Honorary Fellow Lady Grantchester
Oration for Honorary Fellowship award
Oration for Honorary Fellowship award
Researchers have shown that, contrary to previous arguments, great apes do have control over their voice, and can learn how to ‘speak,’ throwing new light on the evolution of speech.
Two third year paramedic students sprang to action last week to help a casualty who had fallen on Rodney Street, Liverpool.
Almost 2,000 students have graduated from global online courses since 2020
Joanne joins Liverpool Business School as an Adjunct Professor.
Graduation week kicked off in the sunshine at Liverpool Cathedral today as we celebrated with students from the Schools of Natural Sciences and Psychology and Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences.
As gyms reopened their doors this week, two of LJMU's sport and exercise scientists shared their views with LJMU Corporate Comms and with The Times newspaper.
Study calls into question National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) support for HRT in managing menopausal symptoms
Students with exciting business ideas are benefitting from a new partnership with banking giant NatWest.
Maritime connections and raising the aspirations of women lie behind LJMU’s Winter 2019 Honorary Awards.