LJMU’s Customer Relationship Management system (CRM) is currently used for managing interactions in relation to admissions, student recruitment, international enquiries, careers and student advice and wellbeing, and aims to create a single repository of all interactions with students throughout the entire student lifecycle, from enquiry through to alumni.

Since 2015 LJMU have been using Microsoft Dynamics (replacing the previous Oracle CRM). Present capabilities of Dynamics include enquiry management, event management, marketing campaigns, case management and management information on one platform.

Users of the system are supported by Business Support team, with additional technical support within ITS. We also have third party support from Crimson Consultants.

If you require access to the system, you can do so via the Corporate Systems Access Request Form. If you have any questions/issues about Microsoft Dynamics CRM then your first point of contact is Business Support team.

Please get in touch with us via Helpdesk by accessing the LJMU HelpMe below.

CRM guides