Expertise within MEMARC
The Mechanical Engineering and Materials Research Centre (MEMARC) has four research groups. Here you can find out more about each of these research groups and their individual specialisms.
The Mechanical Engineering and Materials Research Centre (MEMARC) has four research groups. Here you can find out more about each of these research groups and their individual specialisms.
Read the full oration for Mike Houghton on the Award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University.
The Mechanical Engineering and Materials Research Centre (MEMARC) have published a variety of research papers and publications.
Here at LJMU, we recognise that your service and time spent in the Armed Forces has provided you with a range of skills and attributes that will enable you to excel in your studies at university and to reach your potential as you take the next step into civilian life.
Department of Civil Engineering
Find out more about the staff from the General Engineering Research Institute. Read the GERI researchers' profiles, publications and contact details.
Organized since 2002 under the auspices of the Fluvial Hydraulics Committee of the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR), the River Flow Conference Series has become one of the main international forum for dissemination of research and industrial practice on fluvial hydraulics and river engineering.
Read the oration for John Kennedy CBE on the award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by Professor Frank Sanderson.
Read the publications and papers the General Engineering Research Institute's (GERI)researchers have published.
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