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  1. Ben Matellini

    Department of Maritime and Mechanical Engineering

  2. Bee Hughes

    School of Humanities and Social Sciences

  3. Liverpool Screen School

    The Liverpool Screen School delivers excellent programmes within media, journalism, the performing arts and writing. See more about our specialties, research and the facilities we have to offer.

  4. Global Summer Schools

    LJMU’s Better Futures Summer Schools provide global learning, academic activities, and cultural excursions in partnership with top universities.

  5. Exhibition Research Lab

    The Exhibition Research Lab is the first centre devoted to the study of exhibitions. We have ties with Tate Liverpool, the Liverpool Biennial, as well as six major European museums and a network of arts institutions. Find out more about the Lab's collaborations and projects.

  6. Eco-Innovatory case studies

    The Low Carbon Eco-Innovatory helps local businesses by creating innovative low carbon goods, processes and services. Read the case studies to find out who we work with and how we have helped these businesses.

  7. Bas Pilar

    Bas moved from Spain to study in Liverpool after friendship with the online gaming community brought him to the city. Since then, he has become an award-winning engineering student and is making a difference to the energy sector by creating ways to heat homes and buildings more efficiently.

  8. Richard Stilgoe OBE

    Read the oration for Richard Stilgoe OBE on the award of their Honorary Fellowship from Liverpool John Moores University presented by Professor Frank Sanderson.

  9. Radio City

    Liverpool's Radio City commenced broadcasting on 21 October 1974.