Forensic research networks
The Forensic Research Institute run six research networks covering a wide range of specialisms, each competing nationally and globally for funding to pioneer cutting-edge scholarship.
The Forensic Research Institute run six research networks covering a wide range of specialisms, each competing nationally and globally for funding to pioneer cutting-edge scholarship.
The built environment is everything to do with the design, construction and management of buildings and structures to support life’s basic needs. Explore our built environment courses.
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School of Biological and Environmental Sciences
School of Law
Pooja is a Reader in Suicide and Self-Harm Prevention in the School of Psychology, having joined LJMU in 2018. For more than a decade, her dedication to researching suicide has taken her out of the lecture theatre and into the field, playing a vital role in helping to establish James’ Place, the first safe, accessible service for suicidal men in community settings.
Learn more about race and racism in Liverpool and the UK.
Find out more about BEST's expertise in sustainable resource processing and planning.
School of Sport Studies, Leisure and Nutrition