Creating a Team Stress Survey

Our working patterns and habits have changed. Remote working during COVID and hybrid working have identified a need to improve how the Team Stress Surveys are undertaken.

Setting up a Microsoft Form

We have provided you with a template form for you to copy and save for your own team. Please follow the steps below to create your form:

  • Select this link to the Team Stress Survey Questionnaire.

  • At the top of the screen, select the 'Duplicate it' button

  • If you are already signed in to Microsoft Office, then you will go straight to the form copy

  • If you are not already signed in to Microsoft Office, then you will be taken to a sign-in page. When you see the sign-in page - select your email address

  • At the top of the form:

    • click on the top title that says 'Team Stress Survey Questionnaire (Copy)'

    • add your team name to the title

    • ignore the 'Recommended' questions shown below the title

  • Select the 'Collect responses' button in the top right corner of the screen

  • Now you can copy the URL address for your form. Select the 'Copy link' button

  • Go to your email and paste the copied link into your email message

  • Send the email with the form URL to the Group within your Faculty or Service. You must provide a date stating when the form should be completed.

Viewing the form responses

  • If you have any problems or require any help, please email Paula Quirk.

  • Log into Microsoft Forms

  • Open the Team Stress Survey Questionnaire form to review the results, and then select the 'Responses' tab in the top left hand corner of the screen

  • You can also view all the response data for your form in Microsoft Excel. Select 'Open in Excel' and an excel document will be downloaded to your computer

  • Save the Excel spreadsheet and send it to your Directors or Managers.

  • Share with the team.

Deciding if a risk assessment is required

Download the Team Stress Risk Assessment Form (Word 41KB)

A determination will be made by the team’s leader about the requirement to move to the risk assessment stage (if the questions receive 50% or more negative responses (yes/no and open text) in one or more of the categories. If these thresholds are met, a risk assessment (and action plan) is initiated. In any case, the leader of the team should share the results of the survey with the team in question and undertake a risk assessment, if required.

Surveys, and where appropriate, risk assessments must be undertaken and reviewed every twelve months.