Search the LJMU website

  1. Sponsors

    Take a look at the sponsors for the 25th Annual GP2A Medicinal Chemistry Conference.

  2. Getting started

    There is no straightforward recipe for getting your work published, read our guidance and tips on how to get started.

  3. Venue

    How to travel to Liverpool for the conference and what accommodation will be available during your stay.

  4. Programme

    The Experimental Psychology Society workshop takes place on 19 January 2017 at LJMU, find out about the topics and speakers - view the workshop programme.

  5. Dame Philippa Russell

    Read the oration for Dame Philippa Russel on the award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by Sir Bert Massie.

  6. Global Health

    International Health is a cross-cutting theme at the Institute for Health Research, and represents all LJMU research active staff collaborating with overseas partners and conducting international health research and evaluation.

  7. Virtual tour

    Experience LJMU from anywhere with our comprehensive virtual tours. Explore campuses, facilities, faculties, and learn about student life.