Action Short of Strike and Marking and Assessment Boycott

April 2023

Faq Items

What is action short of strike (ASOS)

What action will be taken as part of UCU's ASOS?

Can staff who are not UCU members elect to take part in ASOS including a marking and assessment boycott (MAB)?

What are my contractual duties?

How do I know if duties I am being asked to perform are additional to contractual duties?

What type of work is covered by the Marking and Assessment Boycott (MAB)?

Can I participate in the marking and assessment boycott that UCU has proposed without any impact to me?

How will my pay be reduced if I'm participating in MAB?

If I am not participating in the MAB but I am participating in other forms of ASOS will I receive a salary deduction?

When will the MAB commence?

Do I need to notify the university that I intend to take part in the action?

What if I change my mind about participating in the MAB?

Can my line manager ask me if I am participating in industrial action consisting of MAB?

I am not taking part in the boycott, am I required to cover for colleagues are?

Can managers ask colleagues to prioritise marking and assessment duties over other duties?

When will deductions be made from my salary payments?

Will I be reimbursed any withheld pay if I participate in the MAB but later complete marking and assessment duties? 

What will happen to pension contributions if I participate in the MAB?

How will information on my participation in the MAB be used by the University?