Paid opportunities for students to be a part time school tutor
Find out how graduate Ellie Cross became a paid tutor alongside her studies at LJMU and how you can too.
Find out how graduate Ellie Cross became a paid tutor alongside her studies at LJMU and how you can too.
As part of Pensions Awareness Week, Merseyside Pension Fund will be running a series of live online events which aim to increase pensions awareness among active members of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS).
Liverpool John Moores University awards Honorary Fellowship to Gary Millar at Liverpool Cathedral on Thursday 14 July 2016.
This is the fourth consecutive year that LJMU has enjoyed 100 days of stepping and wellbeing - with 78 teams taking part between 23 May and 30 August 2018.
At the final winter graduation ceremony, students from the Faculties of Arts, Professional and Social Studies, Science, and Engineering and Technology celebrated receiving their awards in the Liverpool Anglican Cathedral.
A new Export Controls and Sanctions Policy, in relation to research and knowledge exchange activity, has been approved and added to the LJMU Policy Centre.
LJMU Drama students have joined forces with LJMUs Public Health Institute to create an educational film helping NHS staff deal with the consequences of gang-related violence in hospitals.
The increasing popularity and rapid growth of electronic cigarettes has raised considerable concern about their impact on children and young people.
Wearable tech project to improve outcomes for patients at Clatterbridge hospital
LJMU’s Dr Daniel Silverstone, Director of Liverpool Centre for Advanced Policing Studies, has delivered a series of national media interviews related to his research on human trafficking.