What is the Redeployment Process?

The redeployment process assists the University and its staff by avoiding the need for compulsory redundancy.  By redeploying an existing member of staff, the University retains valuable skills and knowledge, limits the need for posts to be advertised externally and reduces associated advertising costs. The redeployment process has been developed to provide a centralised resource for use by recruiting departments to source staff who may be suitable for vacancies. Redeployed staff continue to enjoy the benefit of working at Liverpool John Moores University and have the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills further. 

It is not a service for people wanting a change of career.

What is the Redeployment Register?

This is a database which contains an outline of the details of all staff that are at risk of redundancy.  It holds information such as name, job title, job grade and the end date of the contract.   The register provides staff at risk of redundancy with the opportunity to apply for suitable vacancies prior to release on the University vacancy page. 

How does redeployment work?

You apply for vacancies which are advertised on the redeployment website – this is specifically for staff at risk of redundancy and holds details of all the current vacancies generally before they are released for further advertising. To apply you will be required to complete the on-line application as you would for any job advertised at LJMU which meets the requirements of the vacancy’s person specification and Job Description

After the closing date your application is sent to the relevant recruiting department.   A short listing panel will then assess your application and consider if it meets at least 75% of the essential criteria for the post, including any critical criteria required.  Those who are shortlisted will be invited to attend an appropriate selection process.

Am I eligible for redeployment?

There are a number of reasons why you could be eligible for redeployment, including:

  1. You are at risk of redundancy and have 12 months service at LJMU by the date you would be redundant
  2. Medical reasons, supported by Occupational Health;

In a restructuring situation staff who are at risk of redundancy will be placed on the redeployment register once the consultation has been concluded and the new structure is moving into implementation.  Where there is a termination of a fixed term contract the staff involved will be placed on to the redeployment register 4 weeks before they commence their redundancy notice period.

Who do I contact?

For further information about Redeployment, please contact your HR Business Partner.

I think that I am eligible for Redeployment - what do I do now?

You will be contacted prior to the end of your contract by your HR Business Partner, who will arrange a meeting to discuss this further; if you have any further questions please contact your HR Business Partner.

You will be able to access the redeployment website by using your current user name and password. You can then log-in to the website and view the current vacancies.

What if I need to update my skills?

The University is committed to supporting staff that may be at risk of redundancy by providing relevant training and support to staff that are eligible for redeployment.   Careers advice, CV writing and interview skills are available through the learning and development team. 

Can I be considered for a job on a different grade?

If you see a vacancy advertised which is of a lower grade than your current salary you can apply but you will be offered the role on pay protection, up to a maximum of 3 years if you are successfully appointed. Full pay protection will be applied for the first two years of the pay protection period, whilst the third year of pay protection will be applied within one grade of the salary of the substantive post. For example, should a member of staff be paid at grade 5 and subsequently accept a post at grade 3 or below, his/her pay protection will operate as follows: first two years at grade 5, with the third year being paid at the top incremental point of grade 4.

Is the redeployment register confidential?

Only staff in HR will have access to the information on the register.

I am in a role that is externally funded and we don't know if there will be any further funding for my current post, what will happen?

If your role is at risk and you have 12 months service at the date of the end of your fixed term contract, you will be placed on the Redeployment Register, 4 weeks before you commence your redundancy notice period. If you are successful in finding suitable alternative employment via redeployment during this period you will be expected to take up the new role.  If you have not have been successful in finding a new role, and additional funding does become available you can continue in your current role, subject to the funding, and your details will be removed from the Register.

The job seems suitable, but what if I'm not sure?

It is possible to accept a role on an initial trial basis of 4 weeks. In exceptional circumstances there may be a skill, or skills, that the individual does not currently possess the trial period can be extended. This may range from 4 weeks to a maximum of 3 months. Towards the end of the trial period, there will be a full review. The trial period is a two way process and the department may decide that you are unsuitable.

How long do you advertise the vacancies for?

The vacancies will normally be advertised on the redeployment website for 10 days before proceeding to wider advertisement.

Are all jobs in the University advertised on the redeployment website?

All vacancies will normally be advertised for a minimum of 10 calendar days on the redeployment vacancies website before proceeding to wider advertisement.  However, there may be circumstances where there is a special Business case or in the case of a specialist post this may not apply, although staff members on the register may still apply for the post and receive priority status.

It should be noted, there may be posts that are ring fenced during internal re-structures in the first instance before going on redeployment.

Should you apply when the post has already been advertised on the redeployment register, you will not get priority status.

I am a Recruiting Manager how do I use the redeployment register?

If you have a post to advertise speak to your HRBusiness Partner and they will guide you through the redeployment process. Please note that, when recruiting, you will need to consider that the post may be first advertised to priority candidates for 10 days.

What happens if I apply for a role and am successful, but then another role is advertised that I would like to apply for?

If you have successfully been appointed to a role, you will be removed from the redeployment register and therefore if you wish to apply for another post you will not secure priority status.

Related policies:

  1.  Managing Organisational Change (Appendix 2 – Redeployment Policy)
  2. Redeployment Procedure (Health and/or Disability)