Securing your devices

Don't let hackers break in: strengthen your defences!

In today’s digital landscape, securing your devices against cybercriminals is very important.

By securing your devices, you can significantly reduce the risk of them being compromised. Here are some tips:

  • Use Multi-Factor authentication (MFA) wherever possible, as it is a free security feature which strengthens the protection on your accounts by texting a code to your mobile phone to check you are really the person trying to access your account
  • If you use a ‘security question’ as a security feature then make sure the answer is as hard to guess as your password
  • Updates – ensure your devices have the latest app and software updates installed, as these often contain patches for flaws in systems
  • Back-up your devices – back up your data regularly to an external location so that your information stays safe even if your device is compromised (many devices have an automatic back-up option which can be turned on)
  • Keep your device locked – hackers can also physically exploit your device to try to access your information, so ensure you lock your devices when they are not in use and be careful where you leave them when you’re in a public space


  • Don’t click on pop-ups or links sent via suspicious emails or text messages.
  • Do not contact the telephone number provided in a suspicious text or email.
  • Never download software at the request of an unknown individual that has contacted you.
  • Never allow an unknown individual who contacted you to have control of your computer.

Protecting Devices from viruses and malware

Ransomware – prevention and recovery

More information for individuals can be found on the National Cyber Security Centre. Useful articles include: Advice on how to stay secure online and Cyber Action Plan.