Student information System security and access

Requesting access to the Student Information System

We have created a form to enable users to request access to the Student Information System and/or Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Please note
Access may be refused if the form is not completed correctly.

Access levels within SIS

Access roles have been developed in the Student Information System (SIS).

Roles are job specific and contain permissions to enable access to data for information and processing were applicable. In some areas, different tiers of access have been defined to reflect the different levels of responsibility within a job. These roles are attached to user accounts to provide bespoke level of access to provide easier navigation and enhance the user experience.

If you cannot find a job specific role suitable for yourself and require access to SIS, please raise a request via helpdesk specifying: your job, what you need access for and the data you would like to access. This will help inform the creation of a role.

How to access the Student Information System

You can access SIS direct through a browser using an LJMU direct access laptop or a desktop PC in an LJMU building.

Alternatively, you can search for the Student Information System via the JMU AppPlayer.

Authenticate using your network username and password.

Who can access the Student Information System (SIS)

Academic staff have access to MODCAT and the Faculty Center. The Faculty Center provides links to class rosters, photographs and much more.

Administration staff - any staff that require access to the SIS and have completed any requisite training are able to access the system.