Neil Chester
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Sport and Exercise Sciences
Faculty of Science | School of Sport and Exercise Sciences | Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences
Public Health Institute
From the effects of global pandemics to issues such as health inequalities and the impact of drugs and alcohol on communities and individuals, the study of public health is one that affects all of us.
Policies related to data protection: Authority to release form, Data Protection Policy, How to request your personal information, Request for information template, Student data collection notice, Obtaining Occupational Health Records and Occupational Health Records Request Form.
The Mechanical Engineering and Materials Research Centre (MEMARC) have a number of PhD research opportunities. Find out more about postgraduate study within MEMARC.
The Centre for the Study of Crime, Criminalisation and Social Exclusion's publications.
These decolonising research and curriculum resources to help introduce decolonisation to Postgraduate Researchers (PGRs) through the subheadings of ‘why’, ‘what’, and ‘how’.
The process to follow for anyone wishing to deposit material into LJMU Special Collections and Archives.