NAH Mandatory Recording Guidance
Additional recording guidance for NAH colleagues
Additional recording guidance for NAH colleagues
Find out more about the positive action training scheme that helps LJMU employ more local people of colour.
School of Civil Engineering and Built Environment specialise in Architectural Engineering, Civil Engineering, Construction Management and Civil Engineering. Find out more about the Department's courses, research and staff here.
International Health is a cross-cutting theme at the Institute for Health Research, and represents all LJMU research active staff collaborating with overseas partners and conducting international health research and evaluation.
By studying the gas and stars that shape the Milky Way as well as other galaxies in the local Universe, we can understand the life cycles of stars like our Sun, unravel the chemical enrichment history of the universe, and probe the existence of black holes across a wide mass spectrum.
LJMU have reviewed their quality assurance processes and have developed and standardised a more robust reporting mechanism for both practice partners and academic staff.
Staff Governor - Teaching
Member of the Board of Governors
Equality charter marks or “charters” enable organisations to apply for awards that recognise their commitment to and progression of, equality, diversity and inclusion related areas.
Find out how to contact the Department of Sociology and its staff members.