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  1. MA Criminology | Part-time

    MA Criminology at Liverpool John Moores University aims to engage students in cutting-edge debates in criminology, you’ll look at some of the most recent and advanced intellectual developments from around the world in relation to crime, (in)justice, and social harm.

  2. MA Criminology

    MA Criminology at Liverpool John Moores University aims to engage students in cutting-edge debates in criminology, you’ll look at some of the most recent and advanced intellectual developments from around the world in relation to crime, (in)justice, and social harm.

  3. MSc Positive Psychology and Wellbeing

    LJMU's Positive Psychology and Wellbeing MSc promotes the human virtues, strengths and skills at the heart of happiness, wellbeing and a meaningful, engaged life.

  4. MSc Sport Coaching

    This LJMU Sport Coaching Masters enables coaches to analyse and critically reflect on their personal coaching practice, providing the skills to coach at elite level.

  5. MSc Sport Coaching | Part-time

    This LJMU Sport Coaching Masters enables coaches to analyse and critically reflect on their personal coaching practice, providing the skills to coach at elite level.

  6. MSc Cyber Security

    LJMU's Cyber Security MSc enables students with computing and related experience to further their studies in this challenging and much in-demand sector.