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  1. MSc Management

    LJMU's Management Masters is delivered by specialist academics with an in-depth grasp of how to deploy and manage global strategies in the 21st century.

  2. MSc Natural Products Discovery

    This new MSc in Natural Products Discovery is designed to train graduates to fulfil the increased worldwide demand for experts in the development of natural medicines, nutraceuticals and cosmetics.

  3. LLM Master of Laws | Part-time

    LJMU's taught LLM is designed for those who want to select modules from our specialist Masters programmes in law and criminal justice and be taught by legal specialists.

  4. MA International Relations | Part-time

    LJMU's innovative International Relations MA provides a grounding in key theory while examining in depth issues of enduring international significance.

  5. MSc Investment and Finance

    LJMU's MSc Investment and Finance is ideal for those wishing to pursue a career in the financial or accounting sectors.