Content ideas and requests

The Corporate Communications team welcomes suggestions for stories and content from colleagues across the university.

If you have a story idea you would like to be considered for inclusion on our internal and/or external channels, please get in touch via

What’s the story?

We are looking for content that tells the university’s story and brings to life the vision, values, principles and aims of the LJMU Strategy 2030.

We want to share stories with a strong, distinctive news angle, which show the great things we do at LJMU and the positive impact they have on our students, staff, community and wider society.

Information to include in a request

We receive many requests each week, so please be aware that we may not be able to cover every story suggestion.

Please give us as much notice as possible, particularly if there are fixed timescales relating to events, deadlines or publication dates.

You can help us prioritise the stories we cover by providing as much information as possible:

  • A summary of the news story
  • The target audience
  • Who is involved from LJMU
  • Any partners or collaborators involved
  • Any calls to action or links to webpages/content with further information
  • Images/video content that enhances the story
  • Any social media handles to tag
  • Any key dates

Once we have reviewed your request alongside our other communications activity and capacity, we will come back to you with our suggested approach.