
Occupational Health (OH) aims to provide an efficient and high quality service to all our service users.

As well as constantly looking for ways to develop and improve our services, we also aim to continue doing the things that are positively acknowledged by our service users. If you have received any aspect of the service that has been positive and helpful, it would be appreciated if this is communicated to us to ensure that we maintain a quality service. This can be done by contacting the Senior Occupational Health Nurse; Julie Squire, either by:

  • Email:
  • Letter: Occupational Health Unit, 68 Mount Pleasant, Liverpool L3 5UX

If however, you are unhappy with any aspect of your care or the service you receive in Occupational Health (OH), please speak to a member of the OH team as soon as possible using the contact details above.

Our aims are to:

  • deal with complaints openly, promptly and properly;
  • try to resolve complaints as soon as we can; and
  • learn from complaints to improve our services.