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  1. Speaker profiles:

    Pledge to contribute to nurturing and inspiring to drive Advanced Practice forward.

  2. Cardiovascular Health Sciences Research Group

    Our research aims to improve cardiovascular health via exercise training and physical activity. Our two main areas of expertise are cardiac function and structure and vascular function and structure in health and disease.

  3. The Heterosis Projects

    Embracing hybridity and promoting heterosis across and between the Labs, cultures, disciplines and forms of knowledge within ART LABS.

  4. Old friends, new beginnings

    Today we find ourselves in uncharted territory; disorientating and unfamiliar waters leaving many of us dealing with a new routine, on the hunt for novel solutions and new ways of working. Read more...

  5. David Moyes

    Read the oration for David Moyes on the award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by Professor Frank Sanderson.