Computing Account Definition and Entitlements

Use of the University computing facilities is subject to adherence to the terms and conditions of computer use, good practice guidance and the operational policies defined by IT Services. These can be found on the ITS Policies pages.

Your computing account

You are entitled to a computer account as soon as you become a member of LJMU. Your account is operable until you cease to be a member of the University.

Account definition

You are defined as a member of staff if your details are recorded in the People and Organisational Development System (Staff InfoBase).

You are defined as a student if your details are recorded in the Student Information System (SIS) as being registered for a Programme of Study at LJMU.

Your entitlements

You are provided with an account, accessed via a username and password, which enables you to log on to the LJMU network to access facilities that include:

Usage limitations

  • The extent to which some entitlements can be used is restricted by quotas which are assigned at a level determined by the category of user
  • Your ability to utilise the full extent of an allocated quota is subject to the overall availability of disk space
  • The contents of your personal file store, your OneDrive store and email store are retained until your account is terminated, except in exceptional circumstances dictated by operational necessity
  • It is your responsibility to manage the content of your file stores and email store appropriately.
  • Printing for Staff and PG Researchers - All costs arising from use of the University's printing facilities will be charged to your faculty or department.
  • Printing for Students - You must meet any charges incurred as a result of using the printing facilities.

Storage allocation

Personal file store (M Drive)

  • Your default file store quota for a member of staff or a student is 4GB.


  • Staff and Students have a free allocation of 1TB.

Email storage

  • The default for a member of staff is 500MB. The default for a student is 250MB