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  1. Women in STEM lecture series: Chi Onwurah MP

    In 1984, there were 14 per cent of female graduates in engineering and technology courses. In 2015, there was still only 14 per cent of female graduates in engineering courses. This sad statistic formed the basis of an impactful lecture by Chi Onwurah MP about the gender imbalance in Science, Technology, Engineering and Technology (STEM) subjects and subsequent careers.

  2. Shakespeare in a nutshell

    Shakespeare; creative genius, wordsmith and innovator, was also a man of the people. His influence on the English language has stood the test of time, and lines such as ‘in a nutshell,’ ‘mum's the word,’ ‘eaten out of house and home,’ ‘all's well that ends well" and ‘a wild goose chase’ are just some of those in common, everyday usage.

  3. Does this painting offend you?

    Was Manchester Art Gallery's removal of JW Waterhouse's Hylas and the Nymphs a brilliant conversation-starter or a PC act of censorship? History of Art lecturer Dr Juliet Caroll and students give their thoughts

  4. Why the menopause matters and workplace support at LJMU

    For the past two years, colleagues across LJMU have been working to better understand and recognise the type of support needed by those experiencing the menopause, and to devise ways to create greater awareness across the organisation.