Winter graduation recognises achievements
To Dream, Plan and Achieve
To Dream, Plan and Achieve
Find out more about the recent Roscoe Lecture delivered by Professor Peter Toyne CBE DL: Memories and Milestones
Shadow Home Secretary makes case for Britain’s continued EU membership at Roscoe Lecture
LJMU is today celebrating success after receiving three prestigious awards including the national Times Higher Education (THE) Award for Outstanding Employer Initiative, beating off competition from other UK universities.
Natural England expert Sarah Dalrymple welcomes assisted migration of trees
On the eve of this year's Eurovision song contest, LJMU Astrophysics Professor Andy Newsam analyses the UKs Space Man entry and ponders how the lyrics stand up in the real universe.
LJMU students and alumni joined forces with Crabbie's Grand National to showcase elements of the three-day world-renowned racing Festival at the Museum of Liverpool.
As part of their tenth year in the John Lennon Building celebrations, the Liverpool School of Art and Design posed this question to pupils at St Nicholas Catholic Primary School, providing a chance for artistic designs to flourish and future aspirations to be discussed.
We are delighted to confirm the return of our ever-popular Roscoe Lecture Series, in this our special bicentenary year. There will be three Roscoe lectures in 2023 in March, May and October.
LJMU is launching a brand new look and menu across all of our catering outlets.