Research Excellence Framework

Ref 2021The Research Excellence Framework is the peer review process by which the quality of research taking place in UK higher education institutions is assessed. The UK higher education funding bodies use the outcomes of the REF to allocate about £1.6 billion per year of research funding to UK universities (quality-related; QR funding).

UK Universities last submitted a return to the REF in March 2021 and LJMU’s results are as follows:

Where 4* is ‘world-leading’; 3* ‘internationally excellent’; 2* ‘internationally-recognised’; 1* ‘nationally recognised’; U/C ‘unclassified’. See LJMU’s news piece on the REF2021 results.

As part of the University’s REF preparations, a code of practice was developed which set-out LJMU's approach to decision-making processes for REF2021, including: 

  • the fair and transparent identification of staff with significant responsibility for research
  • determining who is an independent researcher, and
  • the selection of research outputs (including support for staff with circumstances that have constrained their ability to work productively over the REF assessment period)

An equality impact assessment (opens in a new tab) on these processes has been undertaken.