
Counterterrorism Advice

The threat of terrorism in the UK is SEVERE, which means an attack is highly likely.

While we live in turbulent and uncertain times there has been no specific threat to the University, but it is important for us all to stay vigilant.

Security at LJMU is not the sole responsibility of security staff we all have a responsibility to ensure that our campus is a safe environment for everyone - staff, students and visitors.

If you see anything suspicious or have any concerns contact security immediately on 2222.

For further advice and guidance, the UK Government has issued guidance for members of the public that contains useful numbers and online tools that can be used to report suspicious activity.

Making LJMU a safer environment

We work closely with authorities and the local communities to make your Experience at LJMU as safe as possible.

Please take some time to read our advisory tips below:

Faq Items

When out and about

When using cash machines

How to handle trouble

Protecting personal property

For more information