Student Attendance and Engagement Policy

The University has an obligation to ensure that it has accurate records of all student attendance for funding and other statutory returns, alongside its legal duty to report to UK Visas and Immigration. Students who are in receipt of bursaries, sponsorship or other funding should be aware that the University may be obliged to report any absences to the relevant funding authority, and this may affect their funding. International (Tier 4) students should be aware that the University has a duty to ensure students fully engage with their studies throughout the duration of their programme of study. Information regarding attendance for international students can be found online.

Some programmes may have additional attendance requirements specified by their Professional Statutory and Regulatory Body (PSRB). Additional requirements can be found in the relevant programme guide. Attendance data is utilised by the Learner Digital Engagement Software for academic and support staff to obtain an overall picture of a student’s engagement.

  1. The University expects all students to attend all programme related course activity, including, but not restricted to: timetabled teaching sessions; research supervision sessions; placements and personal tutorials. Failure to attend all required sessions may result in a student not being allowed to continue with their programme of studies.  
  2. Attendance will be monitored on a regular basis throughout the weeks during those parts of a course/period of study where timetabled sessions, research supervision sessions, and personal tutorials are being held. 
  3. Students who fail to attend for one week will be contacted via an automated email to ascertain their circumstances. 
  4. Students who fail to attend for three weeks will be contacted via an automated email to ascertain their circumstances. 
  5. Students who have failed to attend for four consecutive weeks without sufficient explanation and authorisation will receive an automated email advising that they will now be required to attend an interview with the Programme Leader to discuss their continuation on the programme of study. Faculties will send the meeting appointment to students following this email. 
  6.  At this meeting, the student and Programme Leader will formulate the Student Attendance Agreement  A range of outcomes are available to the Programme Leader, including a recommendation for withdrawal from the programme of studies. 
  7. Failure to attend this interview without prior notice may lead to withdrawal from the programme of studies. Please see Withdrawal Policy: - LJMU Policy Centre. 
  8. Students are permitted a maximum of two Student Attendance Agreements per academic year. Continued non-attendance following a second attendance agreement may result in withdrawal from the University. 
  9. To initiate student withdrawal for non-attendance please liaise with the School/Faculty Admin Office for processing advice. 
  10.  Students, academic staff, and support staff all have a responsibility to ensure that any changes in student circumstances are promptly reported to the appropriate team for action. 

Please note
This policy applies to level 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 students.

Student Attendance Appeals

If a student feels that the processes detailed in this policy have not been applied correctly, then they have the right to appeal a decision made by a Faculty relating to their status on a programme of study. Students should follow the procedure detailed below.
  • Appeals should be made in writing within 10 working days of the Faculty decision, clearly stating details/evidence of the grounds on which they are appealing the decision. The University reserves the right to reject appeals if they are submitted outside of the specified deadline. 
  • Appeals should be addressed to the Head of Registry Services and can be submitted by emailing
  • Appeals will be acknowledged in writing, advising that the appeal may take up to 10 working days to consider. Students may attend classes during the appeals process. An investigation will be initiated to ensure that the Faculty have followed due process.
  • If it is found that the Faculty have not followed the due process as stated in the Student Attendance Policy, then the appeal will be upheld.
  • If it is found that the Faculty have followed due process as stated in the Student Attendance Policy, then the appeal will not be upheld.
  • Students will be formally notified of appeal decisions in writing and issued with a Completion of Procedures letter.
  • Appeal decisions are final.
  • If a student is dissatisfied with the final outcome of their appeal and believe that the University has failed to follow this appeal procedure correctly, they may take their case to the Officer of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education.

Further information can be found at:

Independent advice is available to students at John Moores Students Union (JMSU) Advice and Information centre on telephone 0151 231 4900, email

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