Kerr

    Helen is an LJMU science graduate who has gone on to have a very different but an amazing career in the creative industry as well as a stint at Liverpool Football Club managing former player relations.