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Dr Joanne Knowles, Senior Lecturer in Media, Culture and Communication, School of Humanities and Social Science, comments on why the Christmas TV schedule is still so eagerly anticipated, even in the age of on-demand viewing.
Research on the passage of time by Professor Ruth Ogden and PhD candidate Jessica Thompson
A Liverpool John Moores University law student has been awarded the prestigious national Neuberger Prize for her outstanding academic achievement.
Academics and practitioners interested in integrated care across the Liverpool City Region are encouraged to attend the inaugural event on Wednesday 10 July.
LJMU Chancellor Sir Brian Leveson welcomes delegates from universities across the world at the European Association for International Education conference in Liverpool.
Liverpool John Moores University’s ambitious plans to transform a disused city centre site into state-of-the-art student facilities have been given the go-ahead. Liverpool City Council’s Planning Committee today (Tuesday 9 October) approved the plans for the former Royal Mail site on Copperas Hill.
Researchers at the LJMU Astrophysics Research Institute have recently joined Galaxy Zoo, a 'citizen science' driven astronomy project.
The competition for scholarly snaps will take place again at this year's Research and Innovation Day on Wednesday 19th June. To be a part of this competition please submit your pictures by Wednesday 5th June.
A new study lead by LJMU has found that the visual abilities of competitive football players are substantially better than those of healthy non-athletes.