Search the LJMU website

  1. Exam self-care tips

    It doesn't matter how long you study for, if you don't look after yourself then your exam performance may be affected.

  2. Anxiety

    If your anxiety is affecting your daily life and is causing you to avoid certain situations, it might be helpful to recognise it and seek support. Find out more about the resources that are available.

  3. Low mood and depression

    It is normal for our mood to fluctuate and for us to experience low mood from time to time. Low mood can include feeling sad, anxious, worried, tired, or even angry. Find out what resources are available if you are suffering from low mood or depression.

  4. Online Wellbeing tools

    Discover lots of useful video and audio guides on the subject of mental health and wellbeing.

  5. Dignity Without Danger

    Dignity Without Danger are concerned with women and girls rights to a dignified menstruation within Nepal. Find out more about this project.

  6. Nepal and gender

    As a part of the LJMU Qualitative Analysis in Action project, you can find out about the gender issues within Nepal.

  7. Being Lean and Seen

    The purpose of the Being Lean and Seen project is to advance project management knowledge with the end goal of helping people deliver successful projects.