Advice and Guidance for Collaborative Partners

Please see below a range of information, web links and contact details, which can be used to inform the development and operation of Collaborative Programmes, delivered in partnership with the University.

If you have any queries which are not answered below, please raise a Helpdesk or alternatively please contact

Faq Items

Key contacts

Academic Appeals

Academic Calendar

Academic Registry training schedule and partnerships forum

Academic regulations, policies and quality processes

Access to Continuing Professional Development opportunities at the university

Admissions requirements

Alumni community

Boards of Study

Careers advice and resources

Certificates and transcripts

Collaborative student admissions

Collaborative student enrolment

Exchange of information

Forgotten username or password


IT software licences

Language of delivery

Library Services

Link Tutor

LJMU committees

Marketing and public information

Partner Programme Leader

Programme and module student surveys and evaluation

Programme guides and module information

Recognition of Prior (Experiential) Learning

Staff and students: Problems accessing LJMU services

Staff approval

Student Complaints

Student Enrolment and Change of Status

Student results

Student support and Student Advice and Wellbeing

Students at the Heart Conference

Types of partnership

Virtual Learning Environment - Canvas
