HERA is an analytical job evaluation scheme which has been specifically designed to support the analysis of the roles found in Higher Education. The scheme has been rigorously tested at a national level to ensure that it is fit for purpose. HERA is now the scheme most commonly used by Universities and Colleges of Higher Education to analyse and evaluate roles.

The scheme is made up of fourteen elements, each of which has a series of questions which seek examples of activity required of a role. A trained HERA analyst will gather evidence of role requirements through the job description so that the job can be evaluated under the fourteen elements. The information is then analysed to produce a total HERA points score which determines the grade banding that a role falls into on the University pay and grading structure.

Summary of HERA elements

The HERA Questionnaire

For more information visit: ECC

Faq Items


Teamwork and motivation

Liaison and networking

Service delivery

Decision making processes and outcomes

Planning and organising resources

Initiative and problem-solving

Analysis and research

Sensory and physical demands

Work environment

Pastoral care and welfare

Team development

Teaching and learning support

Knowledge and experience