Time to heed warnings on 'silent killer'
Public Health Conference at LJMU with experts on carbon monoxide poisoning
Public Health Conference at LJMU with experts on carbon monoxide poisoning
Paper in Cell Genomics starts to tell story of life and population of Bahrain
The exclusive Liverpool John Moores University outreach project funded by the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) has completed its first successful year.
Liverpool Football Club’s former CEO Ian Ayre delivers Roscoe lecture on the football industry of today and tomorrow.
Eight students and staff from the School of Law laced up their trainers and ran the Liverpool half marathon on Sunday 27 March, in aid of local homeless and housing charity the Whitechapel Centre.
Centre for Net Zero Maritime Energy Solutions launched by LJMU, University of Liverpool and industry partners
Merseyside Police and LJMU relationship, a model for England and Wales
LJMU has released its latest film to celebrate the bicentennial of the university. The film titled 200 years of ‘Yes you can’ celebrates the university’s long history within the city, raising people up.
National Schools Observatory win major prize
Somerset House hosts 'The Missing Thread - Untold Stories of Black British Fashion' co-curated by Andrew Ibi of Liverpool School of Art and Design